Chapter 245

The people who came to the old god for treatment were extremely crazy. More than one hundred people began to line up at ten o’clock in the evening, and those who came later had to wait for the next time.

However, in this small courtyard, a profession has also spawned, that is, helping people line up to make money.

Most of the people who come here to line up to make money are the people nearby. They are the nearest to this place. Three meals a day are delivered, and some people come to work in the evening, so they can be called near the water.

But those outsiders are different. They are all here admiringly. Some people came here last night. Under the conditions of cold and hunger, the price of a bowl of instant noodles was increased to 50 yuan a bowl, and a quilt was rented out. The bed is two hundred.

Although he knew he was slaughtered, everyone still liked it. As long as he was optimistic about the disease, a few hundred dollars was nothing.

They all talk about the parents’ heart of the healer, but in Lu Tian’s view, the old gods in everyone’s mouth seem to have no mercy at all. Even if everyone is hungry and cold outside, he has no intention of relief at all.

In the words of the other party, this is the catastrophe they should have, and they should be allowed to bear it by themselves.

For three days in a row, Lu Tian witnessed different diseases and different lives in this small courtyard.

Beginning yesterday, the old god began to treat Lu Tian’s eyes. It was a plaster prepared by the other party himself. It was in the form of a black gel and it was very cool when applied to the eyes.

And starting from the second day, the cold water for Lu Tian’s bath was replaced with hot water, which was extremely hot water.

When Lu Tian stepped into it, his legs were burnt red in an instant, not to mention that, the old Chinese doctor asked his disciple to continue to add boiling water.

This kind of operation that surpassed human limits, in Lu Tian’s view, was not a cure, but an honest murder.

However, the patient is always weak in front of the doctor, and even though Lu Tian has negotiated many times, the other party has not made any concessions.

But when Lu Tian went into the water again, the other party ate a green pill.

After the pills were taken, Lu Tian felt that his body’s temperature dropped a lot, and even the water temperature seemed to cool down.

Lu Tian spent two consecutive days in this state. Although tortured, the effect was really good. The palm prints on his chest were completely invisible.

According to the doctor’s prediction, it only takes five days for Lu Tian to heal from the internal injuries, but his eyes will have to be treated slowly.

“Little guy, in order to cure your disease, I have spent the money. The materials used must be clear in your own mind. I don’t need to say more about the value.

I hope you promise me not to break your promises, or don’t blame me for not preaching. ”

On the morning of the fifth day, when Lu Tian came out of the medicinal bath again, the old god said a little distressed.

At the beginning, Miao Xiantang said that his illness would take months, or even years, but after only a week, it can be seen that the old god really has two brushes.

Of course, Lu Tian promised that he would not take the other party’s affairs as a whisper, after all, his own handle was still in the other’s hands.

“Senior don’t worry. Although Lu Tian is young, he also knows the word “love”. Within three years, I will keep my promise and deliver the first item to you.”

Before leaving, Lu Tian bowed to the other party very solemnly.

“Well, since the Maoshan disciple Tianming introduced me, I can rest assured that you take these ointments and apply them to your eyes every two days. Naturally, there will be changes after three months.

As for the dizziness I made people look for, I will let you know as soon as I have a clue, but this time period should be relatively long, and you can also find out for yourself. ”

The old god handed a bottle to Lu Tian, ​​and at the same time told very seriously.

After leaving the other party, Lu Tian suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He stayed in the Chinese medicine shop all day long. He felt that those diseases seemed to be getting closer and closer to him. Maybe in the near future, he will also follow their footsteps!

“Lu Tian, ​​who is what the old god is talking about? Is it dangerous?

Is it because you have no money to find something for him? If it is too dangerous, don’t go there. I still saved more than 30,000 yuan. If you don’t give him the money, we won’t find anything. “Sit in the car going back, Zhou Ying asked, leaning on Lu Tian’s shoulder.

In the past few days, the old doctor often mentioned to Lu Tian the three things he said. Although Zhou Ying heard it, she didn’t know what it was, so she mentioned it again at this time.

Hearing this, Lu Tian touched the other’s forehead with his chin and smiled: “He wants something very simple. It is the wedding candy for our marriage, the child’s boy urine, and the child’s glass of wine when he is married.

How can such a simple thing be exchanged with money, it is not worth it, right? “Lu Tian said with a smile.

Naturally, he would not tell Zhou Ying what the other party wanted, because everything sounded too horrible, let alone the degree of danger, so this should not be the pressure that a mortal should bear.

“Liar, he is almost 70 years old, if he lives for a few years and died, wouldn’t it be cheaper for you?

When the child got a glass of wine when he got married, when did that happen? After decades, can he live to that time? “Zhou Ying said in disbelief.

Seeing the other person’s unbelieving expression, Lu Tian smiled and said: “Did you believe that I can control the flying of paper cranes? If you don’t believe me, I will really answer the question!

So, what you think is impossible can happen. The old god is not an ordinary person. It is possible that after we are sixty years old, he will still be like this. ”

After hearing Lu Tian’s explanation, Zhou Ying raised her head in surprise: “How can this be possible? He told me that I am in my seventies. How can he live for decades, is it possible that he will live forever?”

“I am immortal when I am over a hundred years old? What does the centenarian in Changshou Village say when he goes back to see his natal mother?

Do you believe it, if you let our children come to see this old god when they are 20 years old, he must still say that he is almost 70, or another genius doctor will appear in other places, in fact, they are one person. Just to avoid suspicion, so keep changing identities. “In order for the other party to understand quickly, Lu Tian could only explain this to Zhou Ying, because such people really exist.

Zhou Ying’s eyes rolled away, what Lu Tian said was beyond her cognition, and it was too difficult for people to accept.

Seeing the other person’s face full of surprise, Lu Tian smiled and hugged her in his arms, and then whispered something in his ear.

At this time, Wang Shouyi looked at a man in suit in front of him in a street where Lu Tian visited the wholesale and retail street of Chinese medicine.

The man in the suit had three-dimensional features and a hooked nose that gave people a very treacherous feeling. At this time, the other party also looked at Wang Shouyi, and neither of them spoke.

“Ghosts are sad, are you sure that the other party’s message won’t go wrong this time?” Wang Shou joined together.

“Of course, the turtle monster’s information was wrong last time. It was because the other party was living in the water, and thanks to Lu Tian’s timidity, otherwise we would be in constant trouble.

This time the ghost farm is absolutely reliable. They are all aborted children. It is the best to be a soul boy. Selling to those bosses, we will definitely make a lot of money. “Gui Jianshou’s eyes gleamed, so Hao Xiang has absolute confidence in this hands-on.

Hearing what the other party said, Wang Shouyi hesitated for a while and said: “It is possible that Lu Tian’s ability is not the enemy of the ghost mother at all. If you ask him to take the ghost mother’s ashes, wouldn’t you let him go to death?

Would it be too unkind? I think that guy is pretty good. “Wang Shouyi hesitated.

“Why, you can’t bear it? Innocent and not a husband, how can you improve your strength if you are a woman like you? Sooner or later, Miaoxianmen will give you up!”

Gui Jianshou was very dissatisfied with Wang Shouyi’s performance, so his voice was full of reminders.

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