The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 545. Don’t make mistakes, floating astronomy

There are many similar myths, whether in China or in Egypt, but the story and the ending are slightly different.

The power of 30,000 grievances is absolutely impossible. It may be true that this jewel is special.

Or, in the eyes of Wang Weizhen, it is more than trust, Queen Faridah said: “Once, when Ramses took a large number of prisoners from the conquered countries to return to China, the one of Ramses was once when he left. He was appointed as the governor of Egypt, and he greeted Ramses in Parunyi, Peru, and invited Ramses to the banquet. Ramses and his sons attended the banquet. So the younger brother of Ramses was there. A lot of fuelwood was piled up around a building, and when it was finished, it was lit. When Ramses knew what was going on, he immediately accepted his wife who accompanied him to dinner. Advice, throwing two of their six sons on the fire as a bridge in the flames, so that the rest of them can escape through these two men. Ramses made according to her words. So he and his other children were saved. But his two sons were burned alive. Ramses returned to his homeland and retaliated against his brother. Health, do you know how Ramses revenge?”

Wang Weizhen shook his head.

Queen Faridah’s words are full of fear: “Lamesis took out the ‘blood stone’ and unveiled its seal, and 30,000 grievances burst forth. In a flash, his brother and his tribe died in horror. Their deaths were different, but the people they saw did not vomit. Then Ramses re-sealed the ‘Bloodstone’, only a few minutes before and after.”

Wang Weizhen involuntarily picked up the gem and looked at it carefully, but no matter how hard he tried, the so-called “blood stone” in his eyes was just an ordinary gem.

He suddenly thought of a question: “What is your relationship with Ramses? Why is this gem in your hands?”

Queen Faridah silenced the meeting: “I am a descendant of Ramses, my family is a descendant of Ramses. This jewel age is circulated in our family. I have no brothers, so now the gems are in my hands.”

Sure enough, as he thought, Wang Weizhen smiled: “Unfortunately you are not a competent custodian. I heard that you always like to take this jewel out of mortgage when you are in a hurry.”

“Because I can get it back every time, only this exception.” Queen Faridah stared at Wang Weizhen: “Let’s say, what price do you need to return the gems to me? How much do you need?” I will raise it for you, even if I secretly open my husband’s safe, I will not hesitate!”

“My wealth is something you can’t imagine.” Wang Weizhen collected the gems: “Do you think your husband is the richest person in the world? You are wrong, his property is less than one percent of mine, I think I am too flattering to say this, so money is just a symbol for me.”

Queen Faridah was really surprised this time.

She did think that her husband was the richest person in the world, but did not expect that this was not in the eyes of “Baron Andrew”.

But “the bloody stone” is also she is never willing to lose.

“Gem, you lost to me. In fact, if you open your mouth and don’t use such a despicable way, I don’t care what blood stone or something else, I will return it to you immediately.” Wang Weizhen said slowly: “But you have chosen the wrong way. You must sacrifice the life of the other person for a gem. Do you really think that because you are a queen, you can control the life and death of countless people? The six people actually died because of you. I don’t know if there are gems in the 30,000 grievances, but I can be sure that there will soon be grievances that have died because of you.

Queen Faridah can’t help but step back

The Egyptians are very convinced of this.

“It’s always a punishment to do something wrong, whether you are a queen or not.” Wang Weizhen’s eyes reveal a strange look: “I’m thinking, if you post these things to the public, what kind of punishment would you receive? If you are trying to assassinate a British Baron, what kind of punishment will you receive?”

“No, you can’t do this!” Queen Faridah shouted out: “I am the queen of Egypt, you have no right to do this!”

Wang Weizhen smiled: “I have this right! In my eyes, the king and queen of Egypt are worthless. However, I seem to think of a better idea.”

He walked over to Queen Faridah without hesitation, and the air seemed to be suffocating.

When he came to Queen Faridah, Wang Weizhen smiled at him slightly, then raised his hand, and with the exhalation of Queen Faridah, her thin body was ripped.

Queen Faridah was horrified on the chest, but the brown temptation was still unreserved in front of Wang Weizhen.

Brown body, perfect body, it’s crazy

“I am a queen, you can’t do this.” Queen Faridah was afraid to go backwards again, but she retreated to the bedside.

“I said that the queen is worthless in my eyes.” Wang Weizhen is still walking towards her with a slow pace: “I will not be soft-hearted to those who attempt to kill me, no matter what kind of identity you are, wrong. Things, always have to be punished. You have two choices, one is to drive me out now, I immediately turn around and go to the second, I think you know what to do”

He is not stubborn, just waiting patiently.

After a few minutes, Queen Faridah finally put down his arms that were hidden in the chest. The proud ** appeared in front of Wang Weizhen.

The beauty that people can’t breathe

After the madness, Queen Faridah fell to the bed in a weak place. It was the summer resort that Farouk I built for her when she married her, but maybe Farouk I would never have thought that this man would only allow the king to come in. The place, now has a second man.

However, compared with the fat and bloated Farouk I, it is obvious that the “Baron Andrew” who just had a passion for himself has become more satisfying.

Queen Faridah is ashamed of this sudden thought.

When he saw that “Baron Andrew” was dressed and ready to leave, he still asked unwillingly: “Do you really return the ‘Blood Stone’ to me?”

“So terrible things will be put on you sooner or later and you will lose again.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Now, I will keep it for you.”

After that, he left here without returning.

The dance is still going on as usual.

Farouk I was tweeting with the two nobles, but he couldn’t think of it. When he and other women were in love, his wife put on a big hat for himself.

Wang Weizhen saw what Mr Royman, Ambassador Ali, General Alexander, and General Montgomery were talking about. He walked over to them, and then politely said: “Gentlemen, generals, I have to say goodbye to you.”

“Ah, Mr. Baron, have you left so soon?” Montgomery seemed to have some reluctance.

“Yes, I prefer the London ball, not Cairo.” Wang Weizhen joked: “If you return to London in the future, I will hold the biggest ball for you in my manor.”

“That’s it, Baron Andrew.” Montgomery said with great enthusiasm: “When we beat the Germans, we must visit your estate.”

Wang Weizhen smiled a little: “If you are unfortunately lost to the Germans, my estate will be the best place for you to heal.”

A few Brittish glanced, then “haha” laughed, “Baron Andrew” was really too humorous.

“Colonel Dolt, can you help me with the baron?” Ambassador Ali said with a smile.

“Okay, ambassador.”

Wang Weizhen was sent to the door, and Colonel Dolt looked around and said, “They just talked about escorting Colonel Fells. There was a row of British soldiers responsible for escorting, a car, a truck in front and behind. Protection, there are more than one regiment at the airport to protect the airport.”

Wang Weizhen nodded.

A group of soldiers is not used to escort Colonel Fells, but to protect the airport.

With the power that you have in your hands, you can beat a group of enemies. If you want to rescue the Colonel Fells, you can only do it on the halfway to the airport.

He thought so fast in his heart, but he smiled on the face: “Hey, Colonel Dolt, we were so happy when we first met. I believe we can continue to cooperate in the future. Ah, for this precious intelligence, you There will be an extra 10,000 pounds on the account.”

Although the heart is full of embarrassment, Colonel Dolt is still surprised by the other side’s shots. The only thing that makes him curious now is what the real identity of this person is.

“Don’t make mistakes, Colonel Dolt.” Wang Weizhen suddenly looked at the look: “Some people make mistakes, at most they will only get some punishment, but some people make mistakes but will pay the price of life!” To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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