Urban: I Am God

Chapter 637: let's do it

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Chapter 637

"So, you are threatening me?" Feng Bai looked at Hu Fei coldly and said, but he didn't do anything directly, because Feng Bai couldn't figure out what happened to Hu Fei.

Because he couldn't see through Hu Fei's strength at all, although it was said that people like Yu Huaiyang were similar in strength to him, and Feng Bai couldn't see through the strength of the other party, but he had a feeling.

On the other hand, Hu Fei had a completely different feeling. In Hu Fei's body, he felt like a nihilistic person, and he couldn't feel Hu Fei's strength at all, which was different from ordinary people.

This feeling made Feng Bai dare not act rashly.

"You can understand that, either you join our sect management committee, or you will be threatened by us." Hu Fei did not hide it, but simply followed his words.

"Very good, then I'd like to hear, what are the conditions for this sect management committee?" Feng Bai paused for a while, but didn't get angry, but asked again, after all, it's just a sect management committee, listen to this name It's not like a stricter organization.

If it's just a loose organization, wouldn't it be too disadvantageous to be rigid?

"First of all, whether you join this committee or not, all sects must abide by the laws of this country, and no one has the right to be above the law." Hu Fei stretched out a finger and said directly, "If you don't understand In terms of legal terms, we can provide free legal counsel, lawyers, and that's not a problem."

"Other than that?" Feng Bai didn't ask about any laws. Although he came back from the ancient times, he also knew what the law was. That thing can't be explained in a while, so he still understands other things. Rules are better.

"In addition, we both respect each other, but unless necessary, your disciples cannot cast spells in front of ordinary people at will, especially some powerful spells that destroy cities, or some public facilities such as roads, and secondly, you cannot arbitrarily affect ordinary people. Human life, even casual harm to ordinary people is not enough, of course, these are already illegal."

"Finally, we can provide you with land for rebuilding the sect residence, but you have to buy these land with money. It doesn't matter if you don't have money, we can provide you with a batch of loans, and you can even hire ordinary people to help you build these sect residences. , both parties deal equally.”

"To put it bluntly, the premise of everything is that both of us are equal, and you and ordinary people are equal. You can't directly despise all ordinary people because you are cultivators, and don't take their rights to heart, that's all. It can be summed up in one sentence.”

"Theoretically speaking, joining this sect management committee, to put it bluntly, if your people violate the law, first of all we will send the sect management committee to deal with it, because the law enforcement agencies of ordinary people will definitely not be able to target you. What needs help is the mutual problems between the various sects, everyone can talk freely, there are no restrictions." Hu Fei roughly explained the structure of the committee.

In fact, this thing is really not binding, but to put it bluntly, it is creating a rule, that is, a rule for all sects, you must join here, it seems that these are no threat to a sect at the beginning, no binding.

But after a long time, when there are more sects added to it, there will be constraints between them. The so-called "do not suffer from widowhood" means unequal suffering. Your sect's disciples have violated the law and been executed, but his sect's disciples have violated the law. Just want to escape, the head of the sect in front of you is absolutely impossible to allow it.

"It sounds like a very loose organization, but why should I join? Or, why do you think you can restrict so many sects? Our Feng Lanzong is a small sect, but there are bigger sects, Yu The head should be very clear." Feng Bai narrowed his eyes and said.

"Then let's try it. Can you keep defending like this all the time?" Hu Fei said with narrowed eyes, "Or, unless you keep driving your mountain protection formation and never make contact with the outside world? If you can do that, that's fine, or not."

Hu Fei said it easily, but Feng Bai's face was not good-looking, and he never dared to contact the outside world? That's impossible. Even if the cultivators like them always feel that they are detached from mortals, they also want to go to the society of mortals. After all, they can't really be free from food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Especially food, even in the realm of Fengbai and the others, even if eating is not a necessity, it is necessary to eat after a period of time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Of course, people have developed the habit of eating every day.

It’s just that sometimes the environment doesn’t allow it, so they can go without food for dozens of days or even months, but if they don’t eat for a few months, it will still have an impact on them.

Therefore, even in their era, they would have contact with mortals. In fact, it should be said that there are at least one or two towns around each of their sects. Almost all mortals in the county are sheltered by their sect life. .

And now, obviously that's not possible.

"Whether we can limit us, then we have to see how strong you are. I will give Sect Master Yu a face. I will not open the mountain protection formation of any sect. If you can break my magic weapon, I will join you. This sect management committee." Feng Bai paused, and then said directly.

"Of course, if you and I are helpless with this magic weapon, then I'm sorry. Sect Master Yu and the others are willing to join, but I don't." Feng Bai said lightly.

"Okay, no problem." Hu Fei also said calmly.

Isn't this a target delivered to the door? Naturally, Hu Fei had no problem with it. There was a behemoth flying there on his head, but it just stayed at a higher altitude and didn't come down. There are no weapons tested in this cosmic space, so it's okay to test them now.

This weapon is completely born out of Hu Fei's previous formation. To put it bluntly, it is to place the formation before Hu Fei directly on the battleship, then guide and activate the formation, and then directly bombard the formation's attack on what he wants. where you want.

Feng Bai said no nonsense, turned around and flew into the six-story tower, and then the khaki light quickly began to flow from the tower, and the entire tower seemed to be charged, becoming Brilliant.

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