Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 195: 1 all for peace

The Valkyrie of Marvel World Chapter 195 All for Peace

After Suri buried his brother, he wore the white leopard armor to cover his parents and left Wakanda.

Throughout the retreat, she was always nervous, always feeling that Eric would kill them after they left Wakanda. She is also mentally prepared to kill Wakanda at any time and use the lives of everyone there as hostages.

But unexpectedly, they left Wakanda smoothly, and even got on the plane far away from Africa to New York, but they didn't see Eric appear.

But even so, she was not careless at all. Instead of taking the passenger plane, she flew beside the passenger plane wearing the white leopard armor, ready to fight at all times.

It wasn't until they landed in New York that Suri's nerves eased.

Although they were forced to leave, they did not lack wealth, and there was no problem in having food and clothing for the rest of their lives. But neither T'Chaka, Ramanda, nor Suri himself was willing to live like this.

They want revenge!

They want to rescue Wakanda and African compatriots from Eric's clutches!

T'Chaka and Ramanda decided to go to the martial arts hall to learn from a teacher, while Suri continued to develop the vibration gold magnetic armor. After T'Chaka reached the state of magnetic field rotation, he could wear Suri's White Panther armor and go back for revenge.

However, just before they started to implement the plan, someone knocked on the door of their house.

"Your Majesty T'Chaka, maybe I have a way to help you regain the throne!"

T'Chaka and the others looked at each other, each put on their battle armor, and Su Li opened the door vigilantly. A refined German stood outside the door.

"You can call me Baron Strucker. I'm here on behalf of Hydra!" The visitor introduced himself with a smile.

"Hydra? Isn't that an extinct organization?" T'Chaka frowned.

"Obviously, not." Baron Strucker smiled. "Aren't you going to invite me in? Or are the Wakanda people who have been living in seclusion also prejudiced against us?"

"No, I have no prejudice against the Third Reich, but I have no sympathy for an evil organization like Hydra!" T'Chaka was not polite at all.

"Evil organization?" Baron Sterak smiled slightly. "Hydra has existed for thousands of years, and may have a longer history than Wakanda. Where does this evil talk?"

"Thousands of years?" T'Chaka was taken aback, obviously ignorant of this information.

"If His Majesty T'Chaka is willing to listen, we can sit down and have a cup of coffee, and I will explain it to you in detail." Baron Sterak is polite and personable, and he does not look like a bad person.

T'Chaka hesitated for a moment, and beckoned to Su Li, "Please come in and sit down."

Su Li let the door open, Baron Sterak smiled, walked in calmly, and took out a bottle of red wine from behind.

"The first time I came to the door, I was in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any good gifts. The wines of the Bordeaux winery are not old, they were produced last year. But a few days ago, the Bordeaux winery was destroyed, and it is hard to say whether it can be rebuilt in the future. So , this wine is likely to be one bottle less. I hope you like it. "

Lamanda took it with her hand, thanked her, took the wine away, and put it casually in the kitchen.

Baron Strucker sat across from T'Chaka and began to explain the "history" of Hydra.

"Hydra can be traced back to ancient Egypt at the earliest. At that time, Hydra was a pure alien organization. Alien, does His Majesty T'Chaka know? It is similar to the existence of mutants, but with Mutants are completely different."

"It tastes really good!" He took the coffee that Lamanda handed over, took a sip, praised him softly, and continued to babble.

"However, after a long period of evolution, most members of Hydra are ordinary humans. And there are many branches of Hydra, among which the one managed by Red Skull during the Third Reich is the most famous."

He looked at T'Chaka with piercing eyes, and said frankly: "But His Majesty T'Chaka must believe that Hydra is not an organization under the Third Reich. Of course, it is not an evil organization."

"This is all your one-sided words. I can't tell the truth from your words at all." T'Chaka was still very cautious.

"Your Majesty T'Chaka may wish to listen to my cooperation plan first. If Your Majesty feels that we have committed any evil actions, you can unilaterally withdraw at any time." Baron Strucker suggested very generously.

After pondering for a while, T'Chaka resolutely refused: "Unfortunately, I can't trust an organization that hides and operates in the dark. And I don't believe that there will be pies in the sky. If there is, there must be poison in the pies."

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

"Really? That's a pity." Baron Sterak drank the coffee in his cup, then got up and left.

In the next few days, the few people were tense for a while, but they didn't wait for Hydra's revenge or silence or anything, so they relaxed.

Several people proceeded according to the original plan, and they were busy and fulfilled every day.

That night, after the three of them had dinner, the doorbell suddenly rang for what was supposed to be practiced and researched and developed.

Su Li opened the door, and there was a tall and mighty Caucasian macho standing outside the door. Looking at his muscular body, he knew that he had practiced Ultimate Infinite Qigong.

"Does Brother T'Chaka live here? I'm Grant Ward. I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. I have something I want to talk to him about."

Su Li invited people into the room, and after exchanging pleasantries, sat down.

"Your Majesty T'Chaka, in fact, SHIELD knew about you the first time you entered the martial arts gym. But because of the affairs in Washington, UU Reading these days we are very busy, so today we just Come here to meet His Majesty, and please forgive me."

"It's understandable. In fact, I'm not your majesty anymore, I can only be regarded as a former king in exile." T'Chaka's expression was dull, and he didn't care about these high hats at all.

"Okay, then I'd better call you Junior Brother, it's more kind." Grant followed suit and immediately changed his address.

"Brother, do you know the Avengers of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"I've heard it a little bit."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. intends to invite juniors to join the Avengers and contribute to world peace together."

T'Chaka frowned and wanted to refuse.

He has been a king for many years, so of course he knows what the so-called Avengers are. They are nothing more than high-level thugs in the name of world peace.

Seeing his expression, Grant immediately guessed his thoughts, and immediately said: "In the view of S.H.I.E.L.D., the biggest threat to peace in today's world is Magneto first, and Valkyrie the dictatorship second."

As soon as T'Chaka heard the name of the dictatorial Valkyrie, he immediately became short of breath and his eyes were bloodshot.

Grant continued to seduce: "Suri needs a lot of equipment if he wants to do research, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can provide these. And S.H.I.E.L.D. has many talented researchers who can help Suri make better research results."

T'Chaka took a deep breath and said, "What do I need to pay?"

"No need for anything! We are all for the cause of justice, and everything is for the peace of the earth. One Magneto has caused such great havoc, we cannot allow the second Magneto to appear!"

"Okay, I agree to join the Avengers, in the name of Black Panther."

Grant smiled, stood up and stretched out his hand, "Welcome Black Panther to join the Avengers."

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