Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 142: Captain America's Political Marriage

Valkyrie in the Marvel World Chapter 142 Captain America's Political Marriage

"What? Blind date?" Steve looked at Sitwell in front of him in disbelief.

"That's right, Steve. You are going to be the President of the United States in the future, how can you be single?"

Hitwell knew that Captain America had been asleep for many years and was not familiar with these, so he patiently explained:

"In the current Federation, female voters are also an important part. Our competitors all have wives or daughters who are responsible for canvassing votes. Many female voters will choose to vote for her husband or father because of their support for the future first lady. .”

"Moreover, the more we lack something, the more we will promote it. On this point, all countries are the same. For example, if the legal awareness is indifferent, it is necessary to promote the rule of law, and the moral quality is declining, it is necessary to promote the rule of virtue. And the facts It also proves that this kind of propaganda is effective.”

"Many families in the United States are now indifferent, so we want to promote the importance of family. A harmonious family can attract more voters to support you."

"Of course, you can't get married and have children right now, but you can find a girlfriend first and ask her to help you campaign for votes. After you successfully enter the White House, it will not be too late to hold the wedding ceremony."

Hitwell pulled out a bunch of information from the tablet in his hand and handed it to Steve.

"Here are dozens of women of the right age. Their parents are all from important families in a certain industry in the United States. You can choose carefully from here. If you are interested, I can arrange for you to meet."

"Presumably no girl would refuse Captain America's pursuit!" Hitwell teased.

"Of course, if you feel inappropriate after meeting, you can change it."

Steve took the tablet, stretched out his hand and flicked it casually a few times, looked at the profile of a group of beautiful women on it, shrugged his shoulders, and sighed helplessly: "I heard that women can play a more important role in society, It seems like I should be happy. But why can't I be happy at all?"

"Is this the legendary political marriage? Can I refuse?" Steve frowned and looked at Sitwell.

"You didn't even look at the photos, why did you refuse?" Sitwell asked strangely.

"I don't know them at all, and I have no emotional basis at all." Steve frowned and spread his hands.

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly, and the key to marriage is to be suitable for each other. What does it have to do with feelings?"

"God!" Steve lamented, "How can a man and a woman get married without love? How can they live together?"

Sitwell rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Steve, don't always have this poor way of thinking. They don't understand at all that rich people play their own way, and interests are the foundation of a marriage. Bond. You will be the president in the future, and you must get used to putting interests first.”

"I can't accept your views on marriage and love at all. I reject political marriage." Steve threw the tablet back to Sitwell as if he was holding a hot potato.

Hitwell blinked and said hesitantly: "Actually, besides the female group, there is another group that is also an important part of the voters."

Steve took a deep breath, pulled himself together and smiled and said, "Great! As long as I don't ask me to get married in politics, everything is negotiable."

However, he was too happy.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the Winter Soldier?"

"That's right, Bucky and I are like brothers, we are very close."

"Hmm..." Hitwell considered his words and said, "Actually, the campaign team only hopes that you can form a family, but they don't care who your significant other is."

Steve suddenly had an ominous premonition, "What do you mean?"

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