The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Three hundred and ninety-two. 嘿-Ernst! Floating astronomy

“General Ludwig, there are two people who want to see you.”

“who is it?”

“We don’t know their names”

“I don’t have time now.” Ludwig didn’t lift his head, his eyes fixed on the map: “Send someone to interrogate them and see what their purpose is here?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do it.” Reiter’s answer was a bit difficult.

“Why?” Ludwig raised his head angrily.

“You still have to go see it yourself.”

Ludwig felt that the Chief of Staff’s tone was eccentric, and he used to be the same. After thinking about it, I still walked out of my own headquarters.

The German soldiers stood up, and they curiously watched Sergeant Hans accompanying two people wearing old-fashioned German military uniforms and slowly passing in front of them.

The leader, wearing the old-fashioned German generals, followed him, wearing an old-fashioned German captain’s uniform.

Moreover, this captain, holding a flag in his hand!

This is a bloody red flag, a huge white Skulls, located in the middle of the banner, with its hollow, cold eyes watching the world in front!

– Skulls battle flag!

The German officers and men of the Skulls division are no longer familiar, this is the Skulls battle flag!

However, this is not the same as the Skulls flag of the Skulls division. The flag of the Skulls division is a dark red bottom, which is also a tradition of them:

The blood-red Skulls battle flag can only be used by the Skulls Commando!

Who are they? Why is it so young? Where did they come from? Why wear such an old-fashioned military uniform?

The huge Skulls battle flag, held high in the hands of the captain, is like a faithful guard, protected by the young general.

The officers and men found that the medal worn by the general on his chest was dazzling:

Big Iron Cross, Blue Marx Medal, First Class Iron Cross, some medals, even some officers can not name

When they passed, every German officer had a feeling of being unable to breathe. Why? Even they have a strange feeling:

They want to cheer, but they don’t dare to make a sound. Why?

Colonel Vanderbilt appeared in front of them: “Who are you? Where are you from?”

“Please let go, Colonel!” The general was cold and authentic.

This order is irresistible, and Colonel Vanderbilt unconsciously let himself go.

The general glanced at him: “Is the Colonel, is the German officer just as standing as you are?”

“Yes, general!” Vanderbilt straightened his body, but he felt very strange, why did he obey an order wearing an old-fashioned general?

“And you!” The general’s gaze swept through the Skulls division’s officers and men: “Is it so lazy?”

“Brushing”, the German officers and men, like Colonel Vanderbilt, put their bodies straight.

“Colonel, tell Ludwig, I am here waiting to meet him!”

Meet? God, he actually used the word “access” for General Ludwig? Is it great for General Ludwig to see him?

Colonel Vanderbilt couldn’t dare to sneak a sneak peek and rush to the division.

“Take me? He really said to meet me?” Ludwig, who was coming here, thought he was wrong.

“Yes, he said he would meet you.” Colonel Vanderbilt said with a smile: “The general is very embarrassing, and I dare not violate his orders!”

“Unexplained.” Ludwig snorted.

However, his foot suddenly stopped, he saw something:

That is a huge banner!

Ludwig thought that he had read it wrong, blinked his eyes and walked a few steps forward. He was sure that he was not mistaken!

That is – Skulls battle flag!

God, Ludwig swears that he won’t be wrong. This Skulls battle flag was dedicated to Baron Alexson in the same year and disappeared with the Baron in the Battle of Monfort.

But how can it appear here now?

He also saw the two people standing in the war.

Ludwig’s body suddenly swayed and almost fell

“What happened to you, general?” Reiter and Vanderbilt hurriedly helped him.

“Let me go.” Ludwig pushed the two men down: “Is he back? Is he really back?”

Reiter and Vanderbilt face each other, who is the “he” that the general said?

Ludwig’s move forward is so heavy and step by step, but I don’t know why he looks so urgent.

He was a little closer to the general of the war, and the general’s face could be seen bit by bit.

