It’s already evening to return to Takagi Family’s base, and the huge searchlights on the base all around the lighthouse have also shining beams of light. Before returning to Takagi Base, Li Yalin put away all the equipment from the three women. After all, these weapons were too shocking, especially Rei’s leather golden armor, the ordinary person would not even be able to walk. Even more how is wearing it to fight.

After notifying the guarding soldier, the guarding soldier immediately informed the inside. After learning the news of Li Yalin’s return, Saya and other women and the squad people, even the scarred man came out to greet him. Li Yalin did.

“I’m back.” Looking at the enthusiastic smiling faces in front of him, Li Yalin couldn’t help saying with a smile.

“Welcome back.” Everyone present said in unison. After speaking, everyone laughed.

“How is it? There is no danger, right?” Saya caringly asked Li Yalin on the way to the main residence of Takagi Family.

“It’s a little trouble, but it has been solved.” Li Yalin replied.

“Rei’s mother…” Seeing the return of only Li Yalin, Saya had to ask Li Yalin in a low voice.

“I was rescued in advance. The house was empty when we went. The same is true of East Police Station, which is already occupied by zombies.” Li Yalin’s reply was also quite heavy.

“That…” Saya said hesitately in the next words.

“Forget it, let’s go one step at a time.” Li Yalin sighed slightly.

It was late at night, Li Yalin was lying on the bed reading a novel, which was taken from Takagi Family’s library. Just when he was fascinated, Li Yalin suddenly heard someone knocking on his room. door.

“Please come in.” As Li Yalin’s words fell, the door was pushed open. It turned out that it was Yuriko outside the door.

“Yuriko Aunt, are you okay at so late?” Li Yalin wondered why Yuriko had to come to his room so late. Didn’t he talk about it when he was in the lobby just now.

“Yes, I want to discuss something with you.” Yuriko’s expression was a little serious.

“Oh, then come in.” Li Yalin quickly let Yuriko into the house

“Please sit down.” Then Li Yalin gave Yuriko another chair to let her sit down.

“I’m here this time to talk to you about Saya’s uncle.” Yuriko sorted out his thoughts a bit and continued: “Saya’s uncle is called Takagi Yujirou, and it is Takagi Family’s next head. But. Since the death of the original Takagi Family’s Family Head, Souichirou has become the Takagi Family’s Family Head, which made Takagi Yujirou very annoyed, so he led some of the Takagi Family’s retainers to leave the High City Lord’s house and set up a Takagi Branch Family. After hearing the news of Souichirou’s death this time, there was news from the branch that Takagi Yujirou was going to visit this Takagi Base. On the surface it was said that he was going to worship Souichirou, but I guess he was keeping evil intentions.”< /p>

“What kind of person is Saya’s Uncle?” Li Yalin was also slightly frowned after hearing this.

“Takagi Yujirou is a standard rightist. He is aggressive and courageous. He likes to solve everything with violence. He is also very cruel and lustful. But he hates me very much. I married Souichirou’s. At that time, he was also the first to express his objection.” Yuriko’s frowned at this time.

“So…” Li Yalin also fell into deep thought.

“Does this Takagi Yujirou have any influence on the soldiers at the base? Or does he have any cards?” Li Yalin asked Yuriko after thinking for a while.

“It is impossible to say that there is no influence, because a large part of the soldiers in this base are attached to Takagi Family’s vassals for generations, so their loyalty is very high. But before they They are all loyal to Souichirou’s. Now Souichirou has passed away, and now even I can’t control the overall situation.” Yuriko is more worried because of this.

“As for the hole cards, although I don’t know about Takagi Yujirou’s situation, I don’t think he will attack without preparation, so we need to be vigilant at all times.”

“That’s it… It’s hard to do.” Li Yalin faintly sighed, “What about Ota? What does he mean? Support us or support Takagi Yujirou, I think with Yuriko Aunt your IQ should be able to see Come out.”

“I don’t know much about Ota-san. Although he is Souichirou’s confidant, we don’t have much contact. I just know that Souichirou attaches great importance to this Ota- San, even this Takagi Base is managed by Ota-san.” It seems that Yuriko doesn’t know much about this scarred man.

“It seems that we need to find some time to have a good chat with him. This Ota is a key figure. We need his help to take over this base completely. Although we will not be rough for the time being, But I don’t mind teaching some people some lessons when they are disobedient.” Li Yalin finished the sentence categorically.

