Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 237: innocent?

Finland is a small country with a population of only a few million, but because of the giantness of the mobile phone industry Nokia, it is very well known in the world.

But even if it is well known, given the total population and living habits of Finland, the country's external defense measures are also very poor. For example, now, Wen Ming swaggers past Norway and reaches over the inner city of Finland, no one has found his existence.

The parachute Wenming was used for the first time, but because of its strong physical fitness and responsiveness, it did not produce any moths.

Wenming, who successfully landed in the suburbs of the city, was actually a little excited when looking at a city with stars and lights in the dark. After wearing the ‘Mingguang’ armor, Wen Ming said inside the helmet: Navigation of the target location of No. 7 began. "

There is no electronic voice response, and the navigation conditions are set in advance, so that the lowest level artificial intelligence interaction system of siri can complete the instructions proposed by Wenming very well. A navigation map was displayed on the screen inside the helmet, and it reminded that the distance from Wenming to the target location was only 9 kilometers.

After calculating the time in my heart, Wenming did not directly activate the ‘Mingguang’ armored flight function in such suburbs, but directly advanced by running.

When it comes to running, when the 'Bright Light' armor moves, it has turned into a black light and shadow, and rushed to Wenming's target site at a speed that is difficult for Cheetahs to reach.

After the injection of spider venom, the physical fitness has been improved in all aspects. When the bench press can reach two tons, Wen Ming's legs also have a very powerful explosive force. If he goes to the Olympic Games now, he can definitely break the world record of track and field events while chatting with his opponents.

Coupled with the 'Bright Light' armored booster system, Wen Ming is now able to move towards his target location at a speed of more than 70 kilometers per hour. The “Bright Light” shock absorption system at the positions of the armored feet allows Wenming's high-speed running without much movement.

In the suburbs of the middle of the night, there was a deep muffled sound, no one cared.

When Wen Ming was about to run to the city, he opened the angel wings, at this time he was only 2 kilometers away from the target location. At this point, the surrounding buildings have already begun to intensify. In order to prevent his image from being captured by cameras that do not know where to put it, Wenming directly turned on the flight mode and rushed to a height of 100 meters.

Whistling, Wenming has appeared over the target location.

This is a group of villas. Although most of the dwellings in Finland are small houses with single doors and single houses, judging from the appearance of these villas, this is definitely an area where rich people gather.

The two shareholders of Nokia, the most well-known company in Finland, live here.

Taking a look at the two marked locations on the navigation interface, Wen Ming took a deep breath, because the two villas were not far away. If the movement caused by him in the villa of the first target task is relatively large, then the second target task is likely to get news, which will increase the difficulty of this operation.

"Then ... let's get started."

With a built-in communication system, Wen Ming sent a secret signal to Aaron Martin far away in another country, descended directly from the sky, and appeared on the balcony of a villa.

No one found that Wenming determined that in the room in front of him, one of the target characters was living, based on information obtained by Aaron Martin in Finland. So, he broke the glass door with one punch without hesitation, and rushed in.

The light was not turned on in the room, but Wenming's sight was completely unaffected. The night vision system built into the camera allowed him to clearly determine that the person who suddenly woke up from the bed was his target person and was One of Nokia shareholders involved in the assassination plan.

What makes Wenming somewhat stunned is that beside this man, there is also a woman who is also awakened.

This woman is innocent.

As soon as a kind thought rose, Wen Ming heard two harsh screams. The men and women on the bed, screaming and acting completely in the face of the threat of death, were completely naked.

The woman got up from the bed and wanted to rush out of the room, while the man reached out and opened the drawer at the bedside.

Wenming didn't know what the other party was going to take out, because he wouldn't let the other person take it out.

Drooping his right hand, Wen Ming picked up the pistol stuck in his thigh within a second.


With a gunshot, the half-man still in bed was lying directly on the bed, and a blood hole appeared in his head. Because of the posture, Wenming didn't hit his brow, but in such a position of the head, the bullet hitting any place was fatal.


There was another gunshot, and Wenming made up for it again.

At this time, the screaming woman fell directly to the ground, and Wen Ming's second shot was still his target. The woman was just scared to the front of the door.

This woman ...

Wenming was still hesitant, but he had heard the movement in the villa. The target of his death was a rich man, and the rich man had security personnel.



There was another gunshot. Just looking back at the woman who heard Wenming with a grim expression, a blood hole appeared in the eyebrow and fell to the ground.

After completing the mission, Wenming did not leave.

The audible sound of guns in the room is not so clear outside the room, because there is a silencer on the muzzle.

"6 security personnel."

Wen Ming clearly remembered the information provided by Aaron Martin, so he opened the door directly, facing the corridor with two shots. The two security personnel who had just appeared in the corridor fell to the ground and died.

With Wenming's current physical quality and reaction ability, under the actual shooting of tens of thousands of bullets, he has already reached the realm of sharpshooters.

After solving the two security personnel in the corridor, Wen Ming rushed down the corridor without fear.



Several shots sounded, and Wen Ming's body splashed with a few sparks, and it was the other security personnel that shot him. However, he was not harmed in any way.

At this time, the security personnel in the villa were in a trance. In this case, the trance was obviously wrong, but they have never seen such a killer?

That black body armor looks so much like the equipment found in science fiction movies?

How can a person who can wear such an armor be a killer?

In doubt and perplexity, and in fear, Wenming began to reap the head. He didn't need to worry about his injury. He just needed to find the other party and then solve it with one shot. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

One minute later, the security officer who had just ran to the front door of the villa was also hit by Wenming. By this time, no one exists in the entire villa.

Wenming is not a fan of killing. He settled these innocent people just to have enough time to find the monitoring room of this villa. Then, destroy the surveillance equipment that is recording the footage in the villa.

"It's really troublesome."

After completing all this, Wenming found that the surrounding villas were already lit, and his pistol had a silencer on it to ensure that the sound of the gun would not spread far. But there was no silencer on the weapons of those security personnel.

The sound of the gunfire had awakened the people around him, Wen Ming believed that someone had called the police at this time.

"No wonder Aaron Martin said that I was inexperienced. If it was him, would everyone in this villa die silently?"

Wenming has no experience in this kind of action. He received Aaron Martin's training, but also training in marksmanship, as well as some simple attack and defense posture training during the shootout.

There were too many accidents in actual combat. Just as before, he almost let a security officer run out of the villa. If he chases out, then the surveillance on the street can definitely record his image.

"Just don't know, what's the situation with the other target now?"

The distance between the two villas is not too far away, but the spread of the gunfire is very far. Wen Ming sighed in her heart and flew directly from the villa.

Whether or not the other party is ready, he has to complete his task.

When Wenming was preparing to go to another villa, Aaron Martin had already completed his task. As Wenming guessed, Aaron Martin not only completed the task, but he didn't alarm anyone.

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