Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 120: peter on the rocks

The Valkyrie of the Marvel World Chapter 120 Peter, who is on the swing, adds more updates to the head of the regiment 11/12

"Why do you think that I will promise you?" Zhan Liu squinted at his second disciple.

If such a good boy with a pure mind can strengthen his beliefs, he must be a good seedling who is qualified to aspire to the ultimate.

But here lies the difficulty. Most good children are too kind, too soft-hearted, and their beliefs are not strong enough. They need someone to help guide them.

For example, Obito Uchiha next door or something.

"Master, we are doing the right thing! We are saving the world! That Magneto killed tens of millions of people! We should stop him!"

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"Should?" Zhan Liu sneered, "Why should it be?"

"With great power comes great responsibility!" Peter answered naturally.

"Since we have such a powerful ability, of course we need to give back to this world and contribute our own strength!"

"And the lips are dead and the teeth are cold! Magneto wants to exterminate all human beings, and the people he wants to kill include you and me!"

"It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing a good job of brainwashing!" Zhan Liu smiled playfully.

"I haven't been brainwashed by anyone. What I say is from the bottom of my heart." Peter exclaimed angrily, "What I say is true."

"Hehe... The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility..."

Zhan Liu looked at the innocent Peter with a smile, and asked, "Peter, when did you become so arrogant?"


Peter originally thought that the master would refute him and distort his thinking by saying a lot of strange talk. Before coming here, he had already discussed with Nick a lot of ways to deal with it, but Zhan Liu came up with such a sentence, which completely exceeded his expectations.

"Peter, you are just a high school student, when did you feel that you have great ability?"

"After being praised by others, do you really think you are Thor?"

"The earth won't spin without you?"

Peter remembered that he was almost defeated by space-based weapons during the weapon test before, and his face turned blue and red, and he hesitated and couldn't speak.

Originally, Nick beat him on purpose at that time, wanting Peter to be in awe of human weapons and act with scruples. Judging from the situation at the time, the effect was very good, but in the current situation, these have become counterproductive.

"I, my disciple is not saying that I have great ability, I just want to do my best."

"Your dedication is to encourage your master and me to fight to the death with Magneto?"

"No, disciple..."

Peter was at a loss for words for a while, because no matter how nice S.H.I.E.L.D.'s words were, in essence, he wanted Zhan Liu to fight Magneto with his life.

Do not do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Even though Peter himself was afraid of death, he could no longer say what he wanted others to do.

"Did SHIELD tell you why they didn't use their own strong men to fight, but let you, a child, go to the battlefield instead?"

"Master, I might as well tell you that there is a master in S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. called Captain Marvel. He fought against Master Wei before, and he was very good. After fighting her, Master Wei was promoted from the ninth heaven to the twenty-fifth heaven. .”

"Now guess, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. let her come forward, instead let you encourage me to fight?"

Zhan Liu intentionally instilled these dark things into Peter, not to mention making him mature all of a sudden, but he could be vaccinated first.

Looking forward to the day when he reaches the tenth heaven of the magnetic field, it will be very exciting, and I hope he can hold it!

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