The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand eighty. Power struggle! Floating astronomy

Nash never knew that John Oslo had been released, and he had completely fallen into the hands of the resistance organization.

The endless stream of attacks has made Nash feel a headache. Now, more than a dozen attacks have occurred almost every day, and the most abhorrent thing is that the attackers have to do something Nash can’t judge.

He had thought that the attackers would have made some big moves recently, but what he didn’t think was that the members of the resistance organizations seemed to like such a small fight. They did not have specific targets or even specific purposes. However, Nash had to be on the lookout for 24 hours. The more he did, the more he did not allow himself to make any mistakes. He is a dedicated person.

Regrets – knowing so and so on, can never be an excuse for Nash.

Almost all the power that he could use in his hands was sent out, and even his headquarters had few people. If there are several more attacks, he does not know what to do.

“Mr. Secretary, your call seems to be from your wife.” Just as Nash was upset, his secretary suddenly brought him such a message.

“Come in, get in my office right away!” Nash couldn’t wait to grab the phone. The voice came from the voice of his wife, Elinda: “We were kidnapped, come and save us!”

“where are you?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.” Elinda cried and said: “We were taken to a place we don’t know. Every day, a person is watching us. Just now, the watcher seems to have had epilepsy, God, I killed him, I killed him! So I can use the phone!”

“Don’t be nervous, Elinda!” Nash hurriedly comforted his wife: “Look there is anything that will allow you to escape?”

“No, I have seen it. The door is locked, I can’t open it, can’t open it!”

“Calm down, Elinda, I have to know where to save you.” Nash controlled his heartbeat: “If you can see the outside, tell me, is there any special landmark building outside?”

“You wait for me. Don’t hang up the phone.” After the meeting, Elinda’s voice was re-transmitted: “I saw all the trees around, nothing else, ah, we seem to be in one In a two-story building.”

Nash suddenly thought of a problem. How did Eileda, who was never willing to hurt any small animal, have the courage to kill? But when his doubts just came into being, the voice of his daughter Bella was also passed from the phone: “Dad. Help us, save us!”

“Nash, Bella has a fever, she is very sad, very sad! Nash, I only ask you once, you can leave me alone. But please don’t give up our daughter! Those people will come back soon.”

Nash’s heart became confused. No one around him knows how much he loves his wife and daughter. . . . . . He used to deeply hurt Elinda, and he vowed that such a thing would never happen for the second time. . . . . .

“Wait for me, I will come to save you soon, remember to find something to slam the door!” Nash put down the phone and summoned all the eight agents he could call.

It is necessary to save your wife and daughter, no matter what kind of price you have to pay. And only after a few minutes of research. Nash can be sure that the place where Elinda and Bella are held is near a forest on the outskirts of London. There is only one second-floor building, and finding it is not a difficult thing.

But just as he was about to leave, the phone on his desk rang again. This time Nash reported that there were two more bombings in London and a fierce gun battle.

A high degree of responsibility makes Nash hesitate. . . . . . He was thinking about it for a while, pointing to five of the agents who said: “You will deal with these cases immediately!”

“But there are only three people around you.” One agent was hesitant.

“It doesn’t matter, the kidnappers won’t be too much.” Nash said with great certainty: “I can go with three people.”

This time Nash has forgotten all the dangers. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“You did very well. Elinda.” Looking at Elinda, who was holding her daughter, Wang Weizhen comforted: “I once again ask you to rest assured that we are only dealing with your husband, your mother. The woman will never suffer any form of harm. Hey. Bella has a fever the next day she is caught, but we are looking for a doctor to cure her. Do you still have anything to worry about?”

Elinda just put a little bit of heart down. To be honest, although these people caught their mother and daughter, they did not abuse them at all, and they were very polite to them. Even the weak daughter was sick and they were treated well.

The only thing I have to blame is my husband. . . . . . She knows that Nash has done too many bad things. . . . . . She knows more about how Brittish evaluates her husband. . . . . . But she still has some concerns for Nash. After all, it is her own relatives, and she is so concerned about her mother and daughter on the phone. . . . . .

It’s just that everything is too late and too late. . . . . .

