This coach speaks so directly that Su Nan has a little completely unprepared.

People say that Su Nan doesn’t know how to pick it up.

Look at the cold things that come from this competition, people in circle clearly know, not to mention them or Top Team, they must have received information in advance.

Well, Su Nan doesn’t have to talk slowly, Sophie has a lot to do.

The embarrassing admission: “Well, it seems that Coach Chen, you know, does have a problem, but we’re still very strong, and you’re not all shaken by this.”

“At the same time, we also believe that this will be a wonderful competition, which has been engaged with the top expert abroad, and that it will be helpful for strength.”

Su Nan had a bunch of hardly known believing or not, but Su Nan’s attitude had already been put here.

At the same time, Su Nan said, “It’s just not known that your team has been in the file lately, and I would like to invite the famous Blue Star Team to participate in this competition of the Wind Watstream.”

The coach, to a large extent, is still in a position to decide on such matters, and now stressing the Effect of the trainer, whose status must be greater than that of the elector.

There is no objection from the management, as long as the coaches wish to go.

Coach Chen laughed, and he said, “Honestly, we didn’t think much about joining this competition. We only signed Penguin Livestream, and you should know what I mean.”

“But you called me directly, and I’m not sure I refuse you.”

Chen Bu said, “Well, then, I’ll be back later, waiting for the crew to finish my rehearsal with them, and then talk about it, but maybe later.”

Su Nan won’t give up any hope as soon as he says so, and it’s too reluctant to come, and it’s obvious.

But it’s good not to refuse directly, but to think about it again, obviously taking care of Su Nan’s feelings.

Su Nan has nothing to say, “No problem, my side sleeps late, and you’re busy.”

After that, Su Nan was calm a lot, and there’s nothing he really can do about it.

Su Nan doesn’t want that many if you want something to do well, do it yourself.

Don’t pull it down, competition’s normal, never cancel it.

I’m just a water friend race, pull some Streamer or stranger squad.

Let the crowd go together, but as long as this competition gets champion, it’s all right to say that the unfavourable situation is slight in front of champion.

It’s too hard to do that, and it’s a little bit lonely, Su Nan, but it’s kind of exciting.

– Mm-hmm.

At around 12: 00 p.m., just after the morning, Chen Bu’s guy came over, and Su Nan knew that it was actually early for those who played professionaly.

“Su Nan, I talked about this competition we Blue Star Team, decided to go in.”

Chen Bu 给Su Nan 发的WeChat 语音,Su Nan 点开了听之后,一下子就听到了这句话,人瞬间就愣住了。


Su Nan was stuck in his face, and he didn’t even think that Chen Bu, really promised him, but Su Nan didn’t give up any hope.

As a result, Su Nan was a little surprised if he didn’t show up on the road.

重新听了一遍,Su Nan 确认自己没有听错。


heart has risen a lot of Su Nan, and the answer is, “Great, thanks to Coach Chen, you still have the confidence of Blue Star Team, and this competition, in all its aspects, is really good.”

Su Nan didn’t ask anything bad, but you could just promise. I don’t care why you promised.

Never ask those who are useless, if they say so, what if they don’t agree?

“To decide to go, but one thing I have to say to you, the team of this contest is basically replacing the past, not the main team.”


After Su Nan heard this, it was just a little bit more, and I didn’t think so.

Chen Bu probably explained, “For a number of reasons, I can’t say that I can only replace it, but Pig Head will follow it, and he will bring three replacements on his own, as if he was practicing newcomer.”

Su Nan, it’s probably clear. It’s supposed to be Blue Star Team. Think of a compromise.

不想得罪了Streaming Platform 那边,又想帮帮自己,所以就选择了用一个主力带三个替补,相当于全替补的阵容过去。

Replacement and dominance are not always a thing, the gap is still great, replacing, and, like, viewers may not know.

It’s a little bit of a conversation with Streaming Platform.

Some of the reasons in his mouth should be Streaming Platform. After all, the top popular team, Blue Star, must have given enough pressure.

It’s hard to do this, it’s absolutely good to see timely help, and it’s moving Su Nan.

In fact, replacing is influenced, but it’s not that big, but Blue Star Team is a sign, for years, popularity’s been there, and it sounds different.

It’s like Ferrari, which has millions, tens of millions, and prices are far away, not a thing, but when people see it, it’s Ferrari, that’s awesome.

Blue Star Team will definitely make the cloud livestream this way, relax your breath, and nobody will ask. At least there’s a strong team coming, right?

Plus not entirely replacements, there is a Pig Head, who is the old celebrity Pro Player, and popularity is equally terrifying, and absolutely does not lose celebrity.

And also Blue Star Team’s medal, with Captain, he would never have a low level of attention, even with a few replacements.

Su Nan didn’t even think about it. What bicycle, Su Nan wouldn’t have to go in.

When it says, “No problem, according to team arrangements, many thanks to you.”

This unexpected attempt was successful, so Su Nan felt good about Blue Star Team for a while.

There’s a comparator pain in the ass, playing professionaly, going back to Blue Star, or Wang Ziye’s team, and it’s pain in the ass, and both of them are in distress.

(Fourth more today, everybody has a vote.

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