Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 124: Cause and effect

闻 When Wenming woke up, she saw the magnificent decoration of the ceiling.

"This is where?"

Wu Wenming felt the pain coming from the wound on her body, and wondered why she was not in the hospital.

He didn't wait for him to look at the room where he heard David's surprise.

闻 "Wenming, are you awake?"

Wu Wenming was really relieved, and then he saw David with a surprised look on the bedside. In addition, he saw the medical instruments on the bedside.

"where is this?"

Wu Wenming felt that her lips were very dry and her voice was a little hoarse.

David pressed a button on the bedside and replied, "Of course you are in the hospital. I really don't understand. You don't wait for a good underground warehouse. Why do you have to run to those three dinosaurs?"

Of course, Wen Wenming cannot say that the main reason is his own cleverness, which he wants to use to avoid the three invaders. With that said, his only prestige in the hearts of David and others would be completely dissipated ...

因为 "Because the three dinosaurs are too important, and if I don't go, there is no way to guarantee that other people will not steal the raptor's DNA, or even take the three dinosaurs."

For Wen Ming ’s explanation, David ’s evaluation was: “Yeah, you almost killed the three dinosaurs to protect them. From this point, they are really important.”

"Bite it?"

Tong Wenming stumbled and said, "No, I was just bitten by them, and then three of them were run away by me. Later ..."

David explained: "Lilith and others heard Aaron Martin's call in the underground warehouse, and then took someone to the observation room, just to see the three raptors attacking you. If they were not fast, you They will be eaten by the raptors that they cultivated. "

I was almost eaten by a dinosaur. Normal people ’s reactions should be fearful. However, Wenming ’s eyes were surprised, because I finally remembered the last scene before the coma. It was the three who did n’t know where they ran out. Dragon is preparing to pounce on him.

At the same time, he remembered a dream he had dreamed before he woke up.

在 At this moment, five or six medical staff entered the ward and began to check Wenming's physical condition with great concern.

And David stepped aside and started calling to notify others.

"There is no infection or virus in the wound, and he will recover after a period of rest."

Dr. Xu summed up and let Wenming relax.

最 What worries him most when he wakes up is what genetic virus he carries in his swift mouth. After all, it is cultivated through genetic technology, and no one knows what kind of changes will occur.

If it's just those bites, there is no need to worry about Wenming.

"Your cancer shows no signs of recurrence, so don't worry."

The sentence left by Dr. Yun before leaving made Wen Ming laugh. It was a good thing that the cancer did not recur, but even if his cancer recurred for some reason, he would not worry.

Because he already has a solution to cancer in his mind, this solution comes from his latest dream.

After the medical staff left, David also stopped informing Wenming that he was sober.

"Aaron Martin, he ..."

Wu Wenming then remembered the man who protected him. He killed one of the three invaders. Obviously, the other two died in the hands of Aaron Martin. And that intruder was able to enter the "simulated ecological zone", it is clear that Aaron Martin should also be resolved.

Davy's expression hesitated, "He is in the intensive care unit, and he is not out of danger."

Wu Wenming stunned for a moment, then said excitedly: "Save him, no matter how much money he spends, save him."

This decision was not only due to the salvation of Aaron Martin, but also partly because Wenming felt guilty.

之前 Before the three intruders rushed into the observation room, Wen Ming could actually allow Aaron Martin to enter the 'simulated ecological zone'. Although it seems that the intruder can break through the bulletproof glass, the environment of the "simulated ecological zone" is relatively complicated. If Aaron Martin is in it, it will be much easier to solve those three people.

However, because there were inner ghosts in the institute at that time, and the level was not low. So Wen Ming instinctively guarded Aaron Martin after the people at Blackhawk Security left. Aaron Martin himself knew this. He could not resolve Wenming's suspicions in a short period of time, so he did not mention his request to enter the "simulated ecological zone" at all.

Ashamed, based on this situation, Aaron Martin is now in the intensive care unit.

Dawei smiled bitterly and said, "There are many things that cannot be solved with money. We have given everything we can now. Whether he can get out of danger depends on his own life."

Qi Wenming was silent. Through the decoration of the ward where he is now, you can see the level of charges in this hospital, which is often equivalent to the level of treatment in the hospital.

David is right, not all things can be solved with money, such as life.

"Tell me more about the situation."

After a short while, Wenming broke the silence. Whether Aaron Martin was alive or dead, he would choose to repay, but the way to repay would be different.

"The three raptors are fine," Li Dawei said. "When the Lily Ribbonman rushed over, they successfully controlled them, and they are still in the institute."

"There were no casualties on the Jurassic Island other than those of the Blackhawk Security Company, of course, excluding you and Aaron Martin. Blackhawk Security had 6 dead and 3 wounded, one of which was Head of Blackhawk security. "

"Aaron Martin killed two invaders. We saw it through the monitoring of the observation room. After killing the two invaders, he also shot seven. One of them was hit on his left chest. Fortunately, his heart is on the right. "

"The last intruder used a bomb that broke the bulletproof glass between the observation room and the 'simulated ecological zone'. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. Then he was killed by you ..."

Speaking of this, David paused, then stared at Wenming admiringly: "Your marksmanship is so good? Kill a professional killer with one shot?"

Wu Wenming knows that he has no marksmanship and training for thousands of bullets, of which only dozens can hit the bullseye. And that's still in the shooting range.

"I think it's luck."

David continued: "Sith is still negotiating with Blackhawk security people and they are asking for additional pensions, and we are asking for trouble because their people ran away at a critical moment. However, you do n’t Do n’t worry, our team of lawyers is very strong now, and we have surveillance. "

"There are not many damaged equipment in the institute, and they can be repaired in one week. The identity of the three killers was also confirmed. The Coast Guard contacted the FBI and proved that they were professional killers. The identity of the other is certainly the same. "

David paused again, then said, "Researchers are going home on vacation. You know, this happened, and we can no longer rely on agreements to restrict their personal freedom."

而且 "Also, the Coast Guard's people saw the dinosaurs."

也就是说 "That is to say, the secret of the 'resurrection' dinosaur cannot be kept."

Su Wenming laughed suddenly and said, "Sooner or later, it will be exposed, that's okay."

I have successfully completed the dream cause and effect of "Jurassic Park". Naturally, there is no need to conceal the existence of the raptors, nor does he need to conceal his skills to resurrect dinosaurs.

通知 "Notify Sith, hold a press conference, we will also release the iPad, and the Raptors."

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