When the piece was familiar, but it was impossible to experience it for so many years, still so young, there was no change in the face that finally appeared in Ludwig’s eyes. He could no longer control it. His body was in violent Shaking him must rely on the support of Ritter and Vanderbilt to stand firm

“Ludwig .Airiliste , please keep the majesty of a German officer!”

Under the war, the general said in a low and majestic voice.

Ludwig pushed his men down again, and he tried his best to stand up straight, then he slowly and forcefully lifted his right arm and shouted with all his strength:

“Hey – Ernst!”

“Brush” a bit, his tears accompanied by this call out!

This is the tears of a German general!

The excitement made his voice so hoarse, but he did not care about it and shouted:

“Hey – Ernst!”

Everyone at Skulls is staying, this is General Ludwig. What happened?

The general in old-fashioned German military uniform looked at him deeply: “Ludwig, congratulations, become a glorious German general. And I, come back!”

And I – come back!

When this voice reached Ludwig’s ear, the stalwart General, who was as calm as a rock on the battlefield, couldn’t stand it anymore and cried: “General, General! You are back! You are finally back! We are here!” I have been waiting for you for so many years! The head of state is looking for you, all Germany is looking for you, where are you going! General!”

He cried like a child

Many of the Skulls divisions began to faintly know who the strange general was. This is unlikely. Why is this person’s face different from the statue? Why have you been so young for so many years?

Ludwig wiped away the tears and tried his best: “Skulls division, all – collection!”

The Skulls divisions were all concentrated, and those who did not witness it all did not know what was going on here.

Lieutenant General Ludwig of the Skulls division, like an ordinary star official, ran to the young officer wearing a vintage military uniform and reported loudly:

“Reporting General, Skulls Division is finished!”

“Ludwig, do what you should do!”

“Yes, general!” Ludwig turned and said to his subordinates: “Skulls soldiers, in Germany, there is only one god of war! In Europe, there is only one god of war! That is the Skulls Baron Ernst Alexson von Breem! He left us for too long, and now, he is back!”

After that, he slowly let one side: “General Ernst, in 1940, the Skulls commando changed its name to the SS Skulls division. In Germany, no one but you can direct the Skulls commando! Now, please review your force!”

Even if the officers and men of the Skulls division are well trained, they can’t help but scream.

Did they get it wrong? Baron Skulls? General Ernst?

When General Ernst. Breem, still young and heroic, appeared in front of them, all the sounds stopped. Only the words of General Ernst were clearly passed to the ears of every soldier:

“I, come back! And I will continue to command you to fight! Everything for Germany! I am Ernst. Breem, Baron Alexson, the Roman Emperor of the German Empire!”

One piece of the bird was silent, and everyone stared at the most legendary general in the history of the German Empire with incredible eyes:

– The creator of the miracle!

Ludwig suddenly raised his right arm: “Hey – Ernst!”

“Hey – Ernst!”

The emotions were completely ignited, and all the people were madly calling.



The cheers of the mountains and the tsunami sounded uninterrupted, and instantly pierced the night sky!

The officers and men of the Skulls division are crazy, and they are completely crazy!

came back! came back! The Skulls Baron, who led the invincibility of Germany, is finally back! From this minute, no one can stop the pace of the Skulls division, no one can stop the pace of Germany!

“Hey – Ernst! St. Ernst!”

The name that is so legendary on the battlefield, the name that is resounding in Europe, at this moment, he finally shines again!

“Power generation to the heads of state, power generation to Marshal Manfred, power generation to General Fritz, power generation to all, Baron, back!” Ludwig tried to control his emotions, one word at a time.

General Ernst suddenly turned his head to Ludwig: “Ludwig, from now on, I will take over your command at the Skulls division. Do you have any opinions?”

“Reporting the general, I am just replacing you in the command, Skulls division, no, the entire German Empire will obey your orders!”

Baron Skulls, the entire German Empire will follow your orders! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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