“Yes, but I still don’t want to use military force when I’m not as a last resort. After all, the world has become like this now. If human beings are still fighting, it’s really far from world annihilation. It’s not far away.” Yuriko’s words revealed traces of sorrow.

“Don’t worry, Yuriko Aunt.” Li Yalin softly comforted, “I once sweared, I will protect those who I care for forever, those who love me, for this I can at all costs . You know, now you and Saya are the people I want to protect.”

“You child, but Aunt will really depend on you in the future.” Yuriko smiled and touched Li Yalin’s head, and she murmured to herself at the same time: “But it’s really good to have a feeling of dependence.”

“Why do you say that?” Li Yalin asked with some confusion.

“You are still young, and there are some things you don’t understand. Although I am Souichirou’s wife, I forever cannot get the sense of security I want and rely on. Souichirou’s is indeed a good leader, he Take care of your brother and sympathize with your subordinates, but he’s also not a good husband, a good father. I’m also a woman… Forget it, I really told you too much, but it’s really amazing. To you, I revealed all my thoughts.” Yuriko shook the head mockingly.

“It’s okay, Yuriko Aunt.” Li Yalin said with a smile: “As long as you want, I can listen to your heart at any time.”

“hee hee, that Thank you, Aunt, but what I said just now must be kept confidential.” With that, Yuriko moved towards Li Yalin again and blinked.

“I see, Yuriko Aunt.” Li Yalin also smiled and agreed.

After Yuriko left, Li Yalin who was lying on the bed was not in the mood to continue reading. Just now Yuriko’s words gave Li Yalin a big shock. You know, Li Yalin has never heard of Takagi Yujirou. , Where did this guy come from? Although Li Yalin doesn’t care about this Takagi Base, Li Yalin also understands Yuriko’s meaning. When signing the contract with Yuriko, Yuriko already knew that one day he would leave this World, but Yuriko’s was really worried about the soldiers and survivors of this base. Li Yalin knew that Yuriko was planning to give them a good living environment. Let them fight the zombies to the end, but now Takagi Yujirou’s appears will completely break this situation.

And just now Yuriko’s also said that Takagi Souichirou is a brave, cruel and lustful guy. If such a guy really takes over this base, heaven knows what harm he will do. As for the matter, you must know that the female dependents in this base also account for a lot of people.

No more, Li Yalin turned over and covered himself with the quilt. If Takagi Yujirou is acquainted, it’s fine. If he doesn’t know, Li Yalin doesn’t mind getting rid of its unstable factor.

In the next few days, Li Yalin asked each team member of the squad to continue to rigorously train themselves, and Li Yalin was responsible for finding their families. Li Yalin asked each member of the squad to write down the appearance, name, and possibly the location of their relatives. After that, Li Yalin led the team every time and took at least three girls out to find the family members of the squad members. .

In addition to Saeko, Rei and Miyu’s equipment, Li Yalin also prepared equipment for her and her daughters. As a Magician, Saya is of course wearing a magic robe that can increase spell defense. There is also a Mage Hat that reaches Low-Level Legendary-Grade. This Mage Hat can increase spell attack and spell defense. In addition, There is also a Legendary High-Level mental staff, which not only increases spell attack and spell defense, but also comes with floating attributes and attributes for avoiding traps.

Shizuka’s equipment can add special defense church robes and church robes, but Shizuka wearing this brown church robes is really a wave of bosom, I can see Li Yalin’s eyes They are all straight, Shizuka’s weapons are the same as Saya, they are both Legendary High-Level spirit sticks.

Asami wears knight clothing and martial arts pants. Originally, Li Yalin tended to make Asami wear Berserker chain armor, but after seeing the style of chain armor, Asami didn’t wear it alive. It just said that chain armor was too ugly, so Li Yalin had to let Asami wear knight clothing for the time being, while Asami’s weapon was a Caesar glove, nothing special, just increased Asami’s attack that’s all.

Not only that, even Yuriko Li Yalin has prepared equipment for her, which is the most suitable suit for Scholar, and for this reason Li Yalin also equipped Yuriko with an additional learning technique and special defense As for Yuriko’s weapon, it’s a very alternative program weapon. Scholar’s ​​attack is very special. It uses a computer program to attack. So Li Yalin also gave Yuriko equipment a freezing program and a highly toxic program. Both programs are very practical.

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