Unlucky black cat

Chapter 184: Three Cunning Rabbits

Chapter 186 Three Cunning Rabbit Cave

Quack, quack!

On the overpass on a rainy night, a red-eyed crow suddenly opened its wings and screamed strangely.

Pedestrians passing by were attracted by it, and then they spat.

Bah, you crazy beast, can't you calm down a little bit every day?

Yes, a day and a night have passed since the beast tide appeared.

When people began to discover that birds and rats did not hurt people, their fears gradually dissipated.

After the passers-by held umbrellas and left, a man in a windbreaker also walked onto the overpass.

Quack, quack!

The crow screamed again, and the man stopped.

He carried his suitcase and lowered his hat brim facing the blackbird.

What's the matter with you?

the man asked politely.

Quack, quack!

Afterwards, amid the crows of crows, the lone man nodded again.

Well, yeah, okay, I get it.

No, no, still no.

Using insects and puppets, the black cat almost turned Luotai City upside down, and once again broke into an empty house covered with charms.

There was no one around inside the house, only the walls were lined with layers of formations to prevent intruders and shield psychic energy.

In the past two days, Jiang Sheng has found three similar suites.


They are all the mastermind behind the scenes, specially placed in front of the stage to confuse the outside world.

Damn it.

The black cat stood at the door and muttered to himself.


In the middle of the rainy street, there was a sudden and terrifying thunder.

The thunder light illuminated Jiang Sheng's back and the scene in the room.

Dense yellow talismans covered the wall, shaking in the wind as if mocking.

Don't let me catch you.

The black cat's pupils shrank and shrank, and the shroud around its neck twisted on its own, as if to express some kind of chaotic mood.

Interesting formation.

Suddenly, a man's indifferent emotion came from the nearby rain.

Jiang Sheng looked back calmly.

Then he saw a man standing there carrying a black box.

How did you find this place?

Black Cat asked casually.

Didn't you ask me to come? The man came closer with an expressionless expression: Use your crow.


Jiang Sheng nodded slightly in understanding, and at the same time he had some judgment in his mind.

It seems to be a prank by the flesh and blood doll.

Yeah (hey).

The doll patted its head inside the black cat.

The man, on the other hand, went forward on his own.

He crossed the threshold and walked into the gloomy suite.

Originally, I wanted to stay in a guest house in the city center for one night. But now, it seems that I can't rest.

Looking at the man with his back facing him, he placed the box on the ground and carefully put on his gloves.

Jiang Sheng asked in disbelief.

So, you are a person sent by the Spiritual Control Department?

That's right.

The man carefully adjusted his hat, showed a black ID, and introduced himself.

My name is Wei San. I am a manager of curses. I am currently investigating the whereabouts of Three Thousand Resentments in the upper reaches of the Huanjiang River. This morning, I received another notification from the headquarters, asking me to come to Luotai City to support you in handling the anomaly. Anyway. I pose no threat to you, and you don’t need to be too hostile towards me.”


The black cat looked at the box at the man's feet with great concern.

Because there was always a faint aura escaping between the cracks of that thing, which Jiang Sheng could not ignore.

So, Black Cat, or Jiang Sheng, do you know these talismans?

While taking out his mobile phone and taking several photos of the surrounding walls, Wei San closed his eyes rationally.

Kanshui Kuihuo means to cut off and stay away from each other.

The black cat pondered for a moment, then relied on the knowledge of spells taught to it by the flesh and blood doll and answered simply.

There are also earthly branches connected together.

Wei San then added.

Therefore, if nothing else happens, our opponent will probably be a psychic criminal who is proficient in drawing symbols and forming formations.

It's obvious.

Jiang Sheng sarcastically confirmed this meaningless nonsense.

So Jiang Sheng.

But Wei San still behaved calmly.

Please tell me in detail what happened here. In addition, please restrain your aura. If there are too many resentful spirits sealed, their hatred will often stir up your emotions. Remember, stay calm, This will always be the first rule of thumb for managing spells.


It was late at night and it was still raining.

Occasionally, there will be a few flashes of lightning and thunder among the thin clouds.

At this moment, Jiang Sheng's consciousness was actively divided into two halves.

Half of it is soaked in the wind and rain, so that it can float with the gathering water and sink into every corner of the city.

The other half stays in the body and is responsible for communicating with the man in front of him and telling what he has seen and heard recently.

Can a mental patient predict a car accident?

Wei San sat in the middle of an empty room covered with talismans, not caring about his soaked clothes.

Strictly speaking, that was not a prophecy.

Black Cat squatted on the window sill and corrected.

The moonlight outside illuminated both it and Wei San's face half-darkly.

It doesn't matter whether it's a prophecy or not.

Wei San had a cold face and frowned: The important thing is, why would a psychic criminal hiding in the dark let information that might expose him be published in the newspaper?

Yes, why is this?

Jiang Sheng, who suddenly discovered his blind spot, was also stunned.

There was silence in the air for a long time.

Forget it, if you have to say it, this question is not very important.

A few minutes later, Wei San shook his head with relief: I will help you find the culprit and then deal with the supernatural threat. That is the most important thing.

Yeah. Black Cat lowered his ears in approval.

Then, it looked at the wet man and raised its slender tail behind it.

By the way, I have something else to ask you.

What? Wei San asked calmly.

Zhuang Yuan, how is she now?

Jiang Sheng's pupils reflected a fascinating fluorescence at night.

Oh, her. The man said, seemingly familiar.

She is now a key training target in our department.

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