The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 767. Mr. Sprius, Astronomy

Pompey has decided to give “Sprius” the biggest reward. !

The first way he repayed was to fulfill his promise and let “Sprius” be a member of the Senate.

This is what Pompey must do. If you want to pay for yourself, you must pay for it in advance. At least “Sprius” has already done it, but now it is Pompey.

When Pompey appeared in the Senate, the veterans’ eyes were either with a sneer or with sympathy, or because of the Poseidon Festival.

But at this time Pompey has been completely restored, he no longer cares about anyone’s eyes.

As long as they can stabilize their power and eventually defeat their biggest enemy, Caesar, the sympathizer will receive his own reward, and the taunt will be driven away by himself.

After several simple issues in the Senate, Pompey said: “In this naval battle of the Poseidon, one person has performed so well. I think everyone should know his name even if I don’t need to say it. Our new hero in Rome – Seveus!”

Pompey took the initiative to put forward the name of Seveus, or let everyone feel a little surprised, who destined to open the words of Pompeii. . . . . .

Pompey said slowly and self-satisfiedly: “A hero should of course be rewarded, and my suggestion is to set up a new army, which is personally mastered by Seveus!”

This is really surprising. Those who know Pompey’s temper feel incredible. Seveus took Pompey’s dignity and took away the glory and cheers that should have belonged to Pompey. Pompey could retaliate. But now he has not only not done this, but actually actually shakes Seveus to regain control of the Legion?

“It’s certainly no problem to let Severus master the new legion, but where are you going to send him?” A veteran raised his own question.

“In Gaul, our brave Caesar is leading the equally brave Roman soldiers to fight…” Pompey slowly said his true intentions: “But the damn barbarian defeated Caesar. Even though we sent the Mortu Marus Army, we still haven’t made any progress. The barbaric arrogance must be hit. The insult to the Roman Republic must be repaid ten times. So I am here to advise the distinguished veterans. Sending the brave Severus to Gaul, he and Caesar, the two most brave commanders of the Roman Republic, together with Sentumurus, will make a great victory for us!”

Crazy, Pompey is really crazy. Many veterans and parliamentarians think so. . . . . . He actually wants to keep his two enemies together. Isn’t this adding a bigger enemy to himself?

But there are still some people who don’t think so at all. The only thing they think about is that Pompey is too smart. He actually put Caesar and Seveus together. . . . . . It is entirely conceivable that Caesar and Seveus, two incomparably proud people, will collide with each other, and Pompey may even destroy his two enemies in one fell swoop. . . . . .

Of course, such an idea can only be hidden in my heart. . . . . .

“Dear distinguished elders and distinguished members, can my proposal be passed?” Pompey raised some of his own voice: “I don’t have any selfishness. Everything I do is for the great Roman Republic. Get a bigger victory!”

The applause rang, and the guys in these homes did not want to offend Pompey, nor did they want to offend Seveus.

Pompey’s first motion was successfully passed.

And Seveus, who was also qualified to attend the meeting, finally got his wish. He was finally able to regain control of the legion and finally be able to return to his familiar battlefield. . . . . .

Sprius honoured his promise, which made Severus feel grateful to him. It can no longer be expressed in words. . . . . .

At this time, Pompey went on to say: “Respected MPs, have you forgotten the failure of Krassu?”

He suddenly mentioned this problem and made the atmosphere of the scene become dignified.

The failure of Krassu was also the failure of the whole of Rome. This is what every Roman is not willing to mention too much.

Pompey’s tone became extremely dignified: “What a respectable elder is Krassu. He succeeded in suppressing the violent slaves in the most dangerous times of the Republic, and he is also my best friend. He lost. In the rest of the rest, and those despicable resters, they poured into his throat with melted gold. This is an insult to the commander of Rome and an insult to the entire republic. The sacred republic must not ignore such shame. ignore!”

No one dares to express their opinions without permission at this time. . . . . . All the people listened to Pompey silently:

“For the shame of giving the Romans, we must give more cruel revenge, so I suggest forming a legion and punitive combat against the rest of the people!”

