The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: my country 827. Attack – attack again! Floating astronomy

Code: “Winter Moon”. Target: US Armored 2nd Armored Cavalry Division. The Second Armored Army of the German Armed Forces of the German War. Chief Commander of Operations: Ernst. Alexson . Feng. Breem!

Victory: Killing and injuring the American 2130 people and capturing 1109 people. Destroy the US military 60% above gunfire and armor power.

― German Ministry of Defense Operations Record Office, 1965 year 12 month.

This is a battle codenamed “Winter Moon”. The second armored forces of the German Armed Forces are all involved in the war, while the Skulls division is the main force.

The counterattacks ended with the victory of the Germans. 3000 Yumeijun was killed, wounded and captured.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the magical Baron Alexson is back, and just like in the past, he continues to lead the German soldiers in an unbeaten myth.

Germany, with its powerful offensive oppression, couldn’t breathe. Even Berlin was in jeopardy. Everyone thought that Berlin’s fall was only a matter of time. But in such a critical moment, Baron Alexson is back!

He first led the Nordland Fighting Group to successfully attract the attention of the enemy, allowing them to frequently dispatch troops, completely disrupting their orderly order on the battlefield. Then, he unexpectedly appeared in the position of Skulls division, and concentrated the weak forces, launched a swift and sudden counterattack, and with the help of Xiao Ling and Violet Light Military Base, won the counterattack.

After the day, Wang Weizhen did not hesitate, and quickly withdrew from the US military position with the Skulls division. . . . . .

He is very clear that the counterattack did win, but this happened in the unexpected situation of the US military. Once the Allies have returned to their hearts, they will re-enter the heavy counterattacks, which cannot be resisted by the current strength of the Germans.

Constantly winning, constantly dispelling the enemy’s confidence, accumulating small wins as a big victory, looking for the most favorable opportunity to carry out the general counterattack is what he wants.

The Skulls division officers who returned to the position issued the most insane cheers. They didn’t cheer when they attacked, but now they can finally release their emotions completely.

Baron Alexson – Marshal Ernst, a godly character. He can always bring an incredible victory to Germany if it is impossible.

His existence is the guarantee of Germany’s victory.

Just a few days ago, no German thought they could win the Battle of Berlin, but at the moment, they were already convinced of the victory.

Although the enemy is still strong, even though the enemy still has an absolute advantage, what else? At least they have Baron Alexson – the invincible Marshal Ernst!

In the bursts of cheers, General Kennel and Colonel Cole Graham renewed their tears, and their hard work finally waited until the day. They exchanged miracles with incomparable beliefs!

From this minute on, they will once again become powerful Skulls divisions, and they will once again stage a miracle of victory!

“Prepare – attack again!” Wang Weizhen unexpectedly issued such an order at this time: “Command, Grand Deucthland group quickly moved closer to me and took over the position.”

The officers were suddenly there.

Attack again? God, they just got back. However, the mistake was only short-lived, and then the officers and men of the Skulls division responded again to the baron’s life with the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami.

Attack – attack again!

With the command of Marshal Ernst, they are fearless! With the leadership of Baron Alexson, they will inevitably create new miracles!

“General Marshal Aulitz’s phone.”

Wang Weizhen took the call and came across the opposite voice of General Aulitz: “Marshal, congratulations on your victory. This is only a small victory for you, but for the whole of Germany, this will be our biggest. Inspired. I have reported your victory to the Ministry of Defence and the General Staff, I believe that the whole Berlin will know soon.”

“To deliberately render this victory.” Wang Weizhen calmly told. From his personal point of view, this victory does not reverse the situation on the battlefield, but he still needs to know that all of Berlin is back and he is winning. This will be a source of confidence for the Berlin people to stick to the end.

“Yes, I will follow the baron you ordered.”

“I have ordered the Grand Deucthland group to move closer to us and take over the position. And I will lead the Skulls division to leave the position and launch a new assault on the enemy.” Wang Weizhen coldly issued the order: “Listen, I will go all out There is no one left in the position. If the Grand Deucthland group can’t arrive on time, causing the position to be lost, let their commanders take off their uniforms.”

General Aulitz and the officers and men of the Skulls division heard this news for the first time. It was generally wrong for a long time: “Marshal, are you going to invest in a new counterattack? Ah, yes, I will personally give orders to the Grand Deucthland group.. …. No, it should be said that I will convey your order. Good luck. All for Germany.”

