Unlucky black cat

Chapter 127 Three thousand, three thousand

In fact.

Lin Yanyu didn't think that it was Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo who posted the posts about the human-faced dog and the old man in shrouds.

She just felt that these two people were inseparable from this matter.

At the same time, she didn't think Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo were evil people.

Because in the last ghost exploration activity, neither of them hurt anyone.

Instead, the police were called and the unconscious people were sent home.

Then here comes the problem.

In this case, why did Lin Yanyu keep an eye on Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo.

Because she has been tracking supernatural beings for nearly ten years.

Nowadays, we really need to know whether supernatural beings really exist.

So she relied on all the information she had at the moment.

A preliminary observation plan was developed.

That's right, Lin Yan was not actually planning to use her true identity to invite Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo to participate in some ghost exploration activities.

Her plan is.

First, with the help of an anonymous mailbox, the information related to the old man in shroud from the same account as the human-faced dog was sent to these two people.

Then observe their reactions in secret.

That is to say, from the side, these two people were invited to investigate the incident.

If the other party doesn't care at all, or treats it as a child's play.

Then all the previous speculations may be all misunderstandings.

The human-faced dog is fake, and the old man in shroud is not a threat.

But if the opponent is facing a formidable enemy, he or she will be ready to attack.

Then, Lin Yan must at least protect the people around her.

Yes, what this girl said is something that must be clarified.

That is, if there really is any supernatural power in this city.

Well, she at least wanted to keep her family and friends safe.

Keep, keep, keep the rhythm of your breathing.

In Zhuang Yuan's placement house, Yang Momo was sitting cross-legged on the floor, looking at the girl in front of her who was in the same pose as her, and said with a serious face.

Let your whole spirit be in a state of complete emptiness. You will feel that your consciousness is gradually leaving the body. Then observe and observe everything around you. Remember, you must not forget to breathe no matter what. Now, tell Me, what did you see?

‘Light and shadow, blue, people? ’

Zhuang Yuan closed her eyes and her mouth was still unable to speak.

But in the world of inspiration, her consciousness made a little, intermittent sound.

very good.

Yang Momo turned his head, looked at Jiang Sheng who was standing nearby, and then continued.

That is your soul. Go, get close to her, remember to breathe, breathe slowly. Even feel her, use any sense you can use. Quietly, feel her.


Just when Zhuang Yuan was getting better, his inspiration spread out on its own.

The hot water kettle next to the electric socket made a sudden buzzing sound.

Pieces of white mist emerged from the mouth of the pot.

The noise caused Zhuang Yuan to open his eyes.

Ah, the hot water is boiling.

The sensitive black cat immediately turned off the switch.

But there is still no way to change the fact that the channeling process has been interrupted.

On the fourth day after he officially started learning spells, Zhuang Yuan still had not gathered his own spiritual power.

This has prevented her from returning to school.

Because she has no spiritual power, the shocking concentration of misfortune in the girl's body can only be coordinated and balanced by Jiang Sheng and Yang Momo.

In the past, this kind of approach might not have been a problem.

But in today's situation, where misfortune can claim human lives, it is obviously still too rough and crude.

So recently, the first goal set by the Spirit Management Department for Zhuang Yuan is to let her learn to use spiritual power.

Only after Zhuang Yuan has mastered the basics of spiritual science and can have a certain degree of resistance in the face of disasters will they let the girl regain her freedom.

How should I put it, this is probably the price of knowing the truth.

Rights and responsibilities are always interdependent.

However, Yang Momo has been quite satisfied with Zhuang Yuan's study progress these days.

In her words, a person who can feel his own spirit body within two weeks is considered to be quite gifted.

As for Zhuang Yuan, there is no doubt that he is also a moderate genius.

After all, she had already felt her own spirit body on the third day.

Now, less than a week has passed, and he has already touched the threshold of gathering souls.

Although this result is slightly mediocre compared to Yang Momo, Zhuang Yuan is not looking for managers, so there is no need to aim too high.

Ah, ah.

He opened his lips in a daze and spit out two dry syllables.

Zhuang Yuan was stunned for a few seconds.

Then I realized that my body could not speak like inspiration, so I picked up a pen and wrote another sentence in my notebook.

I seem to be able to gather some spiritual power soon.

four days ago.

With the help of the Census Bureau, she went to the police station to check all the files on Duan Bodhisattva Temple.

It also includes more than ten missing cases that were recently linked to Duan Bodhisattva Temple.

Now, she no longer doubted Jiang Sheng's previous remarks.

Even after seeing her mother's body, which was kept under special care, the girl's whole temperament changed slightly.

She absorbed knowledge day and night.

The purpose is to participate as quickly as possible in the pursuit of strange coordination.

Unfortunately, some things always take time to settle.

Not bad, very good.

Yang Momo happily hooked his arm around Zhuang Yuan's shoulders, and then touched the other person's hair with the eight-armed woman's palm.

As my first student, Xiao Yuan, you are really talented. Jiang Sheng, come and praise her for me.

Well, is this something very praiseworthy?

Because he was born with a curse in this life, the black cat really does not understand the sufferings of ordinary people practicing cultivation.

It is just a lazy and indifferent soul.

If it weren't for the trick of fate, I wouldn't be standing here now.

Anyway, now is not the time to celebrate.

Jiang Sheng licked his paws helplessly, squatting beside the kettle and frowning.

Recently, I had an extremely strong premonition. This premonition made me nervous and anxious, as if some huge terror was about to come.

Great terror?

Yang Momo thought for a moment with a stiff expression, then smiled and waved his hand.

I asked you, are you a little too timid? Now we have a total of three manager-level combat forces, plus five high-level spiritual practitioners and seven experienced spiritual practitioners. So you are completely We can simply reason about it, what kind of horror can make people like us helpless?


Xu Zhi quietly looked away from Yang Momo's body, and Jiang Sheng asked an equally puzzling question.

What horror could there be that would leave the rest of us helpless?

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