Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 181: Do you want to die, or do you want to win?

The Valkyrie of Marvel World Chapter 181 Are you dying, or are you going to win?

Berlin, Germany.

Since the last time Magneto ran rampant in Europe, many countries in Europe have existed in name only, but many countries still survived.

The people who survived the catastrophe still gathered together out of recognition for the same country and nation, and rebuilt a new city on the ruins of the previous city.

This is the case in Berlin.

All German survivors gathered in one place in Berlin. With the support of charitable organizations all over the world, it took nearly a year to finally rebuild Berlin.

Today is the reconstruction ceremony of the city of Berlin.

On the new Alexanderplatz and under the rostrum, there was a surge of people, and almost all the citizens came to participate in the ceremony.

Near the rostrum, there are also many media reporters gathered here, speaking various languages, live broadcasting the grand occasion of this ceremony to the whole world.

When the time came, the new mayor of Berlin and the new Chancellor of Germany, Heinz Heisberg, stepped onto the podium and began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press, distinguished guests..."

"Welcome everyone to come here to participate in the reconstruction celebration of New Berlin. At the same time, we are also taking this opportunity to announce to the world that Germany still exists!"

There was applause from the audience, and many citizens were full of tears and applauded desperately.

On the rostrum, Prime Minister Heinz continued:

“…Even if all our populations can’t fill a single city, even if our current cities can only provide our basic needs such as food, drinking water, etc., even if we need the help of neighboring countries to heat this winter…”

"But I am here to announce to the world that we Germans will never give in!"

Following Prime Minister Heinz's voice, all Berlin citizens cheered loudly.

Then, before the live broadcast of the camera, under the eyes of people all over the world, a white light fell from the sky and hit the rostrum where Heinz was standing.

There was a loud "boom" and a huge shock wave that turned everything within a radius of ten miles upside down.

Germany, the last remaining species, has it all!

Germany is dead!

Eric got up from the ground, shook his head, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and hurried to the next place.

A hero does not suffer from immediate losses!

When he realized that the new White Panther armor T'Challa was wearing was likely to be a seventy-five-fold increase, he immediately sank and fell directly into the earth's atmosphere.

Originally, he planned to go to Wakanda to take T'Chaka and Ramanda as hostages, but as soon as he entered the atmosphere, he was chased by T'Challa.

As soon as they fought, he was severely injured and vomited blood. If it wasn't for the strength of the vibrating metal armor, he would have been slaughtered by T'Chaka.

After receiving a blow, he didn't continue to fight, but his body fell straight down, falling downwards. Only when he was on land and faced with a large number of people, did Techara have a chance to escape.

Sure enough, after he fell into the city, T'Challa first came down and chased him down for a while, but he couldn't stop Eric when he wanted to escape.

In the end, the two fought on land for several rounds, which caused the ground to overturn. After the river diverted, T'Challa finally gave up and did not continue to hunt down.

It has to be said that the three views that people develop since childhood have a really great impact on people.

T'Challa was a prince since he was a child, and he was educated by the prince. He was naturally disgusted with this kind of massacre. And Eric, who lost his father since he was a child, came up from the bottom, and has been tempered in the army, has no sense of awe for life in his heart.

Even if T'Challa went through hardships and was tortured by Eric in every possible way, his revenge was limited to Eric alone, and he did not vent his anger on other people.

A gentleman can be deceived by others.

Eric's method is also useful against T'Challa, who has a bottom line of morality. If he changes to someone who has no integrity, he simply ignores the "collateral losses of the battle" and chases him wholeheartedly. It will not be easy for him to escape with his life.

But although his life was saved, his great dream was shattered!

Wakanda is lost!

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