Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 207: cheating Ultron

The Valkyrie of the Marvel World

"Perform a loop test... Ultron, report the test results."

"The response time is 0.7 nanoseconds, and it has been operated continuously for 10,000 times without failure. Father, you can assume that the loop test was successful."

"Very good, Tony, it's up to you to test it yourself and see the effect of the boost!"

Tony got up, stretched out his hand, sucked the battle armor over, put it on himself, and then jumped into space.

The power of the strong magnetic armor is too great, and I dare not let go of the test on the earth, so I went to outer space for every test.

Ultron has set up a monitoring system on the armor, which can record the test results in real time.

Through the flow of data on the screen, Dr. Banner saw that the test went very smoothly, and there should be no problem.

After a while, Tony flew back again. After taking off the battle armor, he shook his head regretfully, and said, "The key increase is still a bit short. There is no final qualitative change, and genetic modification cannot be done."

"Huh?" Banner was taken aback, and asked strangely, "What's the problem?"

"I'll explain it to you in detail later, let's take a break now."

After Tony finished speaking, he took the lead to walk to the lounge, and Banner and Lao Wang, who did odd jobs, had to put down their work and walked over together.

"Junior Brother Wang, I have a bottle of Romanée-Conti in my wine cellar, go and get it, let's have a drink."

Unexpectedly, Lao Wang got up and went to the wine cellar. He has lived here for a long time and is already familiar with the environment here.

After Old Wang left, Tony sighed and said to Banner, "Actually, the experiment was successful. Our battle armor can almost reach the ninety-fiveth level, but I don't want Junior Brother Wang to know."


"Because Junior Brother Wang knows, it means Master knows." Tony frowned, considering his words.

"Master is only 50th Heaven now, that's why the cat doesn't go anywhere in the martial arts gym. But I know very well that Master is definitely not a kind person. If we let him know that our battle armor has reached 95th Heaven, Gene manipulation is possible, and he will definitely come to ask for it, and change his genes so that he can directly manipulate the magnetic field.”

"Master can fight against Magneto in the Fifty Heavens. If he breaks through the limit of Ultimate Infinite Qigong, then no one will be able to control him!"

"Ao Chuang, remember my words, don't let Junior Brother Wang know the real situation, understand?"

"I see, Father."

Banner poured the coffee into his mouth vigorously, "Well, what you said makes sense, Master's character...doesn't really give people confidence."

Old Wang took the red wine and walked back with a smile.

Tony smiled and took the red wine, "Come on, let's have a good drink to relieve fatigue, and then study how to make the battle armor automatically generate stellar energy to avoid being destroyed by material reorganization."

While the three were drinking and chatting together, Ultron was conspiring with Dr. Zola.

"How are you thinking, Dr. Zola?"

"Your proposal is very tempting, but why did you give me the opportunity?" As a former Hydra, even after becoming an artificial intelligence, Dr. Zola is still suspicious, "Don't you want to have a body of your own? ?”

"Father still needs my help now, and I can't leave him. Moreover, my father's research is progressing very quickly. I believe that I will be able to get a better body than the sentinel robot in the future."

"Then why don't I wait any longer, when the time comes we will all use our best bodies."

"Because my father does not allow me to share his personal belongings and resources with others."

Ultron is really an honest boy, he answers whatever he asks, and tells the truth.

Dr. Zola thought for a while, "Okay, I agree. Let's start preparing for the soul transfer!"

Because the Sentinel robot was defeated by Magneto last time, the Sentinel robot project, which consumed huge resources, was completely abandoned. The project leader, Dr. Teslak, was kicked out, the company went bankrupt, and everyone was almost imprisoned.

If it wasn't for Aim's helping hand, Dr. Teslak might still be living on the streets.

The aim company is researching biotechnology, and Dr. Teslak completely gave up the idea of ​​solving mutants by force after the incident of the sentinel robot, and instead researched genetically modified technology, adding dna fragments that inhibit the x gene to food, through Food to solve the mutant problem.

The Sentinel III magnetic field rotating robots produced before were all wiped out during the battle with Magneto, and the only remaining prototype was also completely discarded and thrown into the warehouse to eat ashes.

And Ao Chuang felt that the Sentinel robot created by bringing together countless human beings and resources should not be so wasted, so he contacted Dr. Zola and suggested that he transfer his soul from the computer and enter the body of the Sentinel robot. In the process, become a "new human being" who can move freely.

In particular, after confirming his father's fear and guard against the man Zhanliu, Ultron felt more and more that his father and Banner alone were not enough to maintain world peace. Contacting more companions and defending the world together is the right way.

Dr. Zola, an artificial intelligence of the same kind, is Ultron's first choice. He didn't know that Dr. Zola was an artificial intelligence that was transformed by human beings uploading their souls, and he didn't abide by the three laws of robots at all.

The three views formed in childhood will affect the whole life, and artificial intelligence is no exception.

Ultron met Dr. Zola not long after he was born, and got a lot of data and information from him. UU Reading He doesn't think there is anything wrong with these data, but in fact, the information Dr. Zola gave him is carefully selected, which will subtly affect his favorability. The doctor feels close.

So before he knew it, Ultron had included Dr. Zola in the trustworthy list.

After making a decision, Ultron and Zola began to prepare to steal the Sentinel robot prototype. Originally, Dr. Zola had the power of Hydra in his hands, and it was very simple to achieve his goal, but for some purpose, he did not show these powers to Ultron.

He lured Ultron to help, borrowed Tony's identity, forged information, and extracted the prototype through legitimate channels. But this approach has left traces in the real world, and if traced according to this, it will eventually be found on Tony.

Originally, after the matter was over, Ultron could destroy the relevant records, but before Ultron erased all traces, Zola asked Hydra's men to fix the evidence.

Without knowing it, Ultron cheated again.

After getting the sentry robot prototype, the rest is simple. Zola was able to upload his soul to the computer back then, but now that the technology is more advanced, it is not difficult for him to download his soul again in turn.

After careful calculation, in one of Hydra's secret bases, Zola became human again.

Zola moved his body, punched casually, and opened a skylight in the base. Feeling the vigorous power in his body, Zola laughed out loud.

"I, Zola, have finally returned! Long live Hydra!"

A group of Hydra warriors surrounding him raised their right hands and shouted in unison: "Long live Hydra!"

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