The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is 590. Lurking, floating astronomy

1942 11 Month 14 Day, the rushing German pilot force finally appeared outside Cairo. *.*

The final battle of Britain to defend Egypt began!

Instead of attacking Cairo immediately, the Germans began to send out surprise squads to detect the Cairo British arming. At the same time, it began to actively contact the Egyptian insurgents near Cairo.

Later, the German mains commanded by Marshal Erwin Rommel will also arrive in Cairo, which is less than half a day away from here…

Alexander and Montgomery decided to break the boat and make a final battle with the enemy for the British Empire.

Although not many people are optimistic about their future.

On 14’s 3 afternoon, the Germans launched a tentative attack on Cairo, but they were countered by a tightly guarded allied force, and the Germans in the attack retreated.

At the 5 point, the main force of Rommel’s command arrived.

此时,在Cairo 城外已经聚集了德国第90轻装甲师、15、21装甲师、第10装甲师和第164步兵师,意大利两个装甲师,和12个旅的埃及起义军在内的大量部队。

The war is on the verge.

5: 30, Rommel received a telegram from Marshal Ernst. Breem from Cairo. In the telegram, Marshal Ernst told his good friend that the state of Cairo was now in chaos and that the sooner the Germans launched the attack, the easier it would be to capture Cairo.

At the same time, the Germans will have the possibility to get the assistance of South Africans…

Although Rommel didn’t know how Ernst did it, his heart was convinced of what Ernst said.

These things are miracles for others, but it is just a common thing for Ernst.

14 Day and Night 8: 00, German artillery cover Cairo.

The Cairo war broke out…

The German artillery was ready for an hour, and the deafening cannon seemed to devour Cairo completely.

This is a very shocking scene.

The trembling earth seems to be there to tell the upcoming change of the dynasty; the night sky that was illuminated by the gunfire. It seems to be there to witness everything that happened here…

Tank has already issued a roar that can’t wait, and they are waiting for the order to leave at any time.

Perhaps the most urgent is the Egyptian uprising soldiers, who are eager to rush into Cairo and drive out all Brittish.

However, the defense line built by Brittish is not so easy to break through.

Bernard General Montgomery commanded the battle at the forefront, while General Alexander continued to strengthen the strangulation of the rioters in the city.

They did not have any panic because of the arrival of the Germans.

At the same time, the Royal Navy, anchored on the Suez Canal, also gave the British army the fullest gun support.

At least, Cairo seems to be difficult to be attacked so far…

In the subsequent charges of Rommel. The Allies were tenaciously repelling the impact of the Germans and guarding their positions.

In the sky, the planes of Germany and Brittish are struggling to kill themselves.

Everyone is doing all his power for this war. Their eyes are red and their blood is hot.

They will give all their contributions to this battlefield…

Just in the middle of the Cairo battle, in the city. Brittish is also working hard for all possible failures. Especially the British intelligence department, the worst plan has been done.

Even if it fails, leave the seeds of Brittish in Cairo!

To do this, you must rely on the existence of a latent spy. Even if the Germans get Egypt, they will not be able to live a day. In order to achieve this goal, a British warship quietly transported a large number of spies from all over the country. Some of them came from the mainland, and some lived in Cairo.

For example, in Cairo for half a year, even his girlfriend is still on Captain Canterlot.Gilbert of Cairo.

same. The German intelligence department in Cairo also began to be unusually active. They know that the Germans are about to enter Cairo, and they can finally live without such a dark life.

Even after the Germans began attacking Cairo. The activities of the German intelligence organization turned out to be semi-open. They constantly send spy spy intelligence and continue to recruit local people to serve them.

And they have a very important task: to try to capture more British spies, and to pave the way for the future of Germany’s occupation of Cairo…


A strong and capable man turned from a secluded alley to the street. He was dressed in a brown woolen coat with a mask on his face. There is still a heavy box in his hand. As he hurried forward, he looked back from time to time. See if you are being stalked. This man is the first latent agent of the British intelligence organization, Captain Canterlot. Gilbert.