This time, some people raised objections: “Pompey, I fully agree with you, the Roman dignity is not to be challenged. However, Caesar chose to be busy dealing with barbarians, and our failure in rest is also Let us have some concerns, who are you going to send to shoulder this important task?”

“Hockme.” Pompey made this candidate without hesitation: “He used to follow Krassu to settle the slave riots, and also followed Karasu to participate in the war against rest. No one is more than him.” He is fully qualified for the task we gave him, at the same time! They will support the new army that will be established again…”

He finally slowly said his attempt: “The new legion will fight under the command of Hawkem, and the most important chief centurion of the legion, I want to appoint my adopted son Yakurius.

A whisper of whispers sounded, and now everyone understands that Pompeii’s movement was the brain.

From the age of Yakurius, he could not hold a higher position, and the chief centurion would be his only choice. However, as he grows older, Pompey will find ways to raise the position of the adopted child step by step.

At that time, the timing of the Legion actually became directly controlled by Pompey.

In order to achieve this goal, he deliberately throws Seveus first to block everyone’s mouth, and then to say the direct idea. . . . . .

From this point of view, Pompey is undoubtedly quite successful.

When the vote arrived, almost everyone voted in favor, including Seveus.

If you change it before, Seveus will never agree, but now he has fulfilled his wish with satisfaction. Even if he is stubborn, he will never be willing to make another trip.

Looking at myself and two suggestions have been passed, Pompey’s heart is satisfied with the extreme.

Sprius was a great guy. He had thought about this happening in advance, and even the proposal for the connection was designed for himself.

Since the wish is achieved step by step, it is time to do something for Sprius.

“The third thing is that my only governor should do it…” Pompey paused and said, “We all know that there are two members in the parliament, and they must find qualified. I will have two nominations. One is the respectable Mr. Bibias. His character and integrity. I don’t think anyone has doubts…”

He first threw his first bait. The position of the member is not so important. Many major problems often skip the parliament and are directly decided by the Senate. And this Bibian is a kind person in the Senate. There are also many friends, and Pompey’s nomination was passed without any objection.

“As for the second person, I think many people here have heard his name, but I have not seen him personally…” Pompey finally stated his true purpose: “A Roman Republic is upright.” Citizen, Tias Moses Sprius!”

The name was in one place and another piece of argument rang.

“Sprius, please stand up and see you.”

In this voice of Pompey, Wang Weizhen stood in front of everyone.

Opposition soon appeared: “Pompey, we heard some rumors that most of the cost of the Poseidon Festival was given by Sprius, but this did not justify his election as a member.”

“Yes.” Then someone said: “He can’t even be a true Roman citizen. I have heard that his ancestors left Rome very early, taking this adventure in the East, a stranger to Rome, How can I sit on such an important position as a member?”

The opposition began to gradually increase, and Pompey patiently waited for all the people to finish. Then he said to Wang Weizhen: “Sprius, what do you want to say about these accusations?”

“Yes.” Wang Weizhen said calmly: “Yes. My ancestors left Rome very early, but no matter where they are, they have never forgotten the city of Rome. You can’t imagine the hardships of wandering outside of you. Only we can see what we see. If you need it, I can tell you everything you want to know…”

There was a silence in the venue, and everyone listened to Wang Weizhen:

“My grandfather, my father never forgot Rome. Their only dream is to return to this place one day and return to Rome, which is very much in love. Even before my grandfather died, he has not forgotten this. Point, I can’t forget that he took my father’s hand, and again and again, one day we will be going home…”

His letter of mouth and yellow has touched the hearts of many people. After all, this is considered the pride of the Romans – there is a businessman who loves his country so much.

Wang Weizhen did not miss this opportunity: “My father did not complete this dream, and I finally realized their entrustment. I returned to here. I love it, no one loves my home more than I do.” …..”

He said it was so emotional, and even let some people quietly wiped their eyes.

Wang Weizhen’s tone has become more and more heavy: “I have experienced countless sufferings. I once blamed my grandfather and father for coming back, but when I arrived in Rome, I understood it.” Great architecture, such a strong country, a citizen so proud…”

His voice suddenly rose: “When I saw this, no matter what kind of suffering was forgotten by me, no matter what kind of hardship is worth it. You can not elect me to be a member of parliament. But this does not stop me from being a patriotic heart. Even if I am leaving the Cairo horse tomorrow, no matter where I am, I will be proud to be a Roman citizen!”