“The baron, someone is coming.” Thorpe appeared in front of the baron: “There are only five people in total, and we can easily solve them. Ah, as you judge, it is the team that Nash personally brings.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Get rid of them in the shortest possible time, remember to try to catch Nash.”

Thorpe left the house very quickly. . . . . . After a while, gunshots came from outside. . . . . .

After five or six minutes, the gunshots stopped. . . . . . Then he waited for a while, and the injured British National Police Director Nash was brought to Wang Weizhen.

“Lieutenant Colonel Moyol?” Nash screamed out, but he quickly understood everything: “I don’t think you are really Moyol?”

“You can call me Moyol.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “Hey, I promised you, let you meet your wife and daughter, I have done it.”

Nash saw Elinda and Bella at a glance, and he took a long breath, at least his wife and daughter were not hurt. Just what he can’t figure out is, why is Moyol an enemy? How did he let the Deputy Secretary of Defense, General Phillips personally testify for him? What is his true identity? No matter how smart Nash is, he can never figure it out. . . . . .

“Nash, I think you should know that you can’t leave here alive…” Wang Weizhen stood up: “Even if I want to let you go. But my friends will never allow this.” Of course, I am not a non-personal person. I will give you ten minutes to say goodbye to your wife and daughter.”

He said that he put down a gun: “There is a bullet inside, Nash.”

After he finished, he left the room with his own men. . . . . .

Nash looked at the miserable gun, and then his eyes turned to Elinda and Bella: “I am relieved if you are all good. Elinda, I am sorry for you, I hope you can forgive me.”

“No. I am sorry for you, I should not have cheated you here.”

Nash smiled and stopped his wife’s words: “I can understand your situation at the time, except that you don’t have any choices… Elinda, everything is my own, I just want to ask you the last thing. Well, bring big Bella. Ah. Bella, you have to listen to your mother in the future.”

Elinda’s tears flowed out again: “I can ask you for them, maybe they will let you go.”

Nash shook his head: “I will never do any kind of trading with these insurgents, and even if I bow to them, they have already hated me, and I begged them to only take their own humiliation.”

He fully understands his current situation. Know exactly what you should do. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The door was opened, and the numb Elinda mother and daughter came out, and a gunshot sounded in the room. . . . . .

Thorpe took the man in. Wang Weizhen’s eyes stared at Elinda’s mother and daughter: “It’s over, everything is over, at least he is like a brave man before he died. Elinda, I will send someone to send If you go to Switzerland, don’t go back to the UK. Never go back to the UK forever.”

At this time, Elinda’s tears have already drained. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The death of the British National Police Director Nash shocked the entire London and Fenton administration. . . . . . This is really unimaginable, just a few hours ago Nash was a living person. . . . . .

The British police and American agents throughout London have already taken action. They have to figure out what terrible things have happened. They have to figure out the real cause of Nash’s death. . . . . . He is a police chief, holding a huge power figure, which will cause great confusion in London and the whole of Britain. . . . . .

Lieutenant Colonel Mills had a feeling of sorrow and sorrow when he heard the news, and the most happy one was probably Colonel Jed, the CIA. . . . . . Colonel Jade vowed that he would never shed tears for Nash. This abominable guy was finally removed by the people who resisted the organization. Just relying on Lieutenant Colonel Mills will definitely not be his opponent. Now, what he has to do is how to take over the power vacuum left by the death of Nash as soon as possible. . . . . . His only opponent is only Mills alone. . . . . .

“It’s a poor man.” Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, who appeared in front of Colonel Jed, said with a sigh: “Now. I guess the members of the resistance organization are celebrating with a glass of wine.”

“Oh, it’s an unfortunate experience.” Colonel Jade said falsely: “And even worse, Elinda’s mother and daughter also lost their whereabouts. If I didn’t guess wrong, they must be those cruel guys. Secretly executed. I hope I can find their bodies.”

“I think we are now discussing how to get London’s intelligence work on track as soon as possible…” Wang Weizhen quickly brought the topic to the most interesting question of Colonel Jed: “The death of Nash is Our major losses will also make Brittish’s intelligence work a mess. Colonel, I think you should be brave enough to get the job left by Nash at this time.”

This is what Jade is so eager to hear. . . . . . But he has some hesitation: “After all, this is something inside Brittish, I think we can’t influence their decision.”

