Unparalleled True Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 445: The end of the exercise

Wen Ming thought about a question, why is Iron Man so arrogant?

It may be silly to think about a movie character who is arrogant in the movie, because the final interpretation right belongs to the editor. However, existence is reasonable. If he can dream the daydream of the movie "Iron Man", it means that the movie also has a movie world.

Wen Ming refers to the films he dreamed of daydreaming collectively as the movie world, because in daydreaming, the characters in the dreams are very real.

Is Iron Man's arrogance really just because his father was one of the founders of SHIELD?

Of course it is impossible. As long as the founder is dead, there is no use. Especially through Roosevelt to find Wenming before, and want to rely on the power of the last network to struggle for a new round of glory, Wenming can understand this truth.

Has the family of two American presidents, one of whom has been re-elected for four terms, the resources that can be left behind, can it not be better than the Iron Man father who created a SHIELD?

After Teresa Roy got Wenming's promise, she was willing to pay tens of billions of dollars, and will still have more valuable wealth in the future. Is it just because Wenming has given him health again?

of course not.

Another reason is that the benefits of becoming a president of the United States are too great, even if it is just a puppet president.

Not to mention, when the United States declared war on Iraq, it was not discussed whether they were for oil or not. Just to say that after the announcement of the declaration of war, the price fluctuations in the international crude oil market could make the capitalists who received the news ahead of time counted. Finish.

And the stock market and the gold market ...

It can be seen that the reason for Iron Man's arrogance cannot be simply because he has a good father.

So is it wealth?

There is no need to discuss how much Iron Man in the movie is, Wen Ming feels that he is not rich anyway.

In other words, Iron Man, who is much poorer than Wenming, can't be arrogant because he has money, so he dares to stab the US Secretary of Defense in a public place, and when there is a media reporter.

So, is it Stark's arms business?

It is worth noting that when Iron Man was really arrogant, Stark Enterprises had closed all its arms business.

It follows that ...

"The reason why Iron Man is so arrogant is that no one can guarantee to kill him because he has saved the world and is a superhero."

After Wenming wanted to understand this, he suddenly felt that he was a bit timid. Although his prestige in the world is not worse than anyone who lives, those prestige comes from his wealth, from dinosaurs, from Legend of his success.

"This prestige doesn't make any sense. That's why I have to use this zombie crisis to become the savior of this world."

Wen Ming had flown to the outer area of ​​his private laboratory, and as long as he passed the door in front of him, he could appear in the public area of ​​the institute.

"But now, there are people who want to take away my opportunity to be a savior and want me to be part of their interest group."

Wenming didn't want to give up the status of a collaborator who had been difficult to establish, nor did he want to give up this opportunity, because he didn't know what the next daydream and cause and effect would be.

If it is always passive, if it is necessary to gather the power of the whole world to cope with the crisis, how can he be a part of an interest group to coordinate the power of the world?

"So, from now on, let me be the first and only savior in a world doomed to disaster."

Wen Ming suddenly felt a sense of mastery, this time the US official's persecution of him is similar to the persecution of Iron Man in the movie?

The difference is that what they want in the movie is steel armor technology, and in this world, what they want is the method that Wenming might have to solve the zombies crisis.

It ’s just possible, let them dare to do so. If it is really researched in the future, will it be ok?

"The United States has never been free. Before, my freedom was only because of the interests I had. It just made them feel good. It didn't reach the point where they chose to do it directly."

Wen Ming opened the communication with Aaron Martin and Fland. The two sets of umbrella I type armors he made, and he could access the communication system at any time. And Anthony ’s shielding of the Jurassic Island ’s signal is only external signal shielding. This short-distance communication method has not been affected in any way.

"Fran, give up resistance."

When Wenming spoke, he could hear very clear gunshots and Flan's panting voice. Umbrella Type I armor is auxiliary armor, and they need to constantly avoid special armor-piercing shells and other weapons to lock, they need to constantly perform evasive actions.

Fland heard the sound of Wenming choking and asked, "Boss, have you left?"

Wen Ming said, "I don't need to go."

Although he didn't understand the meaning of Wenming, Flan chose to obey, and controlled the already broken umbrella type I armor, and retreated to the institute.

Aaron Martin asked, unbelievably, "Boss, what do you want?"

Through the communication mode of the umbrella type I armor, he has determined where Wenming is talking to them now.

Wenming replied: "I'm going to say hello to the Secretary of Defense, you can now change to yours."

