Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 197: Black Africa under the control of 9 snakes

【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

The Valkyrie of the Marvel World Chapter 197 Black Africa under the Control of Hydra

With the power support of Hydra, Eric finally had enough resources.

All Hydra members are elites selected from the best, highly educated, determined, and have clear goals. For the great goal of Hydra to rule the world, they are willing to throw their heads, sprinkle their blood, and perish. The unshirted kind.

Loyalty max, six-dimensional attribute max, where can I find such an excellent subordinate!

He pulled out all the blacks in Hydra and dispersed them to various countries in Africa. As the core backbone of the entire grand alliance, he kneaded the entire scattered alliance again and became a truly unified organization.

In the eyes of Hydra, this is clearly the first step for the organization to conquer the world!

Start by conquering Africa!

For the great goal of HYDRA, this group of black elites devoted all their strength to the great construction of Africa every day.

With the backbone, other things are much simpler. The original policy was vigorously promoted again, and there was not a single white-skinned creature in Africa, and all albinos were exterminated.

It turns out that currency integration, which has not been carried out because of the lack of talents, has also been put on the agenda. With the right to issue currency, you can borrow heavily to promote the economy.

Led by the big alliance, with the participation of some local private companies, a large-scale infrastructure construction has begun. These labor-intensive jobs absorb a large amount of labor and alleviate the unemployment problem to a large extent. At the same time, it has also promoted the basic industrialization, such as cement, steel and other industries have developed rapidly under the support of policies.

Those who are willing to work are obedient citizens. Therefore, the big league provides subsidies, and the construction company manages food and housing, has wages, works during the day, and studies literacy at night.

Those smart families or companies are desperately moving closer to the big leagues, turning the family business to the industrial direction. And those guys who turned around in a catastrophe, if they endure it obediently, they can still keep their wealth. But if you dare to do any kind of delaying behavior, there will only be one result in the end, and that is to turn into a new Jingguan and stand by the road.

How can Hydra fighters take human life seriously?

On the entire African continent, day and night, all the time, they are constantly killing. Jingguan was built up one after another. It only took a few months for ordinary citizens to change from panic at the beginning, to habit, to numbness, and finally to cheering.

Although the people are ignorant, they are not stupid. They were afraid at first, just because they were worried that the butcher knife would cut themselves on the head. But when they found out that the more Beijing they built, the better their lives would be, and they naturally knew how to choose.

When the killing progressed to a certain level, suddenly, the killing stopped. The law enforcement officers suddenly discovered that all the unruly people disappeared overnight, and the rest were obedient citizens.

Killing is a means, not an end.

When the policy is unimpeded, the understanding must be implemented, and the understanding must be implemented if the understanding is not deepened. Naturally, the law enforcement officers will not find trouble for nothing and increase the workload for themselves.

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

Without troublemakers, the law enforcement officers will naturally be disbanded. On the African continent, there is a serious shortage of all kinds of talents, so it is not possible to specially raise a group of idlers there.

So people who used to hold knives and guns now put down their weapons, picked up wrenches, keyboards, pointers... and devoted themselves to all walks of life. No one knew that the colleagues who greeted him with a smile every day used to have **** hands and killed countless people.

The gang has disappeared. After all, the essence of the gang is black gloves, and the cornerstone of its existence is the collusion between officials and bandits. If gangsters in any city are banned repeatedly, one of the most important reasons is the existence of a protective umbrella.

Now under the background of Hydra's big cleanup, the masters behind them are too busy to take care of themselves, and they don't care about the life and death of their own dogs.

Many native Africans who were born and raised here thought that the city they lived in should have been like this bird, and it would never change for the rest of their lives. But now they suddenly found that the city has become completely different.

Cities are well organized, streets are clean and tidy, and people are courteous to each other. The gangsters have disappeared, no one is collecting protection fees, and vendors can set up stalls on the streets to do business with peace of mind.

Living here, you don't have to worry about walking on the street, you will be killed by stray bullets flying out of the corner of the street one day; you don't have to worry about the beautiful girl going out one day and never returning, whereabouts are unknown; children can freely walk on the street Play without worrying about being hit by a car that comes out suddenly, or being caught by a drug dealer to deliver.

Of course, there are also many inconveniences.

For example, children have to go to school every day. If they are late, they will be beaten, if they don’t do their homework, they will be beaten, and those who fall last in the monthly exam will be beaten...

For another example, you have to line up to go to the designated place to go to the toilet, and it is strictly forbidden to defecate anywhere. A fine for one violation, a heavy fine for two violations, and confiscation of tools for three violations...

I used to sell vegetables on the street, and the leftover rotten vegetable leaves could just be thrown on the street. Now all the **** must be cleaned up and taken away, otherwise a fine will be imposed for one violation, a heavy fine will be imposed for two violations, and the stall qualification will be disqualified for three times...

In the past, after work, I could go to a bar to have fun, and spend a few dollars to solve my physical problems. UU Reading As for getting sick or not, no one cared. But now, the bar only sells alcohol, and the dance hall only sings!

In the past, a group of people were drinking and watching football on the street, arguing and insulting each other for the teams they supported, and even getting into fights was commonplace. But now, everyone watches the game obediently, cheers when a goal is scored, and endures a loss. Who knows if there are any masters propelled by electric current on the opposite side, there is no reason to be beaten to death.

In the past, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled who were completely incapable of working in their families were basically lingering and waiting to die. Now there is no need to wait, and they are directly euthanized, which does not waste social resources and reduces the burden on the family.

In the past, when I was drunk, I could point to the various dark social phenomena reported by the host on TV and yell, but now even when I am asleep and dreaming, I am shouting "Long live His Majesty Killmonger!"

In the past, a bunch of friends were together, talking nonsense, gossiping and scolding the president, and dared to do anything, but now when neighbors meet, they are all smiling and greeting each other.

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

But whether they are used to it or not, Eric himself is very satisfied with this transformation. The current Black Africa, although there is still a long way to go before he wants to be as strong as Wakanda, but it has completely broken away from the original situation of being reduced to a place of white resources and dumping of industrial products, and has embarked on the track of a normal country. middle.

As for this normal country, there are many characteristics and imprints of Hydra in it, Eric doesn't care.

There is no such thing as the best of both worlds in this world. If it can make Africa stronger, what does Hydra have to do with it?

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