“Using the US to influence them.” Wang Weizhen seems to have already considered Colonel Jed: “It’s an extraordinary time, so much work needs us to do it. What choices can we have? Let the chaos continue? No, Colonel, I think your main job at this stage is to convince President Fenton to let you take over the work that Nash has left through various influences.”

Colonel Jade has been completely convinced by Lieutenant Colonel Moyol. . . . . . Yes, who is more suitable than himself to be more qualified to master the intelligence work of the whole UK. . . . . .

He thought about it there: “I have a request. Lieutenant Colonel Moyol, I hope you will accept it anyway, because I can’t think of a more suitable person than you. I will shift my focus to what you said recently. On the one hand, after all, this will be decisive for the future, but during this time, I hope that you can take over my job.”

This point is that Wang Weizhen did not think of it anyway. . . . . . Originally, according to his plan, he just wanted to continue to cause infighting between Americans and Brittish, as well as Jed and Mills. But he never imagined that Jade would have to let himself take over his job.

It’s probably like this in the sky. . . . . .

He deliberately hesitated there: “Colonel, I am happy to serve you, but I am afraid it is not too compliant.”

“Hey, as long as you and I don’t say it, who can know?” Colonel Jed said with great enthusiasm: “Don’t quit, Colonel Moyol. I am so eager to get your help.”

Wang Weizhen, this is very “difficult” nodded and agreed. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Perhaps the most frightening thing about Nash’s death is Fenton. You know, Nash is one of the people he is most dependent on, especially after the fall of Treasury Secretary Yates. Now that Nash is dead, the entire British intelligence work has completely stopped. Who will continue to collect intelligence for himself? Who can deal with those underground resistance organizations that are pervasive?

Fenton didn’t know what to do.

“Today, I have received several calls.” Prime Minister Wilkins said slowly: “In addition to expressing our condolences to Nash, I also specifically asked the successor of the new British National Police Director. In fact, I am very Understand their true purpose. They are not looking at this position, but the vacuum of power left behind by Nash.”

“So what do you think of it?” Fenton asked with some irritability.

“Americans want their people to take over, it’s nothing more than the FBI or the CIA.” Wilkins said his opinion: “There is no such thing as Americans should intervene, but now At a special stage, we have to rely entirely on the United States to help us. Mr. President, I suggest that you temporarily agree to the requirements of the Americans.”

President Fenton smiled a bit, what other ways can he do besides doing this?

He sighed heavily: “Do you have the right person?”

“The FBI’s Lieutenant Colonel Mills is the most suitable candidate to succeed.” Wilkins quickly proposed his own choice: “He has been in the UK for a long time and has a very rich experience. I suggest that he take over all the intelligence work in the UK immediately.”

“No, I think Colonel Jed is the most suitable candidate for the CIA.” Defense Minister Capannong quickly put forward a different view: “The CIA has more power, and the US government. The connection is also closer, with Colonel Jed to master what I think is a more appropriate option.”

“Mr. Secretary of Defense, I don’t think this is a choice worth showing off.” Wilkins said coldly: “I have always heard that you have a close relationship with Colonel Jed, but this is for the national interest of the UK. Consider that we should not affect our country for some private benefit.”

“So you. Mr. Prime Minister.” Capanon said reluctantly: “Don’t you also be very close to Lieutenant Colonel Mills? I heard that you have recently passed his relationship and are ready to take your family. All sent to the United States, ah, at least my family still stays in my home country.”

Seeing two intimate assistants will have to argue. Fenton hurriedly stopped them: “Gentlemen, now is not a time for quarrels within us. I hope that you can stay calm, not where there are any unpleasant things for two foreigners. Whether it is Colonel Jade or Mill. Lieutenant Colonel Lis, I think that since you have chosen them, you must have your own considerations, and I need to think about it carefully. This is not a trivial matter. This is a matter of the future of the British destiny. Gentlemen, I will once again Remind you that you must pay attention to your demeanor.”

Wilkins and Capanon looked at each other and didn’t want to close their mouths with special willingness. However, in their hearts they are vowed to let Fenton agree to their own requirements.

This is not only an American thing, but also a matter of its own.

It’s more straightforward to say that this will be a battle for power!

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