Unlucky black cat

Chapter 151: Before leaving

Chapter 153 Before leaving

Living in the guest house of the city bureau, there are a large number of documents piled on the table, and there is terrifying spiritual power hidden in his body.

The above is the reason why Jiang Sheng chose the old man to talk.

As it turns out, it was the right choice.

Although the black cat didn't know the old man, the old man obviously recognized the black cat.

Nai followed and opened the window in front of Jiang Sheng.

As the old saying goes, a sight is better than a hundred hearings. I have admired you for a long time, Mr. Jiang.

The old man's tone was gentle, and his kind face was deeply wrinkled.

you know me.

Ginger wagged his tail in understanding.

Then you should also know about the psychic energy management office.


The old man smiled slightly regretfully and pointed at himself.

Actually, I am the director of the Spirit Management Department. This time, I was supposed to lead a team to support Team Leader Bai Guanji and capture the death row prisoner San Qianqiu. Unfortunately, due to manpower scheduling issues, we arrived a step too late.

Really? Director of the Spiritual Control Department.

Jiang Sheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

In fact, it didn't expect that it would find Bai Guanji's immediate boss just by searching casually.

So, do you have a work permit?

Out of caution, Jiang Sheng decided to confirm again.

Ah, hahaha, of course, even though I haven't had my work permit checked for many years.

After being dumbfounded for a moment, the old man took out a piece of ID from his pocket, and then handed it to Black Cat's hand.

Here, take a look and see if there's anything wrong with it.


Jiang Sheng lowered his head and looked at his work ID card.

Name: Li Guoguang.

Employed unit: Central Psychic Management Office.

Position assumed: Director of Management Systems Division.

Job number: S1001

Certificate wholesale unit: Central Security Bureau.

It seems quite formal.

After looking around at the style of the certificate, the black cat used its paw to push the old man's hand back.

Okay, I believe you for now.

That's it, Mr. Jiang.

The old man nodded and put away the certificate.

But his eyes fell lightly on the white scarf worn by the black cat.

Can you tell me now, what is your current purpose?


Jiang Sheng responded slowly, his golden vertical pupils turning to stare motionlessly at the old man with a calm expression.

I want to negotiate a condition with the Spiritual Control Office.


Li Guoguang blinked his sunken eye sockets as if he was quite surprised.

What are the specific conditions?

You guys take good care of Zhuang Yuan, and I'll go kill Three Thousand Resentments.

Black Cat grinned and said concisely.

Three Thousand Resentments are not dead yet?

The lights in the guest house were not very bright, and Li Guoguang frowned slightly.

Not dead yet.

Jiang Sheng's tone also gradually became stiff.


The corners of Li Guoguang's wrinkled eyes began to droop.

The question is, can you kill three thousand resentments? You should not be fooled by courage without any plan.

I can.

The thin black cat raised its head, its triangular ears twitching along with its whiskers.

Mrs. Qi is here with you too?

Li Guoguang asked next, his expression becoming a little serious.

Here I am.

Jiang Sheng made no secret of this.

Finally, Li Guoguang shook his head helplessly.

Sorry, we have a hard time believing you.

However, the next second, Jiang Sheng faintly lowered his raised tail behind him.

Its entire temperament also became erratic and cold.

You don't have to believe me because you can't stop me.

Speaking of which.

The black cat seemed ready to leave.

It stood up unhurriedly and turned its head unhurriedly.

Take care of Zhuang Yuan, otherwise, you are just causing trouble for yourself. In addition, if you still have the energy, clean up the traitors within the organization. No one can live in a house with air leakage from all sides.


When Jiang Sheng jumped into the night, Li Guoguang was still standing by the window.

His hands were folded on the crutches, and there was a hint of weariness in his eyes.

After a long time, the old man smiled sadly.

Hey, it's getting cold...

The colorful neon lights in the city always blur the boundaries between day and night.

In the distance, the city that had not been affected by the terrible disaster was still shining with colorful lights.

Nearby, the streets, which had suffered a series of disasters such as earthquakes, storms, lightning strikes, and stampedes, had stopped supplying power.

In the darkness, the remains of the building stood. The only light left was the flashing lights of the passing rescue team.

Jiang Sheng stepped on the gravel on the ground and walked through the ruins.

Occasionally, its figure will flicker a few times.

Even a half-dead man was pulled out from under the ruins.

This is the ability of Cage Girl.

The Cage Girl is actually the resentful spirit sealed in Sun Xiu's stone.

The cause of her death was that when she suffered from claustrophobia, her overweight body was gradually compressed and compressed in a small space.

So after she became a wraith, she awakened her spatial abilities.

This ability can be used to escape, store items, or separate the enemy from your own body.

But it can't really kill the target.

Because what it can change is only the relative position on the spatial level, not the connection and blockage in the physical sense.

If you want to kill someone, you still have to use some traditional methods.

But even so, Cage Girl's abilities can be said to be very powerful.

At least for Jiang Sheng now.

There is no place in this world that can stop it.

No hard object can avoid spatial separation.

So Jiang Sheng seemed particularly relaxed when he rescued people in the ruins.

However, these are not its main purpose tonight.

Jiang Sheng's goal for this trip is to go to Zhuang Yuan's previous residence and get his luggage back.


It's probably cash, mobile phones, and clothes.

Don't underestimate these simple gadgets, they are really useful when walking in human society.

What's more, the black cat will have to travel far in the future.

It was still dark, and the crescent moon rested alone among the clouds.

Jiang Sheng felt fortunate.

Zhuang Yuan's apartment building did not completely collapse after the earthquake.

At least Zhuang Yuan's room is still intact.

So, the black cat climbed in along the window.

Zhuang Yuan should have been sent to the resettlement site now.

The house was empty.

Jiang Sheng looked around and immediately found his backpack.

There are various supplies for it, as well as some snacks that can satisfy your hunger.

Yang Momo basically bought it for it.

Even the backpack was specially made of red leather because of the girl’s bad taste.

Black Cat thought, his ears drooping slightly.

The next moment, it opened its mouth.

The schoolbag that turned into a white light was sucked directly into his stomach.

Three thousand resentments and you will die, in a painful enough way.

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