The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one hundred and eighty-eight. Ireland, floating astronomy

Northern Ireland, 1966.

In Northern Ireland, there is a paramilitary organization that once had a great view – the Irish Republican Army.

爱尔兰共和军成立于1919年,是爱尔兰新芬党的军事机构。总部设在都Berlin ,成员分布于南北爱尔兰。1921年12月,英国同爱尔兰签订条约,允许爱尔兰南部26郡成立“自由邦”,享有自治权,北部6郡划归英国,即北爱尔兰。1922年,爱尔兰共和军因反对把爱尔兰分割成南北两部分的《英爱条约》而遭到镇压。

After the independence of Ireland in 1937, Northern Ireland was still under British rule. The Irish Republican Army announced that it will continue to fight for the realization of North-South reunification and to carry out violent activities. In 1939, the Irish Republican Army began to make bombings in the UK, which was banned by the Irish government and the British government. In 1954, 10, announced that it would stop military activities in southern Ireland and point the finger at the British army in Northern Ireland with the aim of unifying Ireland by force.

By the 20 century 60 era, the organization had basically disintegrated.

However, this military organization, declared illegal by the then British government, revived its vitality after the outbreak of the war.

They have received full support from foreign funds and weapons, and the personnel have also been greatly expanded. There are even rumors that the Irish Republican Army has a secret military base overseas that is specifically responsible for training military personnel to maintain the combat effectiveness of the entire organization.

This rumor is not groundless. The leader of the Irish Republican Army, Bert Adams, knows that all this is true. They not only receive funds and weapons support from abroad, but also have secret military bases overseas.

Since the outbreak of the Great War, the Queen has been in exile and the new British government has been established, which has brought tremendous opportunities to the dying Irish Republican Army. Especially when the war situation became more and more favorable to the Axis, the Fenton government had already been messed up, and they had no more energy on the Irish and Irish Republican Army.

This also allowed Bert Adams to see the possibility of winning.

More than a dozen trucks slowly appeared. When the truck stopped, Edward Adams’s capable officer, Edward, jumped from the first truck and came to the front of Bert Adams: “Leader, a new battle The members have completed the training and our allies have sent new weapons.”

“Edward, I saw the dawn of victory.” Bert Adams suppressed the excitement inside.

“There is even more gratifying news.” Edward immediately said: “Our ally, our most determined supporter, Mr. A, fell.”

Bert Adams was taken aback.

“Mr. A”, this is the code name of the Irish Republican Army’s largest provider of funds and weapons. At the same time, the Irish Republican Army’s overseas military training base is also under the responsibility of the “Mr. A”, but Bert Adams has never seen After “Mr. A”, when he heard the name, Bert Adams quickly asked: “Where is Mr. A?”

He noticed at this time that there was a black car in the middle of the truck team. After a while, the car door opened and an old man emerged from the inside.

Adams hurriedly greeted him: “Are you Mr. A?”

“Yes, I am.” The old man smiled: “His Mr. Belt Adams, hello, when we contacted, I was Mr. A, and now, you can call me Tingland. Will. Tingland.”

“Will Tingland?” Adams felt that the name was very familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had heard it.

“President of the Montagut Group.” Edward whispered in Adams’s ear.

Adams was a bit stupid. He couldn’t imagine that Mr. A, who was always giving help, would be the president of Montagut Group.

“Previous President, now, my company has been handed over to my son to take care of it…” Will smiled and said: “And my main job now is to help you realize your dreams.”

“It is my pleasure to know you.” Adams finally woke up from the shock: “Mr. Tingland, welcome to come here, I believe that with your help, we will be able to complete the North-South reunification of Ireland.”

This is the dream of the Irish Republican Army and the dream that Adams wants to achieve throughout his life. . . . . .

The problem in Ireland has existed for a long time. Negotiations, violence, renegotiations, and riots have always been in Ireland, and the opposition between Protestants and Roman Catholics has become a sharp contradiction.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the agitation of the Irish parliamentary party was close at hand. Most of the Protestants and the colonists who lived in Ulster opposed autonomy and Irish independence, fearing living in a Catholic country dominated by a Roman Catholic church. In 1912, the United States signed the Ulster League treaty under the leadership of Edward Carson, vowed to use force to resist decentralization if necessary. To this end they established the paramilitary organization Ulster Volunteers and imported weapons from Germany. Nationalists formed the Irish Volunteers, and the apparent purpose was to ensure that decentralization after World War I was not resisted by British or coalitionists. But the Irish Volunteers were gradually infiltrated by members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, such as Patrick Pierce. The First World War in 1914 shifted the crisis and delayed the resolution of the Irish independence issue. Although decentralized was adopted by the British Parliament, it was suspended during the war.