The explosion continued to sound throughout Cairo, but this did not affect Gilbert’s captain. He knew that it was his army that was strangling with the enemy.

At this time, a team of British patrols came face to face, one by one with live ammunition, heavy boots hit the ancient streets. They headed by Gilbert, but Gilbert could not reveal his identity in front of his compatriots…

Gilbert passed the patrol and turned into a quiet alley to the front of a fuchsia two-story building. When he determined that he had not been tracked, he raised his hand and rang the doorbell. In a short while, a young girl with a beautiful face and gorgeous dress opened the door. She is Gilbert’s girlfriend Joyner who has not met for many days. At first sight was Gilbert, and Joyner was surprised and happy, and fluttered with open arms to hug him. Gilbert quietly waved his hand, lifted the box, and flashed into the door, locked the door with his backhand, and then walked with her to the room.

However, what Gilbert didn’t think of was that when he just closed the door, a person suddenly came out behind the streetlight not far from the gate. The man rushed to the front of the small building, wrote down the house number, and then quietly left…

Soon, this person came to the office of Major Vettel, the head of the German secret intelligence department. He said to Vettel: “Respected Major, I can help you capture a British spy, but I need money, and it is a lot of money. ”

Vettel looked at the face of this horrible Egyptian, and immediately felt a sense of disgust. He didn’t believe the Egyptians at all. He thought that this Egyptian was definitely trying to swindle money. He casually asked: “Do you have any way?”

“I found a boat coming from London. The people who came down were carrying a big suitcase with radio stations in it.” The informant replied mysteriously.

Vettel laughed and laughed: “Do you really think Brittish is as stupid as you said, and the radio station also uses a fixed-style box?”

Seeing that Vettel did not believe in himself, the informant patted his chest and guaranteed the ticket, saying that as long as Vettel was willing to spend money, he could help them catch someone who would be very interested in them. Even so, Major Vettel still did not believe, and told him to leave quickly, do not waste his time. As soon as the informant heard it, he immediately took out a dirty little book from his pocket and shook it in front of Vettel. “Are you looking for a British spy who sneaked into Cairo? I just found one. I Know where he is, the address is on this. If you go late and let him slip, you will be unlucky.”

Vettel was dubious first, but after thinking about it, the Germans were attacking Cairo, but the work of detecting British latent spies has not made any progress, and the boss has expressed dissatisfaction several times. Vettel decided to go and have a look.

So, Vettel personally led a team of secret agents, followed the informant to the place … slowly headed for the two-story building in the depths of the alley. Sure enough, as soon as he entered that range, Major Vettel smelled the prey like a hound, which was a spy-specific keenness.

In order not to alarm the informant, Major Vettel ordered the car to stop at 200 meters away from the target and then led the secret agent to quickly surround the building. Vettel rang the doorbell by hand.

On the second floor of the east, a curtain-closed room, Captain Canterlot. Gilbert had already finished the last set of codes, and he took a sigh of relief. At this point, he took a cup of coffee handed by his girlfriend, Joyner, and placed it on the table, then held his girlfriend Joyner tightly in his arms.

Gilbert was a captain of the Egyptian Army. When Dunkirk retreated, he also came to the UK with the British and French forces, and was immediately hired by the Special Operations Committee and trained in espionage.

In order to prevent being discovered by the Germans, I arrived at my girlfriend’s home for half a year this afternoon.

Captain Gilbert thought that his actions were very secretive and would not be discovered. He thought that the unlucky big box sold him, which was also the omission of the British intelligence. This special box for radio stations is fairly common in London, but when it comes to Cairo it becomes very visible. Gilbert just returned to Cairo and was stared at by the informant who wanted to make a fortune.

A ringtone stunned the lingering dreams of Gilbert and Joyner. He pushed his girlfriend away like a power, walked to the window facing the street, and picked up a corner of the curtain to pry into it. Gilbert’s face suddenly “brushed” and became pale.

He saw the secret agents, but the fate was that he could not get the help of British soldiers!

When he returned to Cairo, he was already doomed, and everything must depend on himself. No one can help him, especially if the situation is so critical.

Now, in Cairo, the unscrupulous are the German agents!

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