The morning sun shone down, and the small building was lively in the morning, Gu Yuan held Xi Xi, drinking tea in the courtyard, and looking at the two women struggling in the hall through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

One by one, the items were piled together, looking at the handletter like a mountain, they could only insert their waists helplessly.

The suitcase has been stuffed with his own clothes, skin care products, cosmetics, etc., there is not much space at all, and even if he empties his two suitcases, he can’t fit these things in front of him.

In the end, there was really no way, Yang Mi took a deep breath.


Seeing this, the hot bar on the side immediately showed a sly smile, and shouted at the top of his throat: “Brother-in-law!!” ”

After shouting, the two looked at each other and smiled, full of tacit understanding.

Gu Yuan, who was drinking tea, shook his hands after hearing the shout, and Xi Xi in his arms was even more frightened and couldn’t catch it, and turned his whole body curiously, wanting to see what was happening inside.

Sighed helplessly, seeing her daughter’s appearance, she smiled and nodded her little nose: “No need to look, it must be your unscrupulous mother and my big niece who can’t figure it out.” ”

Walking into the hall with Xi Xi in his arms, he saw the voices of Yang Mi and Reba immediately coming.

I saw Yang Mi’s eyes wide, stretched out her hand to pretend to greet her, and said with a pompous expression: “Ah! I see a savior! ”

The hot bar is also a joker, tacitly cooperating, covering his eyes with his hands, and surprised: “Oh mother!” It’s so dazzling, who is it? It actually shines! ”

Seeing the funny and pompous appearance of the two, Gu Yuan was dumbfounded, but Xi Xi in his arms was very happy to see the smile, waving his small fist.

“Well, don’t worry about these things, someone will clean them up.”

Gu Yuan glanced at the two and pouted.

“But these are all handwritten letters carefully selected by us, what a pity and waste to throw them away like this.”

Hot Bar frowned and whispered.

Yang Mi quietly pulled her hand and said softly, “Don’t worry, your brother-in-law will solve it.” ”


Hot Bar’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he looked at Gu Yuan expectantly.

Gu Yuan took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and asked people to come and collect these handwritten letters, pack them and send them away.

After the problem of the letter was solved, the two women had no worries, happily watching the scenery of Lijiang on the top floor of the small building, cherishing the last moment.

The time was about the same, Gu Yuan pushed the luggage out, and the two women took their carry-on bags, looking at Xiao Lou, full of reluctance.

Gu Yuan lowered the window and shouted, “Go, get in the car quickly.” ”


“Got it!”

Hot Bar and Yang Mi answered and followed into the car.

After Gu Yuan drove away, a group of men in black came to the small building, entered the house to pack up the large number of souvenirs and took them away, and after they left, the hotel personnel arrived and cleaned up the small building.

At the same time, someone reinstalled the disassembled monitoring on the streets around the small building, and these shots were all processed before Gu Yuan moved in.

The hotel side is also tight-lipped about this, and some people are curious about who will use such strict treatment, but under the threat, no one dares to find out.

The black Bentley walked on the road, looking at the fast-passing scenery, and the two women rarely did not get together to chat, but looked at the scenery outside the window and were stunned.

I had never noticed the scenery outside the window before, so I had to chat and laugh, and look forward to the next place.

Until I left, I felt reluctant, and I didn’t even want to miss a scenery, which I cherished.

This is human nature, and only when it is about to be lost, do you know to cherish it.

The scenery that passed quickly made Yang Mi’s mind recall the experience of the past few days, full of sweetness and happiness, so that the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but cross a touching smile.

The experience of these few days will be one of her most precious memories and will never be forgotten.

Hot Bar also unconsciously recalled the experience of the past few days, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he froze slightly, and his expression was complicated.

The thoughts became more and more remote, and gradually, a figure was deeply imprinted in every ray of memory.

Lijiang’s laughter, Shangri-La’s common exclamation, Dali’s footprints, and the time of ordinary black life.

And that confusing kiss.

These all made the bottom of the hot bar’s heart disturbed full of thoughts, unclear, cut continuously, and finally could only turn into a sigh.

She is not an ignorant girl, even if at first she is afraid to admit it because of panic, jealousy, and even fear.

But after so long of calmness, she also understood the feeling in her heart.

It’s heartbeat.

Really impressed.

But reason told her that it should not be, and such a heartbeat filled her heart with guilt.

In the daily relationship, there is Yang Mi, she plays the role of a sister-in-law very well, which makes her very relaxed, all her thoughts are forgotten, so that Gu Yuan can’t see that something is wrong.

But once it was quiet, when she was alone, her thoughts could not be suppressed, and all the things appeared in her mind, making her confused.

She didn’t know when that inexplicable heartbeat began, the contact of Pu Shihei? Daily life in Shanghai? Still is……

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn’t sort out her thoughts.


Finally, looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, the hot bar can only sigh.

She couldn’t control her heart, but hoped that time would smooth out the breezy lake.

I hope that after arriving in Zhejiang Province, she will devote herself to filming and keep her distance from her brother-in-law, which will allow her to escape calmly.

This decision made her heart seem to be much more relaxed, and the suppressed guilt dissipated, but the inexplicable tingling and regret floated.

Looking at the heat of the scenery outside the window, the corner of his mouth unconsciously showed a bitter smile.

The first time I seemed to like someone, but it seemed to be about to end.

The plane in Kunming lifted and, after several hours of flight, landed at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.

The prompt sound of the plane made the half-asleep hot bar wake up, found that it had arrived, followed the prompts to put on the seat belt, and saw Gu Yuan and Yang Mi next to him.

I saw Yang Mi snuggling up to Gu Yuan asleep, Gu Yuan gently buckled her seat belt, and then hugged Xi Xi, who was sleeping soundly in her arms.

Suddenly felt her gaze, looked at her, and showed a gentle smile, which made the bottom of the hot bar can’t stop rippling.

But seeing this warm and beautiful picture in front of him, Reba felt that his decision was extremely correct, smiled at Gu Yuan, and looked back at the land that was gradually approaching outside the window.

Seeing that the hot bar suddenly smiled so brightly, Gu Yuan felt confused, shook his head and smiled, and hugged Xixi in his arms.

ps: The author of the issue of a single heroine in the harem has been entangled, at the beginning the outline design was harem, but later some readers wanted a single heroine, and the author also hesitated.

It’s really been a bit of a cavin lately, because the plot has reached a dividing point, and the reader’s opinion has affected me a little.

In particular, a reader who was very supportive of me left a message hoping for a single heroine.


The author thought about it for a long time, considering that he didn’t even know how to write, because there were many plot pictures in his mind, and if he became a single heroine, he would have to overturn it, and the outline would need to be rearranged.

In the end, the author still decided that it was really difficult to be a single heroine.

I can only promise that I will not stall, the process is as delicate and natural as possible, of course, this is not a romance novel, the essence is cool text, so it will not abuse the blood of the dead and alive.

Well, these are the words of the author, it is much better to say it, and the thinking is much broader.

If you disappoint some readers, I really feel very sorry, but it is very realistic and realistic to say that in Feilu, unless there is no emotional content involved, pure practice upgrades, otherwise, the living space of the single heroine is really small.

Try to restore the five changes first, and then gradually add more.

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