但是这个问题被爱尔兰志愿军的爱尔兰共和兄弟会分子在都Berlin 发动的复活节起义所激发。虽然叛乱被镇压,起义的15名领导人被处决使爱尔兰民族主义分子大大激进化。独立问题在1918年12月达到顶点,分立主义的新芬党赢得了爱尔兰的大部分议席,在都Berlin 成立了爱尔兰国会,脱离出联合王国,虽然当时并未被英国或其他国家承认。同时,兄弟会志愿者将自己看成爱尔兰共和国的军队,开始在接下来的1919年1月发动对政府部队的武装袭击,打死了在蒂珀雷里郡的索洛海德贝格运送葛里炸药的两名天主教警察。

In 1920, during an guerrilla war against British government forces by Irish Republican volunteers, the Irish government bill divided the island into two separate jurisdictions: “Southern Ireland” and “Northern Ireland”. The split in Ireland was confirmed by the 1921 British Treaty of Love, which ended the guerrilla warfare in the south and established the Irish Free State, an almost independent Irish state, to become a republic in 1949 and completely independent. This agreement recognizes the fact that the Irish people are mainly concentrated in the ancient province of Ulster, hoping to be part of the overwhelming majority of Protestants who remain in the United Kingdom and the whole, demanding great disagreement between independent Catholics from the UK. .

Under such circumstances, the Irish Civil War broke out in 1922.

The main reason for the outbreak of the war was the signing of the “English-Ireland Treaty.”

The British-Ireland Treaty was created by the Irish separatists – the British-Irish war between the Republic of Ireland and the British government. The treaty provides for the establishment of an autonomous Irish state, controlling most of Ireland’s population and land, and owning its own army and police. However, it stipulates that this country, like Canada and Australia, is a self-governing body in the British Empire. The British monarch is the head of state, not an independent republic like most nationalists. The treaty also stipulates that members of the new Irish Parliament must read the following “pledge of allegiance”:

“I solemnly swear and sincerely convinced and loyal to the constitution of the Irish Free State, established in accordance with the duties of the general citizen of Ireland, and the constituent countries of the British Commonwealth of Great Britain and its dependents and states, loyal to His Majesty King George V and his sons and legal Heir.”

The oath has caused strong opposition from many Irish Republicans. Under the treaty, the new state is not called the Republic but a “free state” and only includes 26 County in the west and south of Ireland. The remaining six counties remain in the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland. In addition, several strategic ports are still occupied by the Royal Navy. Nonetheless, the leader of the Irish negotiating team, Michael Collins, persuaded that the treaty “has not given the most fundamental freedoms that all nations desire and pursue, but the freedom to achieve freedom”. The subsequent events finally proved that he was right, and the Free State later evolved into an independent republic. However, 1922 anti-treaty warriors believed that the treaty would never lead to complete independence of Ireland.

The war ended intermittently for more than eight months.

The anti-treaty republics failed, but their armed struggles have never stopped.

As the new leader of the Irish Republican Army, Adams prefers to see his organization win more than anyone else, and wants to be able to wash away the shame of the failure of the anti-treaty republic in the Irish Civil War.

And now obviously this opportunity has already appeared in front of him.

Will Tingland, a world-renowned chaebol, has become their most determined ally, so that they have been maximally improved in funding issues that have been strained all the time. What is more exciting than this?

Adams accompanied Mr. Will Tingland to check his base and armed forces. After seeing it, Will was quite satisfied with the Irish Republican Army.

“Mr. Adams, I must remind you that the Axis’s massive offensive against Britain is about to begin.” After returning to Adams’s headquarters, Will said: “This may be the best chance for you and the Irish Republican Army. , the largest armed uprising in the history of the Irish Republican Army, before October 8.”

Adams doesn’t seem to understand it very well: “Mr. Tingland, why was it before October 8?”

“Because on October 8, Axis will launch a comprehensive landing operation.”

Mr. Tingland’s words made Adams somewhat worried, such military secrets, such a specific date only known to the senior leaders of the Axis military, how did a businessman know?