“Everything is for Germany.” Wang Weizhen hung up and his eyes turned to the Skulls officers and men who were so angry: “Are you ready?”

“Everything for Germany – thought it was for Ernst!”

In such a loud response from the officers and men, Wang Weizhen once again jumped on his “Leopard” Tank: “Offensive!”

Attack – German attack!

The sound of the gun that just disappeared was once again on the battlefield! !

The German officers and men who won the first counterattack victory re-entered the new counterattack with high morale!

This is an incredible scene for Americans:

They suffered a full night of torture, and after determining that the Germans had retreated, they returned to their positions with trepidation. However, before they had gathered the bodies of their companions, the Germans roared again!

The overwhelming shouts, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, caused the Americans to rupture their liver and gallbladder. They suddenly remembered the terrible thing that happened last night!

Even General Corret did not even think that the second attack of the Germans would come so quickly. . . . . .

He stared blankly at the enemies who had come back, stunned and looked at such familiar and strange shouts. For the first time, he felt the incomparable fear.

He has never been afraid, never doubted that victory will belong to the United States, but this time he is really scared.

What kind of power can make the Germans on the verge of failure re-emerge with such tremendous energy? Who is there to command the Germans to complete this fierce counterattack? What kind of people are there to perform such a miracle? God, General Corret really hopes to give himself an answer. . . . . .

However, who can give him the answer? The Germans who are fiercely close to the position seem to be telling the enemy in their own unique way:

The baron is back, and the invincible Germans are back!

It was not long before the US troops who had just “recaptured” their positions had no determination to resist under the strong German offensive. They did not hesitate to turn around and ran. This time, the escape speed was much faster than last night.

It’s not that the US military’s combat effectiveness has fallen to a low point. Instead, they were really scared last night and the German’s second counterattack came too suddenly, leaving them with no preparations for their thoughts.

Once fear is stuck in who’s heart, there is no way to get rid of it in a short period of time. . . . . .

So, without the command of General Corret, the US military will once again give up

Shame, this is a shame that I can’t get rid of in my life. . . . . . In just a few dozen hours, have you lost your position twice and there is something more shameful than this? General Corret looked at everything in front of him, thinking sadly and helplessly.

He really wants to meet the enemy’s commander, and he wants to see it more urgently than anyone else. . . . . .

The German flag and the flag of the Skulls division fluttered everywhere in the position. The heroic Skulls divisions vented their inner madness and excitement. Once the baron returns, victory and glory return to this heroic team!

“Advance to Ibour!” In countless cheers, Wang Weizhen said calmly: “All Skulls divisions quickly advance to Ibor, and I want to disrupt the entire deployment of the Allies!”

“Yes, Marshal!” This time, Johnny had no hesitation in front of Marshal Ernst.

When they advance to Ibour, they will be bombarded by the enemy sky and intercepted by the ground, but what does it matter? Even if they don’t have anything, they have something that an enemy won’t have in his lifetime:

That is the Baron Skulls!

The entire Skulls division has completely fallen into the enthusiasm of victory with the two counterattacks that have been won in a short period of time. The order was ordered, and all the officers and men of the Skulls division took the pace of their armored vehicles.

― Advance to Iber – advance to victory!

It is an unstoppable momentum that is enough to destroy any power!

They will attack Ibour and reinforce the Nordland battle group there. They will continue to face a large number of enemies. But what can be scared?

On the position, it was the singing voice of the Skulls division officers and soldiers. In the battlefield, the German tweeters are screaming and cheering all the German officers and men:

“Marshal Ernst has returned – Marshal Ernst personally directs Skulls to complete two counterattacks – Marshal Ernst continues to perform miracles… Who can stop the Baron? Who can stop the victory of Germany? Fight, German soldiers, in order to Deutsche – for the Baron! Fight! Fight!!”

The high voices of the soldiers even overwhelmed the tweeter. Most of them have survived the Baron’s glory many times, but this is the first time they have fought under the command of the Baron.

The returning baron told the German soldiers with two beautiful counterattacks:

No doubt – I will lead you to victory!

When the Germans were full of blood, when the Germans were in high spirits, the German enemies were caught in a chaos. . . . . .

The commander-in-chief of the Allies, Westmoreland, was the most unwilling to believe this. He never believed that the Skulls Baron was really back. The so-called return of the Baron is nothing but a lie that the Germans who are on the verge of failure have made up to boost morale!

However, in the more than ten hours, the second armored cavalry division suffered successive failures, but they had to be highly valued. To this end, General Corret was summoned urgently.

