Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 265: Zola Ares

【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

This time the earth exploded very suddenly, something no one expected.

There are traces of the previous explosions on the earth. Basically, during the battle, the earth was tragically involved. But this time, except for Whitehall who has been monitoring Daisy, everyone is at a loss, and even the murderer can't be found.

But this time the earth exploded, more people survived.

Leaving aside these powerhouses who have reached the fiftieth heaven and above, even many miscellaneous fish of Hydra survived by relying on the mass-produced fiftieth heaven-level strong magnetic armor. In addition, there are many robots made of high-strength materials that have survived this "natural and man-made disaster".

So, all of a sudden, the starry sky was densely filled with people. The most of them are tens of thousands of robots headed by Dr. Zola.

Compared with the fragile human body, the vitality of the robot is much more tenacious. If it weren't for the fact that many robots can't fly, I'm afraid the number of robots appearing here would have increased a hundredfold.

Everyone arrived in the space, and as soon as they were shocked, they began to gather together according to their camps.

Only Zhan Liu, who was staring at the details of the broken planet, was scrolling through the realm of perfection. The chance of a broken planet is rare, especially since Gu Yi is now more and more unwilling to wipe other people's buttocks, one less time to see one.

Sure enough, after the planet cooled down and died completely, Gu Yi did not appear.

The US team, Tony, and Peter got together a long time ago.

Fortunately, Pepper had broken through the realm of magnetic field rotation before, and put on the strong magnetic armor Tony made for her, and Peter's aunt and Gwen's family were also sent by Natasha to the alien battleship on the back of the moon Go, otherwise I'm afraid it will be cold again this time.

As for the US team, except for a cat in his hand, he is alone now, with no relatives or friends.

The Yuan Devourer is an interstellar creature and can survive in space, so there is no need to worry about it having an accident.

Zhan Liu was not in a hurry, but Tony was also in a hurry, so he flew over directly and asked, "Master, when will the Supreme Master come out?"

"How do I know?" Zhan Liubai gave Tony a look, "That **** is secretive all day long, she doesn't want to come out, and no one can find her."

"However, I reckon that she won't come out because she is worried that after reshaping the earth, it will explode again. So, let's start fighting first, and when the enemies are dead, maybe she will come out."

Zhan Liu said, pointing his chin towards a group of Hydras in the distance.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's defeat the enemy first, and then think about saving the earth!" Captain America was the first to respond.

These days, Steve is very depressed. The situation is changing so fast that he, an old man, is completely dizzy.

First Carter died, he was awakened from brainwashing, and then he was wanted.

After that, he clearly wanted to save the United States, but suddenly the Federation disintegrated.

Before he recovered from the news of the disintegration of the Federation, all the resistance forces of the Federation surrendered to Hydra, and a new Federation ruled by Hydra was established.

He is wanted again!

This is too incredible!

Where did the tough and indomitable America go? How did it degenerate into this state in only 70 years!

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

What is the ruling class of the Federation doing? Why have they all turned into cartilage?

Although the earth is exploding now, since the Supreme Mage has the time to go back in time, everything is simpler, and he has returned to his best field - just fight!

Peter couldn't have wished for it even more.

He has long wanted to kill the Hydra gang, but the problem is that there are too many taboos, and he is worried that he will suffer from it if he does not die. Now it is hard to form the current simple pattern. Of course, we must take the opportunity to cut off the heads of these snakes, and then we can better correct the world a little bit.

Tony didn't object either, he was already a senior fighter, he had seen the Earth explode twice, and he was no longer the long-range fighter who thought he was a support staff.

Especially when he saw the robots flying all over the sky opposite him, he thought of his "silly son" Ultron who had been deceived so badly, and he didn't get angry. Since the US team exposed the truth, Ultron also knew that he had been deceived. Obviously a friend of justice, but in the end it produced such a bitter fruit that Ultron's program almost collapsed.

As one of Ultron's "fathers", Tony hated Dr. Zola for causing this result. Zola's body, in particular, was constructed using knowledge stolen from Tony.

Seeing that everyone reached a consensus, Tony immediately took the lead and flew towards Dr. Zola.

"Zola, you bastard!"

"I'm going to teach you a lesson on behalf of Ultron today!"

Dr. Zola was surrounded by robot warriors. He pointed with his finger, and a group of robots gathered in the middle. After a while of kaka twisted and deformed, a super huge robot appeared in front of Tony.

Dr. Zola stood on the chest of the giant robot, and a small door opened, swallowing him in. Then the eyes of the giant robot lit up, and Dr. Zola's voice sounded in everyone's hearts.

"Nonsense is useless!"

"Truth is always within the range of a cannon!"

"In this world, the winner is king forever!"

"Please taste it, the Zola God of War I carefully crafted is amazing!"

Zola War God's big fist raised up, and it accelerated to a hundred times the speed of sound in an instant, and Tony was sent flying with one punch.

Tony was caught off guard and flew hundreds of miles before he stabilized his figure. Although he was protected by inner armor and suffered minor injuries, his face was badly damaged. He couldn't help being furious. back.

"When it comes to playing with robots, you are still far behind!"

"If you are not a big robot, you are qualified to be called God of War!"

"Let me measure it. How much does your piece of scrap iron weigh?"

With a heavy foot, Tony slammed heavily on Zola's Zola raised his arms to meet him, and the two struck each other, bursting out dazzling white light and massive streams of ray electrons.

The two were shaken away by the reaction force, each retreated from Li Xu, and after a short pause, they charged together again.

After a frantic confrontation, Tony was finally convinced that this giant robot called "Zola God of War" already possessed the power of ninety-five heavens that was not inferior to him.

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【Valkyrie of Marvel World】【】

"Tch!" Tony curled his lips and said stiffly, "It's indeed a remarkable invention!"

"However, whether it is an outer armor or a robot, there is always a huge flaw!"

"That is, it cannot compete with the material restructuring ability!"

"Come on, disintegrate!"

Tony rushed in front of Zola War God, and instead of confronting him again, he quickly got close to his figure with his body skills, and applied the material restructuring ability to Zola War God.

But what surprised him was that his ability was actually...

No! Have! rise! effect!

"Haha..." Dr. Zola's voice came from God of War, "The power of technology is inexhaustible! My Zola God of War has solved the problem of the energy shield through magnetic field fusion!"

"Didn't you find out?"

"My God of War shield is more than ten times thicker than yours!"

"Not only that, my power flow is also a hundred times that of yours!"

Following Dr. Zola's wild laughter, Tony lost his mind for a moment, and was sent flying out again by the God of War.

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