Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 70: : The dream of life

   was ran away by that guy, black bean smacked his tongue.

   But the problem is not big.

   Even if such a small character runs away, it will not pose any threat.

   He just ran away.

   The most important thing is that in such a cold day, Heidou didn't bother to chase him.

   turned his head and looked at the 20 puppets with only half of their bodies left, lying on the ground like statues. Heidou breathed and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

   This kind of thing can't even make black beans serious.

   Compared to destroying these miscellaneous soldiers, it is more difficult to control firepower without destroying the surrounding environment.

   After all, Li Muran and Bella like the current environment very much, and they seem to be planning to build some garden.

   So I want to sneak attack the Demon King City with these things, I really think too much.

   This Devil City is the site of Black Bean.

   The Demon King, the Demon King’s secretary, and the secretary’s pet are all covered by black beans in secret.

  And the only thing that can make Black Bean truly fear, so far is the Demon King named Tucker.

   The matter was dealt with quickly, and it was more boring than expected. Heidou narrowed his eyes and seriously considered what to do next.

   Li Muran and Bella are not there.

   The two people seem to be preparing some trap in order to help the forest spirits.

   Those two people are always busy and always do something interesting.

  Heidou also likes to be with them.

   However, the matter involves the Mori Elves, so Black Bean should try to avoid being too involved.

   squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, Heidou decided to go out while the owner was away.

so cold.

   I don’t want to move.

   I really want to curl up in the Demon King City in warm thick clothes, guarding the stove for the rest of my life.

   But that matter is almost to be dealt with.

   The opponent has reached the limit, almost can't help it.

   turned around and picked up the silver slime that had been behind him.

   "Christian, the threats in the neighborhood have been cleaned up. I want to leave for a while, and the housekeeper will ask you."

   The silver slime shook twice. Heidou doesn't know whether it can understand its own words, in short, just assume it understands it.

   Putting down the slime, the black bean slowly jumped into the snow.

   "It's so cold, so hard to walk, I really don't want to move."

   whispered in his mouth, Black Bean still slowly left the Demon City.

   Heidou is going to the village of the dark elves.

   is not far from the Demon King City.

   is actually not far from the village of the elves of the forest.

   Conflicts only occur because they are very close.

   were originally elves, but I don’t know when they were divided into two factions: Mori Elves and Dark Elves based on their skin color and the magic they are good at.

When    was divided into two factions, the family was also divided, and the habits gradually became different.

   The same elves have officially become two different types of people.

   Different factions have different interests.

   The two ethnic groups that are close to each other will inevitably have some conflicts.

   In the beginning, it was just a little friction, a little contradiction.

   put it in other races, this kind of thing passed, it passed.

   But elves live longer.

  Some careful elves will always hold grudges.

  ‘Ninjutsu thinks more and more angry for a while, takes a step back and thinks more and more loss. ’

   Over time, new hatreds are added to old hatreds.

   In addition, the memory is also blurred, let the mood add fuel to the memory.

   The opponent’s ‘bad’ is repeated and amplified infinitely.

   When the reaction came over, it had become an irreconcilable contradiction between the ethnic groups.

   has become a major issue concerning the face and honor of the whole family.

   The original close relatives have also become enemies who are particularly jealous when they meet.

   This kind of thinking gradually took root and became a kind of culture.

  The descendants even put the contradiction between the two races on a higher position than the survival of the tribe, as the top priority.

   Until now, no one can reconcile the conflict between the forest elves and the dark elves, and let the two groups sit peacefully together for a cup of tea.

   Heidou couldn't help frowning when he thought of the contradiction between the two races.

   Forget the trouble.

   Heidou has done a lot, but it is a pity that when it comes to adjusting the contradiction between the two races, facts have proved that Heidou is powerless.

   Heidou came back this time to avoid trouble, but didn't want to go to the muddy water again.

   The muddy water of the beach is too deep, and anyone who encounters it will only cause a commotion.

   Heidou went to the Dark Elf’s village this time for something else.

   Ever since Heidou, Li Muran, and Bella returned to the Deadsong Forest together, the elders of the dark elves have noticed Heidou's movement.

   In order to see the black beans, they secretly observed the Demon King City several times.

   For the first time, he mistakenly thought that Heidou was kidnapped and tried to attack the Demon King City.

   But he was secretly stunned by Black Bean with murderous intent.

   The dark elves are afraid of black beans and dare not act.

   But Heidou hasn't replies to the other party, and hasn't given an explanation. The other party is probably reaching the limit.

   If you continue to consume it, maybe those guys will besiege Devil City with their heads.

   Heidou is not worried that they can threaten the Devil's City, but the life that Heidou has so hard to get now will surely be ruined.

  Black beans...I am very satisfied with my current life.

  Yes, becoming a salted fish, eating every day and waiting for death is the life that Black Bean has always longed for.

   And this kind of unattainable luxury life has finally come true since I met Bella and Li Mu and

With delicious food, warm clothes, soft beds and a handsome house, Li Muran even gave Black Bean a prop called a game console. Although he can only play a game called Snake, it is not as good as it is. Compared with the past, good conditions are like heaven.

   Stay in the Devil’s City, don’t have to work every day, don’t listen to a group of people yelling, don’t worry about all kinds of things, don’t have pressure, and will be treated kindly because of the image of a child.

   Black bean is the first time he doesn't dislike his image.

   I am proud of my chestless, tall, flat figure.

   Heidou has decided that she will continue to play the role of a little girl and eat until she is dead and old.

   No one is allowed to destroy Heidou's life.

   If anyone dared to reveal his true identity to Li Muran and Bella, he would be Black Bean's greatest enemy.

   Even if it is a tribe, he will never be merciless.

   This time I went to the village of the dark elves, just to clarify this matter and give the people a vaccination.

   After entering the dark elf's village, the villagers really boiled.

   Regardless of the cold, everyone rushed out to greet the black beans outside the house.

   "The Queen is finally back."

   Surrounded by everyone, Heidou not only didn't feel happy, but stretched his face instead.

   knew it would become like this.

   That's why I hate coming back.

   Heidou was warmly greeted into the hall of the village.

  As soon as he sat on the highest seat in the hall, Heidou immediately changed her innocent and lovely appearance of a young girl, with her legs cocked, her expression of disgust, and her tongue.

   is simply a social man of the villain.

   However, the dark elves were not surprised by the changes in Black Bean. Instead, they were used to seeing this image, and each showed a relieved smile.

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