On this side, Ye Yan’s plan has begun to be officially implemented.

On the other hand, through Jarvis, various video recordings about Li Wuxiu, as well as confidential documents and posts in East China of Kiran Real Estate Group, are also quietly blending into major online platforms at this moment!

And after Jarvis’s “processing”, these video pictures were directly pushed to the public hot recommendations, and all of a sudden, they were seen by countless netizens!

Baidu sticker on it.

“Groove! Watch this video! Actually missed three points?! ”

“Why is that man a little familiar?”

“Li Wuxiu! President of East China of Kiran Real Estate Group! ”

“Isn’t that an XX star? Vozh, actually such a wave, really know the face and do not know the heart! ”

“Wow… Rich people really can play! ”

“Hurry up, save the video before you delete it!”


As soon as the dense, almost screen-brushed video posts came out, and they still occupied all the hot headline recommendations, and in just a few minutes, each post had more than one million views!

But it’s not just these videos with color.

There are also confidential documents and information of Kiran Real Estate Group, when Baidu Tieba netizens saw it, they were all shocked… They didn’t expect that Kirwan Real Estate Group had done so many dirty things in private!

In these documents, they all vividly describe how they cut corners, replaced building materials, ate kickbacks, bribed officials, smeared competitors, and used strong means to eliminate dissidents vividly!

For a time, tens of millions of netizens were sensational.

The management, which is the top person in charge of Tieba is, of course, also in the midst of a sensation and shock.

When they saw those breaking news videos and documents, cold sweat broke out, and their palms were shaking… Because they know very well how powerful this Li Wuxian background is, it is not something they can afford to provoke at all!

“What’s going on?!”

“Hurry up and ask the technician to delete all posts! Leave it for the New Year?! ”

The general manager of Tieba roared.

“Manager, these posts, delete… Can’t delete it! The technician said with a sad face.


“Can’t delete it?!”

The general manager of Tieba was crazy.

It’s not that they can’t delete it, but delete a post, and immediately a new post with the corresponding content will pop up directly, replacing the original position… No matter how many times they delete it, how many new posts will appear, even if they have banned the permission to post new posts, there is still an invisible mysterious force that can bypass their system permissions and do these anti-human actions!

“If you can’t delete it, then stop the server for me!” Fast!!! ”

The general manager of Tieba roared.

If the server is stopped, the loss of user traffic is bound to be huge.

But no way, they really can’t do anything.

However, Baidu Tieba is just a microcosm of all forum websites!

Sina Weibo, QQ Space, Moments of Friends, Tencent News, Sohu News, Phoenix News, NetEase News, Today’s Headlines… Wait, all slightly well-known websites have been flooded by these video pictures and confidential documents!

A sudden violent Internet storm, just so quietly descended, so that all netizens exploded shock, crazy reprint download comments, refresh the three views at the same time, all the responsible people of the portal forum, all cold sweat, scratching their ears and cheeks, one by one, like ants on a hot pot, issued a hysterical roar!

Baidu Tieba stopped the server.

QQ Space shut down.

Moments are also temporarily inaccessible.

News portals such as Tencent News, Sohu News, and NetEase News have all been harmonized by “404” and cannot be opened.

Even video sites such as Tencent Video, iQiyi Video, Youku Video, and Bilibili have all been attacked by Li Wuxiu’s video videos!

Almost all software has chosen to stop maintenance unanimously!

If there is still a place to live, there is no doubt that it is Sina Weibo.

As a global community communication website and as the largest news portal in China, after Li Wuxiu’s video was released on a large scale, the top management quickly launched the national firewall application that was still under test without stinging at all, isolated Jarvis’s continued background control, and quickly cleaned up all video post files!

Therefore, Sina Weibo is the only big community that has not stopped operations, and netizens have all poured in, starting to set off a fishing storm about Li Wuxian in Sina Weibo!

Similar to “President Kirwan”, “Li Wuxiu Video”, “Large Scale – Li Wuxiu”, “Kidney Man”, “Kirwan Shady”… and other hot search keywords, began to appear on the hot search list of Sina Weibo!

Although administrators have been aggressively deleting and blocking posts about Li Wuxiu, the influx of hundreds of millions of netizens across the country, almost every second tens of thousands of new Weibo posts, how can they delete it?

It was also from this moment that Li Wuxiu’s three words spread throughout the land of China… In particular, his name as a kidney man has been parodied and spread by countless netizens!

And at the same time.

As the center of the storm of the whole incident, Li Wuxiu, a hot spot on the fishing boat, still did not know that he was still in the private club, entangled with the best beauty.

If he hadn’t received an extremely hidden phone call and heard the roaring voice of the long-lost head of the Li family from the other end of the phone, I am afraid that he would still be kept in the dark without knowing it!

“This… This…… This…”

When Li Wuxiu opened Sina Weibo in a hurry and saw the pictures that kept appearing, as well as the familiar content of the documents, his face was pale, like falling into an ice cave, and despair surged in his eyes!

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