Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 92: : Expansion of Devil's City-Small Community

  The Mori Elf hasn't encountered such a happy thing for a long time.

  Everyone is looking forward to the new house and the future.

   Working hard one by one.

   Even the old man and the children are working so hard that they can't even feel the cold.

   I have been busy for almost a week, and the first house was built when the snow and ice near my home started to melt.

   is 120 square meters. Bigger than Bella’s Demon City.

  The style of the room is modern, the style of the board room long house.

   The interior of the house is divided into three parts: collective bedroom, living room and working room.

   There are two-story bunk beds made by Li Muran in the bedroom.

  While ensuring comfort and cleanliness, it also greatly saves space.

   Just the bedroom of the new house can accommodate 10 people at the same time.

The    workshop can be used by the forest elves for handicraft work.

   The windows in the room are also made of glass purchased from Pinduoduo. Let the room keep warm while having a high degree of illumination.

   Seeing the new house built, the Mori elves seemed to have discovered a treasure, and each one was so excited.

   When Li Muran completed the final acceptance to ensure that the house’s sturdiness meets the requirements, and after issuing the order of use permission, everyone couldn’t wait and rushed into the new house.

   "Okay, so clean. Bright and clean."

   "So spacious, is it really a house?"

   "It's so warm, I'm not dreaming."

   "This bed is so cute. Can I really sleep in this bed?"

   "There is even a special workshop. The environment is such a good workshop, I can spin textiles without taking it out for a week."

   Even Isha looked at the new house with twinkling eyes.

   "Is this really our house? I'm not dreaming."

   "Of course it is not a dream. This is built for you. From now on it will be your new home."

   Li Muran responded to Isha with a happy expression.

   Isha's tears came out immediately uncontrollably.

   "We are very content just to survive, and we can't even dream of living in such a good house. It's all thanks to Master Li Muran. Your kindness to our forest elves is so great that it can't be repaid."

   All the forest elves immediately followed the manner of Yisha and knelt in front of Li Muran, expressing gratitude to Li Muran.

   Li Muran smiled and said that he didn't need to thank him.

"You thanked you for your mistake. I'm just a secretary. Everything is done according to Lord Demon's requirements. If you want to thank you, thank Lord Demon and Isha. It was the wise determination and brave struggle of the two of them that earned it. It’s everyone’s future. They are the ones you want to thank."

   Li Muran said, pulling up Yisha, and pushing her and Bella who happened to enter the door to the front.

"Thank Isha for his wise leadership of the Mori. Thank you Lord Demon for your kind care. We Mori swear allegiance to Lord Bella. We were born and died for Lord Bella, and went up to the sword and the fire. The fate of Mori is always tied to the Demon King's army ."

  Bella and Isha were very moved.

   Li Muran took the opportunity to leave to check the increase in experience of the two skills of carpentry and construction.

   After waiting for a while, Bella hopped to find Li Muran.

   stood in front of Li Muran, bent over, brought his face closer, and smirked at Li Muran.

   looks cute and weird.

   "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

   Bella did not answer Li Muran, but directly took Li Muran's wrist.

   "Thank you for what the secretary did for me. I understand, I understand more and more."

   Li Muran shrugged.

"I have done nothing."

   "Okay, okay. Everyone thank me, let me thank Li Muran."

   "Oh. How can Bella thank me."

   "I found'Minglonghao', and it has been a long time for me to show Li Muran a hand."

   "This is your kindness and revenge."

   Armed arms, Li Muran and Bella chatted and returned to the Demon King City happily.

   Looking at the back of the two, Isha's face also flushed.

   "Lord Li Muran... really is a charming person."


   The first wooden house was made very successfully.

   Everyone continued their efforts and produced another long house with the same style and the same size.

   Now all 20 forest elves have moved into the new house.

   Li Muran also made a brewing room by the way, which was used to make potions for the elves of the forest. Find work for everyone.

   At the same time, a toilet was added.

   Suddenly, there were several more buildings around the lonely Demon King City.

   The Demon King's City became lively in an instant.

   Everyone is very happy. Li Muran is the same.

   With the addition of Mori Wizard, the manpower has increased. The efficiency of making things is greatly improved. I believe that if I want to do something later, it will definitely be faster and smoother.

   Issa is also a clever and reliable assistant.

   You can remember everything as long as you explain it once, and you can do all kinds of things in an orderly manner.

   Although the combat effectiveness is not very high, but he is good at overall planning, beautiful, popular, long and beautiful, and strong in comprehension. The key is to be beautiful, have a big picture, and be meticulous, and he is definitely a rare talent in administration.

   is a good helper who matches Li Muran's attributes very well.

   After Yisha joined the Demon King's army, the work that had to be done by Li Muran was cut in half ~ ~ greatly reduced Li Muran's burden.

   Li Muran can also have more time to think about the future of the Demon King Army, feel at ease and touch his chest...No, fish.

   Li Muran's evaluation of Isha is very high, even far more than the evaluation of the devil.

   "Obviously I came first, my evaluation should be higher. Besides, I am the devil, the greatest existence, how can I be lower than the evaluation of my family members? Li Muran is too much."

   "There is more to it. Actually, I have a higher evaluation of Christian than Bella."

   "Go to die, go to die, go to die."

   Let alone Li Muran bullying Bella every day.

   This is ‘good people get good rewards’.

   Choosing Bangsen Elf really made the right choice.

   It's not just the increase in labor force and capable female assistants that make Li Muran happy.

   With the help of the elves of the forest, the problem of ‘sharing points’ that had plagued Li Muran for a long time was finally solved.

   Let the Mori Elves click the share button every day, and let everyone help "cut a knife".

   The result is that when the house is built, it also collects enough points for sharing.

   Pinduoduo rose to LV2.

   The number of merchants of the same product has increased.

   When buying goods, I finally have a choice, and there is a chance to get high-quality items among the items.

   Delivery time is shortened. It is almost shortened by about 10%.

   The goods that originally took 1 day to arrive can arrive in 21 hours.

  The price can also drop slightly. It is also reduced by about 10% compared to the original.

   The benefits of slashing and sharing are slightly increased.

   However, the best part is the increase in the types of items that can be purchased.

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