Unlucky black cat

Chapter 102 Friendship can change a person

Today is Monday, the day when school starts again.

A few weeks after the massive break-in at Duan Bodhisattva Temple.

Residents living around Xiahe District already know the horrifying news that a temple was broken into and robbed, resulting in five deaths and one injury.

At first, of course, people were talking about it.

There are people who are stunned, there are people who are panicked, and there are people who are guilty.

But as the case became clear, it became clear.

Days pass by, and now, few people mention this matter anymore.

Life seems to have returned to calm.

Unfortunately, there are some wounds that are too deep and cannot be filled in this little time.

It should be from the moment I wake up from the dream.

Zhuang Yuan's life fell into complete darkness.

She once again lost the beauty that she had not had for a long time.

Well, and all the expectations for the future.

The girl's hair became more and more messy, and her thick bangs covered most of her face.

The old and baggy school uniform made her figure look particularly thin.

Today is the first time Zhuang Yuan is preparing to return to school after receiving two weeks of psychological counseling.

However, there was no joy at all on her face.

Now she lives in a small resettlement house.

This is a rental house prepared by the police for the girl to live in for free for five years.

At the same time, they also applied for Zhuang Yuan's social relief fund.

One thousand two hundred yuan a month is enough for food and drink, which can be regarded as solving the girl's urgent need.

But Zhuang Yuan's problems still don't stop there.

There are even some problems that the police cannot solve.

The campus in the early morning always gives people the illusion of still being young.

Whether it’s the energetic faces of the students, the sound of morning reading coming from the teaching building, or the recess bell echoing on the playground. It can make many people who have left campus miss some past events.

However, it is probably precisely because of this.

Zhuang Yuan, who was full of old age, seemed particularly out of place among the crowd.

She lowered her head, looking away from the vague gazes of the people around her.

Walking on a familiar road, I walked into a familiar classroom.

The classroom was quiet for a moment.

Due to the wide spread of the murder incident.

All the classmates knew that an accident happened in Zhuang Yuan's home.

They felt sorry for her, but they didn't know how to say anything.

Moreover, the other party is still mute and cannot communicate like ordinary people.

So, it wasn't until Zhuang Yuan walked back to his usual seat and sat down silently.

No one on either side spoke to her.


Finally, a certain person started a new topic with his deskmate.

Speaking of which, did you know that we have two transfer students coming to our class recently?

Hey, it's so sudden. Is the news accurate?

The sensible deskmate also responded immediately.

So, there was a voice in the classroom again.

Some people were reading in the morning, some were sleeping, some were catching up on homework, and some actually started chatting about the two transfer students.

Of course, you forgot, my dad is the director of the Academic Affairs Office.

Oh, then this is inside information.

The question is, can high school students transfer to another school?

Well, in theory, it doesn't work. But, who wants the backstage to be tough? I heard it was the Education Bureau who made the call directly.

Education Bureau?

I'll go, this backstage is too hard, isn't it?

By the way, what is the relationship between these two transfer students? Why do they need to transfer to another school together?

Well, my dad said they are a brother and sister, both about the same age. But the younger brother has albinism and has been seeking medical treatment abroad. Until recently, his condition began to improve for some reason, so he decided to go back to China to go to school.

Hey, isn't albinism incurable?

So I don't know why.

Oh, hey, tell me, is that albino classmate particularly handsome?

Come on, do you know what sick whiteness is? People who suffer from that kind of disease will never be able to live like ordinary people for the rest of their lives. Be kind and don't be a nymphomaniac.

Tch, I'm just talking.

But children from rich families always feel like they can't talk to us.

Who says it's not? Well, forget it, let's not mention them. I'll ask again, everyone, are you interested in knowing more about the Rain Cat Soul Searching Society?

Hey, is it that supernatural society you founded again? Fortunately, your father is the director of the Academic Affairs Office, otherwise this kind of society would never be approved.

Oh, don't say that. I fought for it with my own strength, okay? Our club is still short of three heads. Who among you can join us?

Goodbye, my family won't let me play with strange people.

Hey, hey, who do you think is the weird person?

Anyone asked me who to tell.

And Xiangzi, your club runs all over the city on weekends. We can't stand it.

That's right, eldest sister, I'm not talking about you. We are already high school students. Not everyone can be like Xiaoyu and accompany you crazy every day without affecting your grades.

Tsk, no sense of loyalty.

What is loyalty? Can it be used as food?

Okay, okay, stop arguing. The school committee is here to see you.

Ordinary school, ordinary high school.

There should have been no disasters or evil spirits.

After meeting Bai Guanji, Jiang Sheng thought about it for a few days.

In the end, he decided to follow the advice of Yun Gui and Yu Yi and participate in the operation of the Spiritual Management Department.

At the moment, it was following Yang Momo with Bai Jie's appearance, carrying a schoolbag and getting out of a black car.

Remember, always be disguised. I'll pick you up after school.

Bai Guanji asked seriously while sitting in the car.

After that, he drove away from the school gate.

Yes, from now on.

Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo will enter Zhuang Yuan's school in the name of transfer students.

As for Bai Guanji, he will play their parent.

Well, I'm really not surprised at all about your bizarre plan.

He raised his head helplessly and looked at the teaching building in the distance.

Jiang Sheng said with a look of sadness on his face.

Stop complaining. Think about me. I've transferred schools three times this year.

He patted Jiang Sheng on the shoulder dumbfounded. Yang Momo, who was born in a spiritual family, was already used to this kind of thing.

In order to control the supernatural, her personal life has long been completely chaotic.

Just like her parents, they run around the country all year round.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to go home during the Chinese New Year this year.

Now that I think about it, my childhood self probably shouldn't have complained about them so much.

Some things are indeed beyond your control.

Anyway, remember what we're going to do.

He solemnly tightened his palms on Jiang Sheng's shoulders.

At the moment, Yang Momo only knew.

He had no reason to watch an innocent girl being swallowed up by bad luck.

Do not worry.

He raised his hand tiredly and rubbed the center of his brow.

Jiang Sheng, standing in front of the school, wearing a black hat, nodded slowly and said.

I know what we have to do.

Get close to a lonely person, become her best friend when she was young, and create a beautiful and fulfilling youth for her.

Finally, as a friend, he slowly faded out of her life.

If all goes well, this plan will silently change a person's attitude towards life and the way he copes with suffering.

Then, rewrite a person's destiny.

But the problem remains the same.

if everything goes well.

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