The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! The military base of infinity is one hundred and seventy. The cursed manor, floating astronomy

In the ancient stories of Europe, there are often places or families that are “cursed”. Some have even been entangled in this curse for centuries.

It’s hard to use scientific knowledge to explain how this all happened.

In the “cursed manor”, perhaps no one has lived for a long time, and there is always a horrible atmosphere. Even when these players of the Skulls Commando entered, the back had some coolness.

Adolf Hitler couldn’t help but whisper something in it, as if he was seeking the blessing of heaven. Among all the players, Adolf Hitler believes in the existence of these magical forces.

Elena is a woman, even if she is bold, she can’t help but be afraid of this place. She’s stuck in the side of Wang Weizhen and will not leave.

“It can be a good defensive bastion here.” Rommel and Manstein said after a brief inspection of the manor: “Slightly arranged, even if there are more enemies, it is enough for us to persist in this. a period of time”

“I don’t want this to happen.” Wang Weizhen snorted.

Soon the manor Riga sent a sentry post to closely monitor the movements nearby.

This manor is a great use, although it has not yet reached the coldest season in Russia, but Russia at night is enough to make this group of Germans uncomfortable. The cursed manor was found to be a shelter for them.

Ludwig and horsepower took the soldiers to find a large box of candles, when they were lit. The largest room in the manor became brighter.

It may be surprisingly a place where the manor is a banquet or a dance party when he is alive.

“It’s time to hold a dance here.”

Manstein’s words are finished. Elena’s exclamation came over. Looking in the direction of her fingers, the corners curled up two Skulls.

Woman is still a woman after all

Wang Weizhen Several people walked over to Skulls. When they came down, Wang Weizhen said with a smile: “We are called the Skulls commando team. Now I have seen the real Skulls. Should I be excited?”

“Kara”, the Manstein who is checking Skulls is using a little more strength, and the entire Skulles are scattered. Manstein picked up something about the leg bones from the ground: “Alexander III was enthroned in 1881, so the two Skulls have been lying here for thirty-five years. No one has been here for thirty-five years. I found them. It’s pathetic.”

“Sure someone has come, but no one wants to stay for even a minute if I see such a horrible place,” Rommel corrected his statement.

“Hey, Fritz, what are you doing with the dirty stuff,” Elena screamed far away.

Manstein threw away the bones in his hand and examined another shin. He found a bullet hole in the skull of his cheekbones. Then took out a lead bomb from the inside.

“Man was killed” Manstein looked solemnly: “And it was shot at close range”

“This is also true.” Rommel found the skeleton of Skulls that was only broken by Manstein: “It was also shot and killed by a close range.”

“Plague?” Now Wang Weizhen does not believe in the plague. Both of these skeletons were murdered during their lifetime.

“Ernst, have you found one thing?” Manstein stood up: “When I checked El Manor with Elwin, I found that the door was later knocked open. It should have been locked from the inside and then we I checked the other two side doors and found that people who were locked up seemingly unwilling to live alive. Maybe there is something hidden here?”

“In the past thirty-five years, there are secrets that have been hidden.” Wang Weizhen smiled: “This is the secret of the Russians, not to mention that we are soldiers, not detectives, murders or any other reason that caused them to die. There is no relationship with us.”

Having said that, Wang Weizhen still has some curiosity about this mysterious manor filled with death.

Guo Yenfeng, Sterk and several other soldiers carried a lot of firewood. In the evening, they have to rely on them to warm up. Didn’t hear Wang Weizhen talking to Sterk and pointed out: “Hey, Major, we just found a few bodies and they all became Skulls. Skulls Commando? It seems that we are in the right place.”

This made a laugh.

They are the elites in the German army, never going to fear something mysterious and weird.

“Oh, everyone is taking a break, Sterk, Bunkerley, you are responsible for the warnings in the middle of the night.” Wang Weizhen didn’t want to waste his energy on these boring things.

