Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 156: The reactionaries are in series

Valkyrie in the Marvel World Chapter 156 The Reactionaries Are in Series

"We have to divide it into several aspects and proceed together." As expected of the old king, T'Chaka has rich experience and quickly figured out a countermeasure.

"First of all, I need to get back the Panther suit. Although I am not his opponent without the suit, but with the Zhenjin battle suit, I think I can still fight!"

According to tradition, only a king can become a panther, and there is only one panther suit in this world. So, when T'Chaka passed out, the elders stripped him of his Panther suit.

However, although Eric had the Black Panther suit, he obviously didn't care, and it wasn't difficult to steal it.

Okoye nodded, "No problem, just leave the issue of the Black Panther suit to me. Is there anything else?"

"Secondly, we have to find a way to hide the battle suit that Eric is wearing." T'Chaka considered, "Although we have the Zhenjin battle suit, if he flies away with that battle suit, it is also A major hazard."

"It's not difficult. The battle suit has been kept in the laboratory, and Princess Suli led people to test and study it. You only need to do some tricks before doing it, and you can replace it."

T'Chaka lifted his spirits when he heard the words, and said excitedly: "Great! At that time, I have a black panther suit, but he doesn't. If we fight again, I will definitely win!"

"Don't be too happy, now the patriarchs of the various tribes have also become black panthers. If they insist on standing with the new king, it will still be very troublesome."

"Maybe I can talk to M'Baku and win them over. We have been old friends for many years, and they will be willing to talk to me." T'Chaka is very confident about this.

Okoye is not as confident as he is, after all, she knows best how much the black panther's allure is for a fighter.

"I'm worried that they will be loyal to the new king, and if they leak the news, it will cause our plan to fail."

"Then I'll contact them when the plan is about to start. It's great if they agree, but if they don't agree, we'll launch it immediately." T'Chaka followed suit and changed the plan immediately.

"Okay, when the time comes, you will fight the new king, and I will lead Dora's guards to persuade people from all tribes to defect, and try to minimize the scale of the battle." Okoye also took the initiative to make plans.

T'Chaka nodded in agreement, and asked casually, "Will all Dora's guards be loyal to you?"

Okoye took a deep look at T'Chaka and said, "No, they won't be loyal to me. But I believe they will be loyal to Wakanda! I can convince them!"

"That would be great!" T'Chaka laughed happily.

"Where are the elders? Would you like to talk to them?" Okoye asked.

"No need, they are detached from the outside world and don't interfere with the change of kingship. When the results come out and everything is settled, just let them know." T'Chaka shook his head, not caring about the elders.

"My idea is, should T'Challa also gain the power of the Black Panther. After all, there are already multiple Black Panthers, and I don't care about one more. This will make our success rate a little bit higher .” Seeing that T’Chaka didn’t react, Okye simply pointed out his intention.

T'Chaka glanced at T'Challa next to him, nodded and said, "This is a good idea. Moreover, craftsmen can also make a second Black Panther suit according to the design drawing of the Black Panther suit."

Okoye nodded and said: "I will secretly ask Princess Suli to slow down the research as much as possible, and let Eric's strong magnetic armor stay in the laboratory for a few more days. The engineer can't get the latest The design of the battle suit will not start forging, and there is just time to make the black panther suit."

"The artisans may not be willing to help." T'Challa interrupted.

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