Chapter 59 Compassion overflows

  Da An and Xiao An finished their self-introduction, then lowered their heads and said desolately, "My mother is sick and has no money to see a doctor, so we want to come to Yangcheng to sell firewood to earn money to see a doctor for my mother."

   "What about your father?"

  Da'an replied, "Eight years ago when the Northern Territory was in turmoil, Daliang wanted to recruit troops. My father was forcibly conscripted into the army. He never came back after leaving. People in the village said that my father died outside."

   "Eight years ago?" If he hasn't come back for eight years, then this person is still alive.

   Didn’t expect that Daliang also had the idea of ​​forced enlistment, so why didn’t the three brothers of the Yu family be conscripted?

   She will have to find a chance to ask Yu Changhe for a while.

   "What disease is your mother suffering from? What did the doctor say? Can it be cured?"

   "My mother coughed non-stop and had a fever some time ago. After taking the folk remedies given by Aunt Wang in our village, she recovered for a few days. But it got serious again in the past few days, and the folk remedies didn't work anymore."

   "Does your mother still have a fever?" Yu Xiaolian asked hurriedly.

  If this person has a fever that doesn’t go away, it’s not a good thing. If the fever continues, it will kill someone.

   "Well, I covered my mother with several quilts, but she still said it was cold."

  Yesterday they sold the firewood, and took the half money Yu Xiaolian gave to the pharmacy, trying to get a pair of medicine for his mother.

   But the pharmacy guy said that there is no prescription, he can’t take medicine casually, he doesn’t know what his mother’s disease is, and he can’t prescribe the right medicine.

  Da'an and Xiao'an planned to use a cart to bring his mother to the city, but his mother could not come alive, saying that he would not waste the money and just eat a few more folk remedies at home.

  After listening to Da'an and Xiaoan's words, Yu Xiaolian felt a little sympathetic to An Ziniang. The child lost his father when he was two years old. She worked hard to raise her two sons.

   "Wait a minute, my family also has a folk remedy for reducing fever, but it works. I'll take care of my mother."

   After Yu Xiaolian finished speaking, she returned to her room from the back door of the house. She remembered that there were antipyretics in the first aid kit in the lounge.

   I looked through the medicine box, and there were really some in it, and there were quite a variety of them, including fever-reducing, anti-inflammatory, cold, and cough medicines.

Take out the oily paper that Mrs. Sun bought in the town last time, cut it into small pieces the size of your palm, pack five antipyretics on it, take another piece of oily paper to pack five anti-inflammatory medicines, and finally pack cold medicine and cough medicine medicine.

  According to the symptoms described by Daan and Xiaoan, her mother should have a severe cold, and these medicines should be enough.

  Yu Xiaolian marked one, two, and three on the oiled paper with a marker pen, then took it out and handed it to Daan Xiaoan.

   "This one is about antipyretics, you can only take one pill at a time, and you must not take more..."

  Yu Xiaolian reminded her thousands of times, and told the two little ones many times, lest they would not remember and give her mother the wrong medicine when they went back.

  Da'an said, "Sister, don't worry, I have memorized everything, we can read, my mother can read, she taught us."

   "That's great, don't delay, go home quickly, it's important to get your mother's high fever down first."

  Da'an and Xiao'an bowed to Yu Xiaolian and thanked them again and again, before they ran side by side.

   I don't know if this medicine will work for An Ziniang. She shouldn't be nosy, but facing such sensible two cubs, her **** sympathy began to overflow again.

  Yu Changhe’s leg hasn’t been changed for several days, so I should take him out to find a medicine hall in the afternoon. The accident in Huichuntang was too sudden that day, and the soup didn’t boil.

  As soon as Yu Xiaolian mentioned to show Yu Changhe's legs, Sun immediately put down the needle and thread in his hand and wanted to go with them.

   "I feel that my legs don't hurt so much, I can walk by myself, I want to try walking."

  Yu Changhe moved to the edge of the kang and was about to put on his shoes to go to the ground, but Mrs. Bie Sun grabbed him, "No, Xiao Zheng said that day, your legs can't be strenuous, why are you disobedient?"

  Yu Changhe is depressed. He has been sitting on the kang like a disabled person for the past few days, reaching for his clothes, opening his mouth when he eats.

  Although the life at home is getting better now, it is extremely uncomfortable for him to be a big man relying on his wife and daughter to serve him like a waste all day long.

  Yu Xiaolian got into the carriage, and together with Mrs. Sun helped Yu Changhe onto the carriage.

  There are so many people in the city, she was afraid that she would not be able to control the carriage in the city and bump into others, so she simply led the horse in front, anyway, there was a pharmacy near her home.

  So, there was such a scene on the street. A thin little girl was walking down the street, leading a tall red horse.

  The tall horse and the thin little girl are in stark contrast.

  People who walked by couldn't help but look sideways.

When they arrived at the pharmacy, Yu Xiaolian and Mrs. Sun helped Yu Changhe to the pharmacy. An old man with gray hair and beard first took Yu Changhe's pulse, then took apart the bamboo board, and checked Yu Changhe's wounds. leg.

   "It is impossible for this leg to return to normal, but with good care and treatment, there is still no problem in taking care of myself.

  If you can come to acupuncture every day, you can hurry up if it’s good. For acupuncture, you need to **** once a day for the first three days, and then every three days after three days, for half a month, which will help recovery.

   Acupuncture costs half taels of silver once, and three taels of silver for half a month. If the family is in trouble, acupuncture is fine, but it’s better to slow down. Which one do you choose? "

  Yu Changhe said impatiently, "Acupuncture, we choose acupuncture!"

  He was extremely looking forward to being able to walk independently as soon as possible.

  Although his wife and daughter take good care of him, he doesn't want to be a burden to his family. If he gets better soon, he won't need the mother and daughter to do tasks like chopping firewood and feeding the horses.

  The white-bearded doctor immediately asked the boy in the shop to bring hot water to wash off the ointment on Yu Changhe's legs, and then began to give Yu Changhe acupuncture.

  In the past, Yu Changhe didn't feel any pain under his knees, but at this moment, his whole leg hurts, that kind of pain, as if someone is cramping his hamstring.

  The white-bearded doctor laughed, saying that this is a good sign, and that if Yu Changhe recovers well, he will not need to use crutches in the future, but walking will be a little bit sloppy.

  Yu Changhe and Sun Shi were overjoyed when they heard this.

  The doctor with white beard put the needle on Yu Changhe, and left the needle for about ten minutes before pulling out the silver needle, and told Yu Changhe to come back for acupuncture tomorrow.

   After Mrs. Sun paid for acupuncture and decoction, the family of three returned home.

  After returning home, Yu Changhe sat on the kang, and told Sun with a happy face that his legs were warm and comfortable, as if they were placed in hot water.

   Mrs. Sun was also very happy, and asked Yu Changhe what he wanted to eat tonight.

   "What do you do, what do I eat, whatever you do is delicious."

  Yu Changhe looked at Sun Shi affectionately, he was crippled, but Sun Shi never left him, this love he will never forget.

  Yu Xiaolian is currently in the warehouse.

   She's going to get some long shelf life food and stuff out.

For example, there are two kinds of shortbread in her supermarket, one is sold by the catty, and it costs eight yuan per catty. This kind of shortbread is smaller and has two flavors, one is white sugar, the other is black sesame .

  There are only half a box of black sesame and white sugar left. If they are sold, they will probably be sold out within a day.

  (end of this chapter)

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