Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 162: Crazy or stupid?

When Wenming was preparing to show Zef the new Tesla Roadster, a visit alone stopped him.

"Why does Moritz want to visit me?"

Wenming asked Lilith a little puzzled, but even though Lilith was an assistant to Apple's founder, she couldn't analyze the level of Moritz.

Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital, was the head of Time magazine's San Francisco station, and later joined Sequoia Capital. Two of his countless investment experiences are worth remembering.

One time invested 4 million U.S. dollars in Yahoo, and finally achieved a return of about 4 billion U.S. dollars, and the other time invested 12.5 million U.S. dollars in Google, earning more than 5 billion U.S. dollars.

Of course, because the money used is Sequoia Capital's fund, his personal wealth is only about 1 billion US dollars. But he cannot be ignored because of this. In Silicon Valley, his status far exceeds Teresa Roy.

"Boss," Lilith replied, "in my opinion, he came to you for no other purpose than to invest in you."

Wen Ming frowned. Moritz was from Sequoia Capital, and he knew a lot about Sequoia Capital. But it is not the understanding of previous lives, but the understanding after coming to this world.

What is the concept of 10% of the total value of the NASDAQ market?

Wen Ming couldn't describe this concept, but he knew it proved how powerful Sequoia Capital is. This power is completely different from the power of Apple.

In Wenming's dream, he should have two career lines. The first is a huge high-tech business empire developed around Apple Inc. to create a company with the highest brand value, revenue and profits in the world.

The other is a venture capital company similar to Sequoia Capital, which has hundreds of billions of dollars of capital under its name, which allows all entrepreneurs to help him make money. And by investing in different enterprises in various industries, he has reached a point where he can change from cloud to cloud.

As long as these two are combined, then Wenming will never need to worry about someone being able to embarrass him. Even the US government cannot touch his interests, because at that time, he will become a real consortium, even a consortium that can control the US presidential election.

"But if they want to invest in Apple, they should have come to your door. And it should be Apple, not Tesla."

Wenming was very puzzled. Since Apple Corps had sufficient cash flow and a valuation of 150 billion U.S. dollars, those venture capital companies in the world have long given up.

Among them, naturally also includes Sequoia Capital, as well as venture capital institutions such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.

After that, people who wanted to invest in Apple were people like Bill Gates and Teresa Roy. Their purpose was to hold Apple's stock for a long time in order to get a high amount of money each year. Dividends.

According to the annual net profit of nearly 60 billion US dollars created by another world Apple company, Teresa Roy's investment of 5 billion US dollars in shares can receive nearly 2 billion US dollars in cash dividends every year.

Of course, the premise is that net profit of 60 billion yuan is used for dividends.

But for venture capital companies like Sequoia Capital, what they hope to get is similar to investing in companies like Google and Yahoo, and then going public through operations, realizing a one-time return of tens or hundreds of times.

Even if they want to hold a company's shares for a long time, they will not start when the valuation of a company reaches $ 150 billion.

Lilith reluctantly said, "What is there to ask? When you see him, he must tell you."

Wen Ming froze for a moment, then laughed: "Yeah, since he came to see me, he must tell me his purpose."

This is because Wenming has played too much in recent days, especially for Tesla's wholly-owned acquisition, so he hopes to understand the other party ’s purpose before negotiating with Moritz, and to negotiate in a targeted manner .

Sequoia Capital is in the northern part of Silicon Valley, where the entire Silicon Valley venture capital company is most concentrated. Together, they have trillions of dollars in assets.

The time from Sequoia Capital to Tesla is not long. Wen Ming has changed his dirty clothes and packed up to meet with Mowitz. Until Tesla's technical issues are resolved, he can decline Mark Zuckerberg's invitation to dinner, but after the issues have been resolved, he has the time to see Muritz.

The first thing the two sides met was of course that Wenming and Zef took Movits to visit Tesla. Of course, Movits was not allowed to see the Tesla sports car that Wenming participated in the manufacture.

After the visit, the two sides started a conversation in a reception room at Tesla's headquarters.

After all the politeness had ended, Mowitz made his claim.

"I want to be able to invest in Tesla."

Murwitz's words stopped Wen Ming's words. At this moment, he thought it was Zeff who leaked the news. Because all the people in the laboratory have signed a confidentiality agreement, this week, they have not been able to communicate with the outside world and have not been able to leave Tesla.

Zef, who was accompanying him, was also surprised, because before that, Sequoia Capital did not dump Tesla at all.

Wen Ming noticed Zeff's surprised expression, and he couldn't see the true or false, but at this time, he couldn't verify whether Zeff leaked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Moritz."

Wenming replied decisively: "At present, Tesla does not lack funds, so we are not ready to start financing in a short period of time."

Now that you have the money to develop your own company, there is no need for financing, especially Wen Ming knows what kind of glory Tesla can show in his hands.

Mowitz smiled, and was not surprised by Wenming's answer. In fact, his purpose of coming to Tesla himself was to worry that his fund managers could not take advantage of Wenming's hands.

The details of Wenming's wholly-owned acquisition of Tesla are almost known to those in Silicon Valley. Most people think that Wenming relies on luck. For example, the two founders of Tesla happened to be at odds.

But Moritz believed that Wenming had means.

"Don't hurry to refuse, Mr. Wenming."

Moritz said: "After you acquired Tesla, we began to evaluate Tesla, and the result of the evaluation is that Tesla's valuation can reach 3 billion US dollars."

Zefu was stunned by this valuation ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Wen Ming noticed this and believed that Zefu did not disclose the news. Unless, Zeff has the acting skills of the Oscars.

Moreover, even if Tesla solves the technical problems, sales may not be guaranteed. In this case, Tesla's valuation suddenly increased from 500 million U.S. dollars to 3 billion U.S. dollars, and it rose six-fold in just two weeks. Sequoia Capital was simply crazy and stupid.

Wenming didn't speak, but continued to smile and look at Moritz, and she wouldn't speak easily when she didn't need it.

After seeing Wenming, Moritz closed his smile for the first time, because the valuation of 3 billion US dollars did not change Wenming's expression in the slightest.

"We hope to be able to invest in Tesla for $ 1 billion in cash, occupying a 33% stake in Tesla, and you continue to hold a 67% stake in Tesla."

Moritz directly offered a killing move, saying: "At the same time, we do not interfere in any way with Tesla's management and sales. We can even give Tesla the right to cash out after listing."

"Most importantly, we can help Tesla acquire Toyota's new United Automobile Manufacturing plant in Fremont."

When Moritz said the first few conditions, Wen Ming always thought that the famous investment genius in Silicon Valley was either stupid or a rebirth.

Although Moritz's conditions are very rich, so rich that Wen Ming thinks he is an idiot, but Wen Ming is still unwilling to accept the investment of Sequoia Capital. Because he is not short of money, and after solving technical problems, Tesla will become one of his banknote printing factories.

But when he heard Moritz's last words, his faith was a little shaken, because he also wanted to buy that factory. ) !!

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