Chapter 116

After the system released the task, Wu Hao never had time to sort out his thoughts. When he got a little free this day, he called Gu Fan to the office and wanted to discuss it with him.

“Gu Fan, I want to build a cultural and creative industry chain around Haotian Chuang, what do you think?”

“Your ideal is very full, but the reality is too skinny…With our existing strength and influence, we may be able to realize this wish in twenty years.” Gu Fan gave an objective assessment.

“Twenty years is too long.”

“Watt invented the steam engine in 1776. It was not until 1825 that the world’s first railway was officially opened to traffic in the UK. That is to say, it took 50 years to basically complete the industrial chain of steam trains. The cultural and creative industry chain There are more fields involved, and the situation is more complicated. I think 20 years are already an optimistic estimate.”


Gu Fan’s words are very reasonable. Although Wu Hao is unwilling to accept it, he can only accept it humbly, but the system only gives him one year, so how can he make up for such a big time difference? Wu Hao was a little confused.

“But to be honest, Haotian’s creative efficiency is very high. We have greatly improved the production efficiency of comics. Many colleagues who make comics have the intention to cooperate with us… These are the companies that have contacted and cooperated recently. one time.”

Wu Hao took the list handed over by Gu Fan and glanced at it, and found that there was still a foreign company.

“Haha, it has shocked the foreigners. It seems that in the field of comics, we have successfully made it out of the circle.”

“Not only in the field of comics, there are several companies that do film, television and animation, and they all want to discuss purchasing the services of our platform.”

“Purchase service? What service?” Wu Hao was a little surprised. There was no successful work in animation, so why would anyone come to ask for cooperation?

Gu Fan reminded: “Have you forgotten that using the camera pig can shoot short videos in immersive 3D interactive scenes. They want to use this feature to shoot works.”

“It is indeed possible… but can you use this function to make a good film and television series?”

“Of course! Do you remember the’Gundam’ simulator? The traffic star can start shooting as long as one stops inside.”

“It should not work. I remember that I can only shoot dialogue scenes, fighting special effects, and pictures that need to interact with real objects. I still can’t shoot them.”

“Don’t worry about this. They bring their own props. Many of the shots are made of foam models and special machines. As for fighting scenes, CG is popular now. Each of us has a set of special effects. It works, if it doesn’t work, we can also help customize it.”

“Yes, I didn’t expect it, this business should also be profitable!”

Wu Hao got a business development point and felt happy in his heart.

Seeing Wu Hao’s sudden realization, Gu Fan said with a smile: “It’s up to you to think about it, how can it be thoughtful, and specialize in the art industry? For the film and television industry, we are laymen and others are experts. We have been playing around for a long time, and we still can’t think of a reason, so we still have to actively seek cooperation in order to develop better.”

“You make sense, we are laymen after all, but…”

Wu Hao didn’t say the following words. The task given by the system made people feel very nonsense. This time he was driven from the shelves by a duck and forced to do something impossible. It’s just that this kind of helplessness can’t tell others and can only rely on it. Find a way to solve the problem yourself.

Wu Hao wanted to say something but stopped, Gu Fan felt very strange, and asked, “What’s wrong with you, you only talked half way?”

“It’s okay, I suddenly thought of other things, you don’t need to care.”


“By the way, there is a piece of news here, look at it.”

Gu Fan took out his mobile phone, clicked on a piece of news, and handed it to Wu Hao.

The headline of the news is ‘Promoting the upgrading of the agricultural industry chain, intelligent equipment helps the rapid development of rural cooperatives’.

The article mentioned that due to the large-scale promotion of intelligent soilless cultivation technology in rural areas, a number of agricultural factories have appeared, which have produced huge economic and ecological benefits.

The Agricultural Development Group has conducted pilot projects in several southern townships. A large number of agricultural factories have been built on both sides of roads with good water conservancy conditions and convenient transportation, and solar power generation devices have been installed on wastelands and mountains that are not suitable for cultivation.

Agricultural factories use electricity generated by solar energy and use simulated sunlight technology to increase the light duration of crops. By creating the most ideal growth environment, the growth period of crops can be shortened to half of the original.

Coupled with the use of layered stacking production technology, in a 10-meter-high factory building, there can be 5 floors of production and operation surfaces, which is equivalent to 5 acres of grain for one acre of land.

The superposition of the two major advantages enables one mu of land to produce ten mu of grain, and the efficiency of land production is greatly improved.

Soilless cultivation technology can refine management, save water and fertilizer, and the environment of agricultural factories is relatively closed, which minimizes the impact of climate and insect pests, reduces the use of pesticides and fungicides, and reduces the cost of planting.

The southern part of the country has sufficient solar energy and stable power generation during the day. Unused electricity can be connected to the official power grid. During the peak period of power consumption, it supports industrial power consumption. This method of staggered power consumption saves power resources and has significant economic effects.

Agricultural factories are built on both sides of roads with convenient transportation. It is convenient for villagers to commute to and from get off work. Due to the use of intelligent technology, labor intensity is greatly reduced, and the output is much higher. Farmers can also have a good income like the people in the city. The welfare is not bad, so people in the surrounding towns and villages are very envious.

Wu Hao feels very proud: “Gu Fan, we have done a great thing to benefit the country and the people!…Thanks to your technological breakthroughs, we have achieved this result.”

The soilless cultivation technology is a major breakthrough of Haotian Technology. Gu Fan is the biggest hero, and Wu Hao is not greedy for merit, and gives glory to his brothers.

“It’s your choice of direction. I’m just an executor.” Gu Fan was as objective as ever.

“I didn’t expect that just a technological breakthrough could bring such a huge social benefit, which is really unexpected!” Wu Hao said with emotion.

Gu Fan smiled and added: “Hehe, what is even more unexpected is that the Agricultural Development Group has actually built an agricultural factory, and it has not been more than a year since the intelligent soilless cultivation technology came out.”

“Indeed, it’s less than a year…hahahaha.” Before he could finish speaking, Wu Hao burst into laughter.


Gu Fan looked dazed, not knowing what he said that would make Wu Hao so happy.

Wu Hao was no longer confused, and quickly explained: “I want to understand what is going on in the cultural and creative industry chain, how to proceed… First, we must concentrate our efforts to improve 3D virtual interactive scenes and immersive 3D virtual scenes, and other projects will have breakthroughs. With the advancement of sex, someone will naturally use our technology to innovate the market.”

“Just think clearly.” Gu Fan picked up the list and asked, “Do you cooperate with the video shooting service?”

“To cooperate, we will form a business team to promote services in the future, and try to keep the price down in the early stage. Now is not the time to make money. If we want others to use it first, our system needs to be improved.”


Through the agricultural factory, Wu Hao realized that he should focus on technological breakthroughs. As long as it is profitable, capital will enter the market and change the original industrial chain.

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