Aaron Martin excitedly controlled the umbrella type I armor and rushed to the inside of the institute, and Flan, who was bewildered during the whole process, was about to ask, and saw the metal man flying out of the institute ...

The metal man flew directly past her, speeding up instantly and then stagnating in the square outside the institute.

Pure black metal looks unusually dark when illuminated by the sun, as if it can absorb light.

The human appearance does not have the slightest feeling of bloatedness. Instead, it gives people a sense of 'slimness'. In fact, the metal man was up to 2 meters tall, and his arms were thicker than the calves of normal people, and his legs were as thick as wearing two layers of cotton pants in winter.

However, the overall proportions did not allow those thick parts to fully reflect the feeling of bloatedness.

It's like a normal person, zoomed in a bit.

And the bottom of his feet, the palms of his hands, and the light blue energy flow from his waist made everyone feel dizzy. They knew that that was why the metal man could fly.

The metal men appearing on the square not only kept Flanders aloof, but also the American soldiers who were attacking them.

The most shocked were the Secretary of Defense, Major Nick, Major Anthony and others in the command room.

"Stop attack, stop attack."

Major General Nick returned quickly, because he heard the shot.

"Wenming inside, don't attack."

Wenming couldn't die, at least now, and the Secretary of Defense asked Anthony to repeat Major General Nick's order.

Then he looked shocked and asked, "What is he wearing?"

This question was asked by Major General Nick, but he did not know the answer.

"Let's ask him?"

After a while, you have to communicate with the other party. This abnormal proposal can only show how shocked they are about the armor that Wen Ming is wearing.

A set of armor is nothing, but the light blue energy on the armor represents the miniaturization of the energy engine.

The Secretary of Defense knew what that meant, as did Anthony and Nick.

But Wenming didn't give them any chance, but just stood there enough time to stop them and shocked them, soared into the sky, and disappeared in the naked eyes of everyone on the ground in a short time.

The Secretary of Defense roared: "Global Hawk, report his location."

Not only the Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft, but also the radar system on warships not far off the coast.

However, they soon lost Wenming's place, and they never found it again.

"he's gone?"

The Minister of Defense froze, Wen Ming left, and their operation failed. Even if they rush into the laboratory now, they can't find any useful data. With Wenming's attitude, how could he leave a gift package for US officials?

That is, at this time, another metal man rushed out of the research institute. Unlike Wenming, there was no light blue energy flow under the metal man's feet, only angel wings.

Obviously some low-end armor, naturally cannot be worn by Wen Ming, then, only Aaron Martin?

It can be heard that Ming Ming ran away. What use is there even if he catches Aaron Martin?

Aaron Martin was a little embarrassed because Wenming was gone. He just did n’t see Wenming because he returned to a different position from Fleming, but since Wenming said he was going to say hello to the Secretary of Defense, it must not be a joke .

Is it really a joke?

No one attacked himself ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Aaron Martin didn't know what to do, he didn't know that the Secretary of Defense had ordered the attack to stop.

"Boss, where are you?"

After asking a question to the communicator, Aaron Martin did not get any response. Because of the signal shielding, he had left the rumblings of Jurassic Island and could not receive his communication.

Flan heard Aaron Martin's question and replied, "The boss ... flew away ..."

Aaron Martin froze, what should he do?

Fly away too?

But before he was ready to act, he saw a black spot flying in the sky in the distance.

That is……

At this time, the US military's reconnaissance system also captured Wenming's position.

"I found Wenming, where he is ... he flew back to Jurassic Island."

However, Wenming didn't just fly back to the Jurassic Island. His speed exceeded the reaction speed of those soldiers and appeared directly in front of the armored vehicle where the Secretary of Defense was located.

The visual function of the 'Bright Light' armor is far more powerful than tactical goggles, so he can easily confirm the position of the Secretary of Defense, even the current position of the Secretary of Defense.

If he wants, let's kill the Secretary of Defense in an instant.

However, he did not, but ignored the muzzles facing him, and said directly to the armored vehicle: "Mr. Defense, can the exercise be over?"

This is the last step Wen Wen gave to US officials. If nobody really wants to go down, then Wen Ming has to destroy the world.

The Secretary of Defense did not know that Wenming was going to destroy the world, but he knew that today they had completely failed, could not catch Wenming, and could not kill Wenming. What else could they do? ) Download Free Reader !!

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