“Mr. Adams, do you think that I am the only one who supports you in the back?” Will’s face showed a smile: “No, you are wrong. I can’t do it all by virtue of my own strength.” A huge organization, or more accurately a huge regime, is always supporting you and your Irish Republican Army.”

There are so many things that surprised Adams today, but none of them surprised Adams more than these words.

A huge regime has always supported himself and his own Irish Republican Army? Since becoming the leader of the “Irish Republican Army,” he has never known this.

“Mr. A” – Will Tingland’s support for himself started last year, and before that, the Irish Republican Army lacked funds and weapons. It was the intervention of Mr. Tingland that made this happen. . And now Mr. Tingland’s words are clearly signalling that the Irish Republican Army has a stronger ally than Mr. Tingland.

“Mr. Adams, Germany.” Will said the name of the country: “Germany has always been selfless and silently providing support to the Irish Republican Army, especially in weapons. They are willing to see Ireland achieve unity and willing to help. You complete your dreams. Let’s make it clearer. Marshal Ernst .Breem, Baron Alexson, has dominated all of this, and it is his persistence that has fundamentally changed your organization.”

When he heard the name, Adams was very moved.

Baron Alexson, the goddess of hell sent to the world, the unbeaten legend.

Adams suddenly discovered that the victory was firmly in his own hands. Germany and Baron Alexson will be the biggest guarantee for the victory of the Irish Republican Army.

“Please convey to me my gratitude to the Baron and Germany.” Adams said with respect and respect: “When Ireland completes reunification, I will let everyone know that the Baron is helping us.”

“No, I don’t think I can convey this sentence for you.” Will’s answer was somewhat unexpected: “It would be better if you face him, because the Baron will soon arrive in Ireland.”

Adams has forgotten to be amazed, but at the same time there is another excitement in his heart:

The baron will arrive in Ireland!

The Irish Republican Army is about to face the regular army. The Republican Army, which has long been in guerrilla warfare, lacks the experience of confrontation with the government’s national army. If it is directed by the baron, everything will be different.

“Do you say that the Baron will arrive in Ireland personally?” Adams decided to confirm the news.

Will solemnly nodded. “Yes, I got in touch with the Baron before I arrived in Ireland. He will personally guide your armed struggle. Of course, we will launch an armed uprising ahead of this!”

Adams became excited.

“Do you have a map here?”

“Of course.” Adams brought a map of Northern Ireland. Will pointed the map and said: “Moyle, our uprising will start first from Moyle. It is close to Laslin Island, and it is easy to get back and forth, and can come from Support at sea. Mr. Adams, what we can ensure is that weapons will be sent to you incessantly.”

Adams watched the map carefully: “Yes, this is a good place for the uprising. Here we have a lot of sympathizers. I am sure we can get the support of the locals. I think, the only thing we have to deal with is the internal security guard. And we also have the internal guards who can get them to our side.”

The Internal Guard was a special force that was created during the Irish Civil War.


However, it is still controversial whether the casualties of the Irish Civil War may be even more serious. The number of deceased was insignificant compared to other civil wars at the time. In addition, the new police force internal security forces are not involved, meaning that the Free State can establish an unarmed and politically neutral police force after the war.

There are also sympathizers of the Irish Republican Army in this unit. They even gave the Republican Army some secret help, and in exchange for the Republican Army’s commitment not to attack the internal security forces.

“Compassion and complete support are not the same.” Will removed his sight from the map: “Moir’s internal security commander Colonel Tarrant and I know, I think I can visit this command in advance. official.”

“I must thank you again for your support.” Adams said gratefully: “I want Edward to bring a few people to follow you and keep you safe.”

“I think I will not suffer any harm in Ireland. Of course, it is best for someone to follow me.” Will smiled and said: “In this day, I hope that you can prepare for the armed uprising in full swing. After three days, you must personally arrive at Moyle to command an armed uprising, and I will be there waiting for you.”

“Yes, Mr. Tingland.” Adams said with a serious nod. “We have 2,000 armed men in Moyle. At the same time, I will transfer the armed men here to Moyle. When I went to the uprising, I I think we can have about 5,000 combat members, which is a huge force.”

Will smiled: “I don’t think I have the elite police officers of the Internal Guard.”

Adams is not sure why Mr. Tingland is so confident to persuade Tarrant to join the ranks of the armed uprising! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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