Hot Bar’s heart was chaotic like a Muggle at this time, and he was nervous for a while, and he unconsciously broke his thoughts.

“How! Oops mamm! Oh my God! How so! What do I do now? ”

“Destroying corpses?”

As soon as this thought came out, Di Li Gerba immediately slapped his head and scolded himself: “Oh, when is it, you are still cranky here!” ”

“What to do, what to do, what to do…”

The hot bar was spinning in that hurry, it seemed that this would relieve the chaotic emotions in her heart, she couldn’t tell what she was feeling now, anger? A little, and I don’t seem to be too angry.

Shy? A little, but not enough to make her so anxious.

Soon, seeing Gu Yuan lying there asleep, he leaned in his waist and said indignantly: “It’s all to blame on you, I took advantage of others and slept comfortably, but I was in a hurry.” ”

A few last words were not enough, and he stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder with a pout.

But at this moment, the sleeping Gu Yuan actually reached out like lightning, grabbed the hot bar’s hand, pulled, twisted, and reflexively subdued her.

Until it was suppressed by Gu Yuan, his eyes widened in stunned, and he didn’t come back to his senses what happened.

Although Gu Yuan now closed his eyes, he suddenly burst out with an extremely dangerous aura, and then the crisis perception was not touched, and the whole person instantly relaxed, slammed on the hot bar, and continued to sleep.


The hot bar that was smashed rolled his eyes and exclaimed in pain, and then continued to open his eyes in a daze, his eyes were full of hollowness, his mouth was open, and he was very cute.

I don’t know how long it took, the hot bar came back to his senses, and a stirring spirit felt the oppression on his body, and immediately wanted to push Gu Yuan away, but was suppressed by Gu Yuan’s upper body, and after some tossing, the hot bar finally escaped from Gu Yuan’s arms with difficulty.


Exhaled deeply, the hot bar wiped the non-existent sweat, the whole person was even more confused, but let her recover a little from the nervousness, smiled angrily and glanced at Gu Yuan, and said: “It’s really no way.” ”

After speaking, he went to look at Xixi and saw that she was still asleep, so he was relieved, hit a basin of hot water, helped Gu Yuan’s shoes take off, and wanted to help him take off his vest, but he was very rusty.

After some research, I also gave up.

“Brother-in-law’s figure is really good.”

Feeling Gu Yuan’s angular abs, Reba nodded and praised.

Then took a hot towel and prepared to wipe Gu Yuan’s face, but when she just stretched out her hand, she remembered Gu Yuan’s instinctive defensive reaction before, which made her palpitate.

Carefully lit the towel to Gu Yuan’s face, and then the whole person jumped away from the electrocution office, quietly watched the meeting, and after seeing that Gu Yuan did not react, he sighed in relief and returned to the bed.

Gently apply a hot towel to his face and wipe it carefully.

Looking at Gu Yuan, who was sleeping at this time, he found that this was the first time he had observed Gu Yuan’s face so seriously.

I had always felt very handsome and handsome before, but now that I look closely, I find that Gu Yuan’s face is more and more fascinating.

Like a marble carved silhouette, the facial features are three-dimensional and exquisite, almost perfect, originally the facial features of a man would look feminine, but it was very suitable on Gu Yuan, especially now, when he was quiet and expressionless.

It actually exudes a cold atmosphere, giving people a mysterious sense of oppression, but it is very charming.

The hot bar looked suddenly in a daze, and the hot towel in his hand actually covered Gu Yuan’s mouth and nose like this, watching his closed eyes empty.

Suddenly, I felt some changes in my hand, and I saw Gu Yuan turning his head, only to find that he had been holding a towel to cover his brother-in-law’s mouth and nose.

Frightened, she quickly took away the towel, looked around as a thief, and after seeing that no one found out, she carefully reached out and probed Gu Yuan’s snort.

Feeling a warm breath hitting his fingers, the hot bar was relieved, and then he patted his head with a look of being stupidly crying by himself.

“You really can, you almost murdered your brother-in-law!”

Then he tilted his head and looked stupid and unloveable for a moment before continuing his face-wiping business.

When he finally covered Gu Yuan with a quilt, Reba felt as if he had fought a big battle, and the whole person was exhausted, but he had a sense of satisfaction.

For Gu Yuan put a cup of warm water next to him, the hot bar looked at Xi Xi again, and saw that she was still asleep, and couldn’t help but smile softly and nodded her little face.

The hot bar with nothing to do walked to the yard, sat on the swing, swayed gently, and when she was quiet, she was less active than usual, and she seemed a little cold, especially the three-dimensional demon facial features, which made her seem very distant.

Sitting on the swing, the whole person’s mind does not know where to float, and the deep eyes are empty, and I don’t know what I am thinking.

Suddenly, the picture just now appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help but touch his mouth, and then showed a distressed look.

She sighed helplessly in her heart, how would she face her brother-in-law in the future.

It was her kiss, she had fantasized about losing it in different circumstances, but she didn’t expect it to happen so suddenly.

In her mind, Gu Yuan was curious from the beginning, and after getting acquainted, she found that she was a very gentle and close person, and she was very willing to get along with him, and even coquettish.

After getting along with this time in Shanghai, she really identified with this brother-in-law, and had a feeling of being a relative, which made her open her heart to Gu Yuan and express her truest self.

But the hot bar never thought about anything else.

The brother-in-law is very handsome, very gentle, talented, responsible, and mysterious, very attractive to her, but in the face of this attraction, the hot bar is more like a fan sister appreciation.

As for thinking too much, but never.

But today’s accident suddenly broke her heart, and now her mind is chaotic, but it is all Gu Yuan’s figure.

Gentle smile, sunny, elegant, mysterious, let her linger.

In the end, he scratched his head in annoyance, patted his brain, and abused himself: “Di Lireba, you have to remember, this is a brother-in-law, brother-in-law, tonight’s incident is just an accident, forget everything after tonight, that’s it!” ”

After speaking, he jumped off the swing, took a deep breath, and then exhaled.

Suddenly, I felt that I seemed to relax a lot in an instant, and the thoughts of disturbing my heart dissipated, looking at the simple moonlight, showing a soft smile, which was very beautiful.

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