In the Allied Supreme Command, General Corret was speechless and thought that his sergeant was not because of failure, but because he could not say the reason for the failure.

“The enemy’s gunfire is strong, and the violent force is what I didn’t have before…” General Corret said with a hard scalp: “The sudden attack happened too suddenly. The enemy’s powerful artillery fire destroyed us in an instant.” Most of the artillery and armor forces, we don’t have time to make any adjustments, the enemy has already rushed in. And they quickly won the victory…”

“Then their second offense? Is it also a cover with powerful artillery?” Westmoreland asked coldly.

General Corret smiled bitterly: “No, to be honest, I can’t imagine that the enemy will re-attack in such a short period of time. I think this responsibility will be borne by me.”

Westmoreland looked annoyed at the moment, when his chief of staff, Colfer Commodore, hurried in: “Mr. Commander-in-Chief, the broadcast on the German position is screaming their victory and repeating there. This is the battle under the direction of Baron Alexson…”

“No, I will tell you again. There is no possibility!” Westmoreland screamed in anger: “The ghost Skulls Baron is dead, there is no damn Skulls Baron, you should not be stunned by Skulls. The baron fainted.”

The wrath of the wrath made the headquarters silent. The Commander-in-Chief has successively exposed three “wandering Skulls Barons”. Is it fearing the baron in the heart?

Of course, Westmoreland will never admit it.

After venting his inner feelings, Westmoreland became calmer: “The intelligence department? Is there any information about the damn Skulls Baron?”

This time it became “damn Skulls Baron”, and Colfer Commodore shook his head. “No, the intelligence department has no exact news. They are investigating. But as far as we know, the Germans are already convinced of their The Skulls Baron is back. We can confirm this by placing it inside the Germans. Last night’s attack, Admiral Stoke Aulitz of the German Second Panzer Corps confirmed the counterattack order issued by Marshal Ernst… .”

Westmoreland is silent. . . . . . He simply believes that the Skulls Baron will still be alive, but what if it is true?

It was an unbeaten myth on the battlefield. It was a fearsome military commander. He has magical powers, can turn gold into gold, can turn decay into magic, and can make everything impossible. With regard to these claims, Westmoreland is really hearing enough.

It is precisely because of this that Westmoreland, like everyone else, always has a deep-rooted fear of the Baron. . . . . . Although, before his own ministry, he will never admit it. . . . . .

“I am still the opinion, what baron does not exist at all.” Westmoreland cheered up his spirit: “I once said that even if Ernst.Breem is still alive, he can no longer adapt to the current war. Or, this can give us a chance! Let us have a chance to defeat the Skulls Baron, the so-called unbeaten myth on the battlefield!”

His men’s faces showed some smiles. . . . . . Although the commander said it was a bit unreliable, but at least it was a good encouragement. . . . . .

“You, General Corret, return to your command post.” Westmoreland issued his own order: “Don’t let the enemy make a third attack and succeed, or you will make you a US officer.” The pride of nothing is gone.”

“Yes, Mr. Commander, I won’t have another failure anymore.” General Corret replied loudly, of course, his voice seemed to be somewhat unconfident.

“Where is the Skulls division now? Have they returned again?” Westmoreland asked as he looked at the map.

“No, no.” Colfer Commodore’s answer was unexpected: “According to aerial reconnaissance, they are moving closer to Ibor.”

“What? Ibor?” Westmoreland was shocked, and then understood what the other side meant: “They are going to provide reinforcements to the trapped Germans in Ibor. We must not let them succeed! Command, the Air Force bombs Ibrahim’s Badger Commodore stepped up the offensive against the Nordland Fighting Group and must re-capture Ibor before the Skulls division arrived. Command, the 11, 12 Infantry Division quickly moved closer to Ibor and formed for the Skulls division. The siege!”

“Yes, Mr. Commander, I will immediately give you your order!”

“Let Ibor become the burial place of Baron Skulls!” Westmoreland slammed the map: “There will be his first place to fail, where it will be his nightmare! His era It is over, now, it is the opening of a powerful era in the United States!”

Colfer nodded silently, but at this time his heart suddenly had some strange thoughts. Did the commander’s heart already believe that the Skulls Baron is still alive? Is the commander eager to defeat the glory of Baron Skulles?

However, does he really have such a grasp? Can he really accomplish the miracle that his predecessors had not done?

You know, he is facing the Skulls Baron who is constantly creating miracles!

Colfer is not sure if Westmoreland can do what he wants!

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