Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 67: : Fear of lack of firepower

   The Flame Demon Bear lay on the ground, struggling for a few times, and stopped moving.

   It seems that it was successfully killed.

   Li Muran sat on the ground, breathing heavily, sweat on his forehead.

   Killing monsters in reality is much harder than imagined, especially for office workers like Li Muran who sit in the office and lack exercise.

   is thrilling and hard.

   has been running in the snow, exhausted his energy. Obviously it is a trap, and there is a sense of urgency of being chased by ghosts when playing horror games.

   At this time, Bella ran over with a smile, and stretched out her hand to pull Li Muran up from the snow.

   "I knew Li Muran could do it. My secretary is the strongest."

   "The same is true of Lord Demon. The last shovel is beautiful and powerful. This is an attack that matches the identity of the Demon Lord."

   I have to say that the cheap shovel that Li Muran bought from Pinduoduo for five yuan has been turned into a real killing weapon by the devil.

   Regarding the transformation of the shovel, Li Muran has a feeling of seeing his apprentice become a boss, with mixed flavors.

   was praised by Li Muran, and the Devil King turned into a maggot triumphantly. As always, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

   But Bella did a really good job this time, just let her be proud.

   It's well hidden, and the timing is good, and it's a perfect match with Li Muran.

   If Bella didn't cooperate so tacitly, Li Muran would be in danger.

   Look at my feet.

   This is not a trap. It's just a trap-like disguise.

   is used to scare bears.

   Unexpectedly, the Flame Demon Bear really had an emergency response, and he paused.

   In general, there are no dangers, just victory.

   The plan to fight the monsters was also successful, and he gained valuable combat experience.

   proves that even if there is no combat power, you can defeat a powerful opponent.

   Li Muran and Bella are very satisfied.

   "I will call Isha over now."

   "Hurry up, hurry up, let Isha see our results."

After    sent the signal, Isha, who had been worried, immediately ran over to meet Li Muran.

   Looking at the scene, Bella let out a huge exclamation.

   "Master Li Muran, Master Bella, how many traps have you dug, or are you such a huge trap? How many metal weapons did you use? Does every trap have such precious metal weapons?"

   "Almost 30 traps. All of the same specifications. There are thousands of metal weapons. Because they are wholesale, they are still cheap. I think they are very worthwhile as military expenditures."

   "30? So many? Are you guys planning to kill a legion?"

   "Sure enough, a little too much?"

   "It's not just too much. It's simply too much. The quantity, specifications, and the amount of weapons are too much."

   "The traps were all made by Bella alone from digging the pits to covering them, and I was responsible for providing metal weapons and command."

   "Thirty traps were made in such a short period of time. Bella-sama is so strong, for some convenience, strong like a devil, but it feels a bit different from the devil in my mind."

   Li Muran can understand Yisha's thoughts.

   "It's so exaggerated, don't you two think it's normal?"

   Isha raised her eyebrows and asked, Li Muran had nothing to say.

   Although it does feel a little hurt and overflowing, it actually has something to do with Li Muran's racial trait.

   This racial trait is called'phobia of lack of firepower'.

   Under the influence of this characteristic, I did more without knowing it.

   I didn't understand even after I said it.

   Yisha paled in anxiousness, but Li Muran and Bella looked calm and did not react to strange things at all.

   Yisha frowned and questioned Li Muran again.

   "Two adults, it's not just the quantity and quality of traps. It's even more unreliable for Master Li Muran to act as a bait. That's so dangerous."

   "It's okay, it's okay. The traps are densely set and the trajectory has no basis to follow. As long as you deviate slightly from the correct path, you will fall in. I have the confidence to run away."

"It's not all right. You said that the traps are denser. And they are all covered by snow. You can't see the difference from the outside, and there is no mark. You run in the middle of this trap yourself, how dangerous it is. "

"A little careless, before being caught by the Flame Demon Bear, I fell. The specifications of the trap are incredible, and the decoy plan is crazy. What are you doing? Most people can't get out of this trap area at all. Anyway, I didn't. The method accurately remembers the location of the 30 traps, let alone when the snow covers all traces."

   Isha is right.

   This trap area is already like a minefield, super dangerous.

   This is also the reason why Isha and other outsiders were not asked to join the battle.

   To be precise, no one except Li Muran can pass this trap area without incident.

   Of course, Li Muran couldn't remember exactly where all the traps were while being covered by snow.

   Having said that, Bella grinned and said that there is no need to worry.

"It's okay Isha. This job is Li Muran. Because Li Muran knows spirits. He can summon a woman who is aware of the road Master Li Muran can summon a woman? Such an important thing is me. Do not know at all!"

   Wait, the focus is on that. Isn't it the spiritism that perceives the way?

  Bella’s statement is inaccurate, and Li Muran doesn’t know much about spiritism.

   However, Li Muran does have his own method. The job of being a bait in the trap area is Li Muran.

   Li Muran’s method is to mark the coordinates of the trap on Google Maps.

   dig one, locate one in real time.

   then record and save.

   When you run, you can directly turn on the navigation. Li Muran doesn't need to remember the location of the trap, just follow the navigation prompts and just run.

   With Google Navigation, Li Muran can even dance in the trap area.

   This point still uses the capabilities of the xp system.

   Explained to Isha again, but Isha still looked uncomfortable.

"Even so, it's too dangerous. What if you can't keep up? The trap can't reduce the speed of the Flame Demon Bear? I hope that the two adults will not use such dangerous methods again. Especially Li Muran, please follow that only. Tell me about the woman you talked with."

   Yisha was very strong and forced Li Muran to back down frequently.

   Inexplicable feeling, Isha cares more about the synthetic sound of the navigation than the plan itself.

"I really need to reflect. The key is to blame our lack of experience and lack of understanding of the enemy's situation. I didn't expect that the flame demon King Xiong's physical fitness was so good. He fell traps so many times, and he could still climb up again, abruptly. Wade through my trap array. Fortunately, Bella lay in ambush and prepared the final mechanism before subduing it."

   "My abilities are working. My abilities are still very useful."

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