“You,” Elena was a little scared.

“I have to go here and check it out, I hope there is nothing that can threaten us.” Wang Weizhen asked Hitler to take a pistol and pick up two more candles.

Elena wants to stop, Manstein smiled and said: “Do not worry, Elena, even if there is a Skulls beauty, Ernst will not have any interest in her.”

Another laugh, Elena’s face blushed

The manor was large and there were many rooms. Wang Weizhen carefully examined each room. He was surprised to find that there were many rooms with shin bones.

It seems that when the “plague” broke out, the manor died too many people. However, it is strange that there are no gunshot wounds or stab wounds on these cheekbones, and they all seem to die normally from the outside.

What happened here?

The bones of several rooms have attracted the attention of Wang Weizhen. From the position of “they” before their death, they are desperately trying to catch something, maybe they have encountered terrible pain before they die.

One room was checked, and it was the last and the largest room. Wang Weizhen opened it, and the door, a cold air rushed.

Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but make a nap. With the help of candles, he saw that the room was decorated very beautifully. Should it be the room where the former owner lived?

There was a big bed in it, and a bone was lying on the bed. Wang Weizhen approached and looked at a female skeleton. There was an empty wine glass on the bed.

Did this woman still have a drink before she died?

I checked the room carefully and found no strange things. Just a big bookcase caused the curiosity of Wang Weizhen.

From the size of the room, this bookcase occupies a large area. In particular, all the furnishings and furniture in this room are very beautiful. Only this bookcase looks cumbersome and rustic, and does not fit the style of the whole room.

There is a secret behind? Wang Weizhen came up with such an idea in his mind.

“Xiao Ling, what is the secret basement of the Russian aristocratic family?”

“Many, Nikolai I, Alexander II, and III are very cruel kings. During their reign, even the nobles were killed anywhere, anytime. So many nobles prepared secrets and hidden at home. Basement, used to escape or hide at a critical juncture”

“That’s right,” Wang Weizhen murmured, looking at the big bookcase carefully, and soon he found an institution that he couldn’t find without careful observation.

The organ was promoted, and some dull sounds were heard inside the bookcase. With a push, a secret road appeared in front of Wang Weizhen.

These weird aristocrats, Wang Weizhen, walked in while holding a candle.

This should be a secret way to dig underground. After a few minutes, a secret room hidden in the ground appeared.

Wang Weizhen pushed open the door of the chamber, but found that it was locked from the inside and could not kick off if he kicked a few feet. In desperation, Wang Weizhen could only pull out the pistol, fired a few shots on the door, and then kicked a dozen feet, which opened the door.

What is hidden inside? Wang Weizhen is more and more curious in my heart.

Holding my breath, I walked in, the candle lit up the secret room, and Wang Weizhen was there.

The two open boxes are there, and the ones inside are all dazzling treasures. Gold candlesticks, gold cutlery, gold coins Wang Weizhen or so many have not seen so much gold.

In the other box, there are all kinds of jewels, Russian silver coins.

God, if this is the secret room of the manor, then this master must be a rich man before life.

“Xiao Ling, we are rich.” Wang Weizhen was dumbfounded.

Luck is really good, first got the four million Empire Mark, and now there are two boxes of wealth in that quietly watching themselves.

“Looking for clues, you are The Drifter, not a treasure hunter,” Xiao Ling said infinitely.

Wang Weizhen This is the time when he came back. He saw a Skulls lying next to the box. The difference is that there is a notebook next to Skulls.

Perhaps the secret of your own exploration is on this notebook?

Wang Weizhen picked up the notebook and found that it was all in Russian. Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but smile. He thought about letting Xiao Ling let himself learn Russian, but he forgot it every time.

“Xiao Ling, I need your help, we have to ship the things here to the base. I still have some things to translate. Ah, you have to teach me Russian immediately.”

“After ten minutes, I will meet you on the west side of the manor.”

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