Chen Yan asked the chairman at the time, "What is the difference between what you do and those profiteers who are profiteering? Is money really so important?"

The chairman laughed at the time, looked at Chen Yan mockingly and said, "You are ashamed to say me? Don't all of you who make money in stocks just use profit? Have you moved a brick and filled a tile for this society? Isn’t this market all about looting, cutting leeks and bullying the poor? Are you embarrassed to say me?"

Chen Yan didn't say anything after hearing what the chairman said at the time. He looked at the chairman blankly: "We have always been like this in your heart?"

The chairman looked at Chen Yan contemptuously at that time: "Aren't you like this? What? The mask on your face was stripped off and I felt ashamed? So what if you can do stocks? You have a beautiful and beautiful life now. It's just a charity given to you by others. What you earn is the rate of return. Do you have the principal? But it's just a tool for others to make money. You should do what you want to do. Don't talk too much about other things. There are no rich people like us. What is the principal given to you? You are nothing.""

While talking, Wang Ze recalled that when he was in the corridor outside the office, he heard the two people arguing loudly in the chairman's office. Talking, his hands clenched his fists tightly.

Xu Kun was dumbfounded when he heard it. The chairman of the board had already seen him. It was a amiable little old man. He never expected to say such a thing. Wang Ze took a sip of tea and continued to tell the story of the year.

After hearing what the chairman said, Chen Yan was speechless for a long time, and said after a long silence: "Chairman, I don’t deny those of us who do securities investment. To put it bluntly, there is the kind of professional stock speculators that you just said. People, but securities investment itself is not squeezing the hard-earned money of the people. Its purpose is to better match the people who have resources in this society with those who need them, and we are not like you. That said, profit is only a plan.

I have always felt that a gentleman stands between the heaven and the earth, and should be worthy of the heaven and the earth. I asked myself that in my life, apart from the parents who gave birth to me and raised me, I thought they gave me life and raised me as an adult. I'm sorry, what Chen Yan has done in this life is not worthy of anyone, but I can at least be worthy of it. In Tiandi, Chen Yan, I have a clear conscience, and I slept well in the middle of the night.

I don't believe in ghosts and gods, but even if I really have the so-called evil spirits and ghosts pulling me into the underworld a hundred years later, I can face it calmly because I have a clear conscience in Chen Yan.

If I can't stop your decision on this matter, then I will tell everyone.

Besides, I really want to know, don’t you feel bad about doing this? Can I sleep at night? "

After speaking, Chen Yan pushed the door and walked out of the chairman's office without looking at the chairman.

After that, Chen Yan told the public the whole story. Everyone and the calculated researcher were extremely shocked. Zhang Yan's face was flushed and she wanted to find a place to get in.

Guo Liang, another person on the cusp, stared at Chen Yan gloomily.

Chen Yan persuaded the calculated researcher to take a good look at the relevant laws and regulations, and don't let himself in.

Xu Kun sighed and said, "Then this thing is over."

Wang Ze looked at Xu Kun and shook his head: "Yes, this matter is over, but the matter of Brother Chen Yan is far from over. This calculated researcher knows the whole story, naturally. Those who refuse to continue to do illegal things have carefully studied relevant laws and regulations, and their work has become more compliant.

Originally, this controversy should have ended here, but the company’s product sales began to decline after complying with relevant laws and regulations. Fortunately, Chen Yan’s reputation has long been recognized by the market, and the company’s product sales are just not so popular. But it is still very popular.

However, the chairman seemed to be unsatisfied with this situation. Afterwards, the chairman began to talk to everyone one by one. I didn't know what others said. When they told me, I hoped that I could help improve this plan in China. The condition is that the annual income is tripled. . Although others are not clear, guess it should be the same. Those involved in the event, such as me, Guo Liang, and Zhang Yan, will earn more. Those who are not involved will also receive a regular hush fee.

But Brother Chen Yan still stubbornly refused to accept this so-called plan. So that happened. "

Xu Kun listened attentively. Wang Ze took a sip of tea and continued: "Xu Kun, you know we need to listen to many brokerage conference calls, right?"

Xu Kun nodded and said: "I know this. We need to refer to the research results of brokers."

Wang Ze nodded: "Yes, but how can a broker's conference call be casually listened to? Generally speaking, it will require an institution that has already cooperated to listen. There are indeed some institutions in the market that we have not cooperated with. Good conference call, do you know what we will do at this time?"

Xu Kun replied: "I still know this. Brokers usually let the personnel of the cooperating institutions participate in the conference call, or the individuals who open accounts in their homes. Generally speaking, we open accounts with many brokers just because the company has not yet established. Join the conference call before the partnership."

Wang Ze said: "Yes, the researcher who was pulled out of the firepit by Chen Yan once said that he wanted to participate in a conference call with a brokerage firm, but because he had not opened an account with that brokerage firm soon after entering the business, he asked Chen. Brother Yan borrowed an account. Maybe it was because he pulled out of the fire pit. Brother Chen Yan has always been adhering to the concept of genuine heart for heart, and gave the account and password to the researcher without any hesitation. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t give it. Then something happened, do you know what happened afterwards?"

Xu Kun whispered: "I gave myself my account and password at a brokerage firm, something happened? Is it? No?" Thinking about what might happen, Xu Kun widened his eyes and was shocked to speak.

Wang Ze suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahaha, it seems that you have guessed it, yes. As fund practitioners, we can make stocks by ourselves, but we need to report and we cannot buy or sell stocks before or after the company’s purchases. It is illegal to buy and sell the same stocks for three days, otherwise it is the “mouse warehouse” that everyone often calls. Brother Chen Yan opened an account only to listen to the broker’s conference call and did not buy or sell stocks at all, but he gave his account password to the researcher It didn't take long for the company to come.

It was a person from the regulatory agency, saying that Chen Yan used the convenience of his position to conduct illegal transactions in a rat warehouse, and asked Chen Yan to cooperate in the investigation. It was natural for Brother Chen Yan to sit upright. He opened his stock accounts one by one in public. Everyone saw that all the stock accounts were empty and did not conduct any transactions.

But when I opened the stock account previously lent to that researcher, I discovered that there was a stock in it, and the stock was exactly the same as one of the company's holdings. Check the transaction records again and found that the purchase was made when the company successively bought in, which fully met the conditions of the rat warehouse. Then Chen Yan was taken away for investigation.

Although Brother Chen Yan has always said that he did not buy it, he still has stocks in his account, and he still meets the conditions of the rat warehouse. He was eventually found guilty. The regulatory agency issued an announcement on the punishment of Chen Yan, banning the industry for life, and confiscation of illegal gains and a fine of five times the gains received.

At that time, the entire industry was shocked. The news was all overwhelmed in the circle of friends, and Chen Yan's reputation in the industry was completely stinking. The chairman went down and sued Chen Yan, and the end result was naturally that Chen Yan lost the lawsuit and compensated the company for a large amount of expenses. Brother Chen Yan, who has a background in financial behavior, has lost everything he has learned.

No company hired him because of his stinking reputation and industry ban. Since he had no money in stocks, no one wanted to lend him the money. Since then, Chen Yan has disappeared from this market, and no one knows where he has gone. "Wang Ze said, finally, his eyes widened, and the eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes. The fists were clenched tightly together, the joints were all white, and blue veins appeared on both sides of the temples.

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