Compared with spring, summer and autumn, winter in Mengdu is slightly more difficult.

The land near the river is often damp and cold, and prone to sores and frostbite. People in this area south of the city almost always have a stove in their hands, and they often have to light a pot of fire in their house to remove the moisture.

For the two people living at the end of the alley, this was not a problem.

After Wu Xingxue was resurrected, he was no longer the evil body he was before. The resentment all over his body dissipated in smoke. Naturally, there would be no more calamity caused by the body of the dead soul.

But after all, those things had been entangled in his soul for hundreds of years, and even if they were dissipated, there would still be an occasional dull pain in the early stages. It's like being on a boat that's floating up and down for a long time, and suddenly stepping onto the shore, you still feel like it's shaking.

This was not a real injury, but it still took two years of retreat to fully recover.

It has been less than a year since Wu Xingxue opened his eyes. Mengdu is extremely nurturing in spring and summer, but in winter the spiritual energy is not functioning well, and meditation is a little sluggish.

Wu Xingxue has never been afraid of pain, and he doesn't even care about this obstacle. He is used to not taking it seriously.

But Xiao Fuxuan cared.

As long as he saw the slightest sign of paleness on Wu Xingxue's face, or if his fingers started to get cold, he would drag him back to the bedroom, set up a spiritual formation, and use his own energy to penetrate it.

This is actually a way.

The first website address is m.9biquge.

Xiao Fuxuan's energy is pure and strong, which can indeed relieve the pain in a certain sense. Press the major acupoints bit by bit, repeating the cycle day and night, and the spiritual energy will flow much more smoothly.

But this is just reasonable.

When it comes to reality, the results will be quite different.

Because the feeling of Qi moving and pressing in the body is really... hard to describe.

Every time it starts with recuperation, it will go in another direction halfway through. As a result, the ears of all the little children in the house would be blocked for no apparent reason and then taken away together.

One time, maybe because they didn't believe in evil, they tried several times, on and off, and the result was that the room was covered with a barrier for five days.

Five whole days...

The bed, table and desk can no longer be seen.

In the end, Lord Soul King had a red tide that could not go away from the neck line of his throat to his finger joints, and even his knees and ankles. Even his breathing was trembling slightly.

He grabbed Xiao Fuxuan, half-opened his moist eyes, caught a glimpse of the mess on his waist and abdomen, and bent his long straight legs again. Covering his eyes with his other hand, he waited for an unknown amount of time before he could speak: ...I can't do it anymore.

Xiao Fuxuan lowered his head and kissed the fingertips and eyelashes of his eyes soothingly, and said in a rare lazy voice: Huh?

Wu Xingxue said: Let's change the place.

With this attitude, he couldn't bear even one round of winter in Mengdu.


Xiao Fuxuan and Wu Xingxue lived in this long alley for more than half a year and left in the middle of winter. They found another spiritual place in the north, where they will nurse him back to full recovery.

When leaving, Wu Xingxue put another layer of enchantment on the house. Under the influence of the barrier, passers-by looked at the end of the alley and saw that what they saw before would remain the same from the beginning to the end.

It was as if no one had ever moved there or left.

They were just flashes of light that passed by occasionally, with no intention of disturbing anyone and leaving no trace.

But actually...someone remembers them.

The few people who had argued in the tea and wine shop went to that alley together, and later they often stopped and met each other when passing by.

One of them once saw a snow-white figure flying around the pavilion on a late spring evening, gently landing on the high eaves, reaching out to pick up a handful of fallen flowers, then lowering his head and smiling with someone under the pavilion. say.

That day, it was actually a naughty boy who caused a small gap in the boundary of the house to leak. Wu Xingxue stepped on the cornice and made up for it in the blink of an eye.

But others don't know these reasons.

For pedestrians who happened to pass by, it was a startling glimpse, a rare glimpse of a fairyland.

The people often mentioned that scene to others, saying that the immortal in the pavilion was dressed in white and was better than snow. It is also said that this long alley is destined to be immortal. Immortals have lived at the end of the alley, and there may be immortals again in the future.

As a result, the once nameless long alley got a name through word of mouth...

It's called Xueyi Lane.

Over the next hundred years and thousands of years, things changed, and the name of the city and the river changed countless times, but the name of that alley remained unchanged forever.


But that was still a story for later. Wu Xingxue and Xiao Fuxuan didn't know this at the time.

After they placed the barrier at the end of the alley, they did not immediately leave for the north, but stayed in the city for one more night.

Because I heard that there was a winter market in Mengdu City that night, and even more because I heard a name——

Doctor Wusheng.

The winter market in Mengdu City is rarely lively in the twelfth lunar month because it is approaching the end of the year. Even people from the main city, such as the suburbs, Murano, Shirokatsu, and Haruhata Castle, come here every year.

The few people chatting were people transporting bulk goods to the winter market. They probably traveled frequently, and they were very familiar with Spring Banner City.

