After watching the video, Wei Juan was simply stunned.

In fact, Wei Juan has seen this video for a long time, but it is impossible for her to connect the young man with the “fine skin and tender meat” just now with the youth in the video.

Don’t blame Wei Juan for thinking like this, it is really Chen Fan’s current appearance, too deceptive.

After being reborn, Chen Fan not only did not become strong, anyway, the muscle lines were more uniform, plus the skin was fair, the lips were red and the teeth were white, and he looked like a beautiful boy.

But if he could dissect Chen Fan’s body, he would find that the density of his muscles and bones was at least five times that of a normal person.

For example, a normal person who falls from a three-story building may fall to his death.

Chen Fan fell from the tenth floor, at most, his internal organs were injured, and his bones would not be broken. After Chen Fan’s internal organs grew, he was even less afraid.

“This master of saving people is Xiao Chen?” Wei Juan couldn’t believe it.

“Of course! Don’t you look at the two of them, don’t they look like one person? After Chu Xueqi finished speaking, she said again: “You know what happened when I was kidnapped last time and then rescued?” The person who saved me was Brother Chen, I saw him with my own eyes, punched out, and the two strong kidnappers all flew, and even the gun could not help him. ”

Hearing Chu Xueqi say this, Wei Juan was silent for a long time….

After a long while, Wei Juan came back to her senses and said urgently: “You girl, if you didn’t say it earlier, you made me miserable, I thought he was a liar, and I got him a challenge program.” I have to inform Lao Li immediately and tell them to be careful…”

Wei Juan had just touched out her mobile phone, but Chen Fan had already returned from going to the bathroom.

Her heart was anxious and happy, anxious, afraid that it would be unlucky to challenge Chen Fan when she met the people on her side. Happily, there is such a big master sitting in town, what kind of Han country taekwondo, what else is there to worry about?

“Mr. Chen, thank you for coming to my club, this meal is a bit ill-entertaining, and I will set up a banquet for you in the evening.”

When Chen Fan heard this, he glanced at Wei Juan strangely.

This woman, just now still not salty to him, and even sometimes cold, how to go to the toilet and come back, her attitude towards herself, has changed greatly?

Seeing her cousin’s appearance, Chu Xueqi immediately lowered her head and forcibly refused to let herself laugh out loud…

“Don’t be so polite… If both of you have eaten, let’s go? ”

Chen Fan stood up, wanting to go through the procedure quickly, not wasting his time, he still had to buy medicinal materials.


Wei Juan can only take one step at a time now, hoping that when the time comes, Lao Li and they don’t rush too much, just keep them uninjured.

As for her original plan, she wanted to give Chen Fan a dismount, but there was no hope.

Originally, Wei Juan thought that she would simply cancel this “procedure”, but she just said it more deadly, and said that she asked Chen Fan to comply, and then regretting it at this time would inevitably seem too child’s play.

The three checked out and left the restaurant.

Seeing that Chen Fan came by car, Wei Juan was relieved, she could call Lao Li on the road.

“Mr. Chen, just follow my car.”


Both sides get into their own cars.

As soon as she got into the car, Wei Juan took out her mobile phone and called Lao Li, telling Lao Li that the person who will come to apply for the head coach is a master and must be careful to deal with it.

Lao Li on the phone promised to agree, but the perfunctory tone in it, Wei Juan could obviously hear it, and couldn’t help but show a wry smile.

This old Li is also a proud person, and he must be a little dissatisfied with Wei Juan’s invitation to the head coach from outside.

Forget it, it’s time to remind her that she has already reminded, if Lao Li didn’t take it seriously, let him suffer a loss.


A moment later, the car stopped in front of a building that was more than ten stories tall and had blue walls.

As soon as the car stopped, someone led the way to a parking lot next to the building.

After getting out of the car, Chen Fan looked up and found that there was a big sign hanging on the top of this building!

Asian Kickboxing Club!

The door of the building is also very wide, completely open, electronic induction glass door, looking very magnificent, after entering the door, the decoration inside is also very exquisite.

Unexpectedly, this kickboxing club engaged by Chu Xueqi’s cousin has a very large scene, and it is obviously a rich second generation with a very good family.

Chen Fan also saw many trophies on a wall in the hall, and it seemed that Wei Juan’s club had also participated in many competitions.

The first floor is the reception hall, and from the second floor, there are various areas for practicing kickboxing.

The three walked into the elevator, and Wei Juan took the initiative to introduce Chen Fan: “Our club occupies a total of five floors of this building, the first floor is the reception reception, the second floor is the children’s area, the juvenile area, the third floor is the adult area, the fourth floor is the women’s area, and the fifth floor is the leisure area… I’ll give you a structural diagram when I go back, you can take a look and write it down, don’t go the wrong way. ”

Chen Fan nodded, such a club can be regarded as a big deal.

In addition to the door, the elevator was transparent on three sides, and as the elevator rose, Chen Fan found that on almost every floor, there were many trainees practicing fighting techniques.

“There are quite a few students here?” Chen Fan was surprised: “Do so many people like to practice martial arts?” ”

Wei Juan said with a smile: “In today’s society, there are more rich people, and more and more attention is paid to leisure and exercise, and parents of children are willing to spend money for their children to have a good body.” ”

Chen Fan nodded, knowing what Wei Juan said, not fake at all, many of his relatives’ children, summer vacation and winter vacation or something, all signed up for martial arts classes, practicing judo, taekwondo or something.

“Moreover, I was originally the best high-end club in Z City, and those civil servants, bosses, managers and other social elites came here whenever they had time.” Half of it is leisure exercise, learning self-defense techniques, the other half is to make friends and soak women, after all, come here to study, are rich people! Just meeting a few random friends may be helpful for your career. If you can marry Bai Fumei, you can save ten years of struggle…”


First, ask for collections, ask for flowers!

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