These words evoke the pride of all the Romans, and the hostility towards him is naturally reduced, and some even have to applaud! !

“Listen, this is the cry of a Roman citizen!” Pompey slammed the iron tunnel: “Don’t they veto his Roman citizenship just because they are going to pursue greater glory for Rome? No, this is not what the Republic should do.” You, I can also tell you that as long as Sprius can be elected as a member of parliament, he will bring more food to Rome, so that we don’t have to worry about these things at all!”

The last words touched everyone’s heart. . . . . .

“I agree with the election of Sprius!” someone said.

The crowd looked at it and saw the respected veteran Ovis.

Wang Weizhen smiled, and it should be that the letter from Gaius worked. Ovis has always been a supporter of Gaius, and the people that Gaius entrusted him to care for will never let go.

Orvies said slowly: “Everyone can think about Spreeus taking on most of the expenses during the Poseidon Festival, if he is not proud of being a Roman, why would he do such a thing? Everyone thinks again, will we have another Poseidon Festival next year? Who is the cost? Is it everyone who is respected? Ah, give him the position of the member, at least it can make our property. Reduce the loss to the lowest…”

A laugh came out. Although Orvis was half joking there, it definitely touched everyone’s heart.

“I agree.” Seveus also stood up and said that he knew this time was his best chance to repay Sprius: “I have never seen such a generous and upright person, he will become the most A good Roman citizen will also be the best member of Parliament. When he is old, maybe he will become a member of the Senate. I agree!”

I agree – the proud Severus also said this.

“So let’s start voting now.” Pompey said without hesitation.

His cronies voted in favor of the vote without approval, and most of the other people, under the influence of Orvis and Seveus, cast a vote in their hands.

In the end, Pompey’s nomination was passed with the overwhelming majority.

The new members of the Roman Parliament were born:

Tias. Moses. Sprius!

In another time and space, all people are used to calling him another name:

Ernst . Alexson . Feng. Breem – Baron Skulls!

Wang Weizhen couldn’t help but laugh. . . . . . Baron Skulls? Mr. Sprius?

I can never dream of one day becoming a member of the Roman Republic.

It seems that this is really an interesting time for people to have surprises anytime, anywhere. . . . . .

“Mr. Splitter, congratulations.” When the meeting was over and accepted the congratulations from everyone, Severus came to him: “I still believe what I said, there is always one day, you will Become the youngest person in the Senate in Roman history.”

“Thank you for your vote for me and thank you for your blessing.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “Although the Senate has approved your formation of the Legion, all the expenses still require you to come out of Severus. If you need it, you can come to me anytime, anywhere, I will give you all the support.”

“Your generosity, I really don’t know how to pay back.” Seveus said sincerely.

Indeed, the formation of the Legion is a big problem. For example, the permanent legion, all their expenses are borne by Rome, but like the squad or the former Sentururus army, all the expenses must be paid by the coach himself, and this is often a very large cost of.

It is precisely because of this that the Roman generals who were appointed as commanders, the first thing to do is to find new sponsors.

Now, Sprius has already resolved his concerns ahead of time. How can you not let yourself be grateful?

Seveus also made up his mind that in the future, no matter what Spreus needs to help himself, even if he loses his life, he must do it. . . . . .

They talked for a while and saw Pompeii coming here. Severus said quickly: “I will come to you, then I will leave.”

When Pompey came, he saw only the back of Seveus. He smiled coldly: “This simple-minded guy is probably still complacent about the appointment now?”

“Everything is in your hands, Pompeii.” Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I think you will soon get rid of the enemy that you hate most, and the power of Rome will be completely in your hands. in.”

“And all this will be attributed to you, Mr. Sprius.” Pompey also said with a smile: “Someone has already guessed our alliance, but what does it matter, a strong alliance, always makes people Fear and embarrassed. And I am sure that as long as we can unite, any enemy will be stepped on our feet.”

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Yes, I think so too!”

And what he is saying is that there is always one day, Pompey will regret for his decision!

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