While walking the wheelbarrow through the streets, someone mentioned that it's been snowing these days, it's colder than usual, and the old problem is not getting better intermittently.

Another person then answered: There is a very powerful gentleman in Spring Banner City, named Yi Wusheng. He has a very good heart. You can ask him for some medicine.

The people next to him kept saying

Echoed: Yes, yes, yes, he is good, General! He came to the winter market in the past two years, and he should come this year too. You can go and watch, his carriage always likes to stop at...

The man looked up and saw that the lights had been hung up in the winter market not far away. Like every lively market in the world, the lights were connected into a large area.

The man pointed to the inn in front of him near the entrance of the market and said: That's the one, it's very close. It's said - Huh?!

In the middle of his words, he suddenly let out a low voice and patted his sick companion hard: What a coincidence! Look at your luck, that carriage! That's it!

Wu Xingxue and Xiao Fuxuan walked ahead of them, almost entering the winter market. When they heard the words coincidence, they both stopped at the same time and turned around to look.

The inn was only a few steps away from them, and the carriage just turned the corner and stopped in front of the inn after making a few beeps.

The carriage door creaked, and a familiar, elegant and thin figure stepped out of the carriage. But he didn't walk towards the hotel immediately. Instead, he stood by the car and reached out to help another woman getting out of the car.

Not far away, the voices of the common people came faintly: Look, that's Doctor Wusheng and his wife, the deputy dean of the Hua family.

At that time, snow foam was already flying in the sky, and under the light of the lights, it was misty and full of colors.

There was snow accumulated on the ground from the previous two days, which had been trampled into a thin layer and was a bit slippery. Huazhaotai grabbed Yi Wusheng's hand and happened to step on the thin layer of ice when he got off the car.

People who have practiced Buddhism will not slip on a thin ice. But as if to scare someone, she said Ouch and pretended to stagger.

Yi Wusheng subconsciously pulled it hastily, but it actually caused him to stagger.

Flower photo booth: ...

The two of them bumped into each other and staggered, finally regaining their balance. Thinking about that unnecessary move just now, I couldn't help but laugh.

It was at that time that Yi Wusheng raised his head and happened to catch the gaze of Wu Xingxue and Xiao Fuxuan.

He has the common habit of gentlemen. When he catches the eye of any passerby, he will always nod thoughtfully and make a light salute. So he nodded to Wu Xingxue and Xiao Fuxuan, smiled and said warmly: You two gentlemen are laughing.

Wu Xingxue was stunned for a moment, then responded with the same smile: Where.

His mood became extremely good at that moment.

Everything they have experienced before and been forgotten by the world is just for moments like this...

The shopkeeper went out to greet them and took Yi Wusheng and Huazhaotai into the store. The few people who asked for help unloaded the cargo bags from the cart at the entrance of the market and hurried over.

The snow became heavier at that moment, and the wide carriage road was instantly covered with a layer of snow, like white jade.

The birds came together, flitting across the sky in the snow and fog, and then disappeared into the long night.

On one side is the sound of cars and horses, on the other side is the noisy chatter of people under the lights of the winter market.

Wu Xingxue raised her eyes and glanced around, raised an eyebrow at Xiao Fuxuan, and said softly: Look, 'Magpie Capital'.

Yeah. Xiao Fuxuan looked around and responded Wen Shen: Magpie Capital.


They walked through the illuminated streets.

There are teahouses and taverns, storytellers, stalls radiating misty heat and shouting waiters, and all kinds of things. In fact, it is not much different from the Xinghua Lantern Market or Luohuashan City in March. But the person who likes the fireworks in the world by nature just watched them with great interest.

It's like the excitement is always the same, but people still rush to one event after another, regardless of spring or winter. It's like the love and hate in the storybook are almost the same, but there are still people crying and laughing at the story in the place listening to the book, and the room is full every day.

Wu Xingxue stopped in front of a stall and reached out to pick off an interesting mask. As I was flipping through the pages, I suddenly felt someone tapping me on the shoulder.

He turned his head and saw Xiao Fuxuan under the scattered lights.

Even this moment is similar, just like it was hundreds of years ago.

This was the best first meeting in the world that Wu Xingxue had ever imagined.

In the teahouse not far away, the storyteller patted the gavel, and his voice came through the light and snow foam: Three hundred years after Qinghe, there was heavy snow in Mianzhou. The Wutuan Sea was covered with snow for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the vast sea covered it to the horizon. …”

Wu Xingxue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Xiao Fuxuan had told him when he first opened his eyes.

It is said that the current reign name is still Qinghe. The first year when the reign name was changed was the same as before Zixi, but it was no longer because of the continuous fire in Luohuatai, but because of Haiqingheyan.

Therefore, there is no Tianshu in the story, and there is no Canglang Northern Territory.

Only when everything is peaceful and the sea is clear and the river is clear.

So far, three hundred years.

This is the third hundred years when there are no immortals or demons...

From then on, the mountains, flowing water, clear wind and bright moon only met in this human world.

-End of text-

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