Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 270: Choose righteousness? or choose family

Bucky Barnes is special to Steve Rogers.

He is not only Steve's childhood friend, but more importantly, he is Steve's last link with that era.

When Steve woke up from the ice and found that it was seventy years later, he was very panicked. Facing this strange world, he always felt out of place with the people around him. Not only age, but also three views, way of thinking and so on.

The familiar friends are all old and even passed away, and the only person around him who can make him feel warm is Bucky.

The reason why he quickly accepted Hydra's brainwashed identity was largely because Bucky was also here. Without Bucky by his side, he would have been suspicious of so many abnormal threads in his head.

Until Shaoji Carter died in his arms, he had been turning a blind eye to the various abnormalities in his mind. It was because of Bucky that he subconsciously refused to be an enemy of Bucky.

But after awakening, he couldn't continue to pretend to be stupid.

Loyalty to the country, sympathy for the suffering of the people, and remorse for his crimes as president forced him to embark on this painful road of liberation.

Those who set foot on this road are all seekers, but half of them travel a hundred miles. In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, few people can reach the end of the road.

This is a rugged road full of thorns. Along the way, it is not only enemies, but also relatives and friends that hinder people from moving forward.

Such things as righteousness are easy to say, but when you do it, you will find that it is really not something ordinary people can stick to.

Those who walk on this road must often face many temptations and various tribulations, torture their hearts at all times, and face various dilemmas.

Now, it's time for Steve to face a choice.

Bucky Barnes, his good brother, his last concern with this world, stood on the opposite side of him.

If you don't defeat him, you can't win, and you don't have to expect to reshape the earth and save America afterwards.

Bucky is hidden behind a strong magnetic armor, and he cannot be defeated without breaking the armor. But this is space, and Bucky, who has no armor, is a dead end. Defeating him means killing him with your own hands.

How should Steve choose?

Choose America? Or choose Bucky?

Choose loyalty? Or choose loyalty?

Choose righteousness? Or choose family?


Steve cried out in grief and made his own decision with difficulty!


"Don't blame me!"

Steve closed his eyes, a battle pattern flashed on his forehead, and he punched forward.

Between righteousness and family affection, Steve chose righteousness!

Everyone used Bucky as a shield and launched an offensive against Steve. When they saw Steve getting mad, they left Bucky and ran away without saying a word. Facing Steve's determined punch, Bucky instantly felt the breath of death.

Steve's punch had already locked Bucky's body, and it was too late for him to escape.

"Block me!"

Bucky roared loudly, the magnetic field power on his body was soaring, his blood was swollen and his veins were exposed, he pushed the ultimate qi to the maximum, and used the ultimate volume formula, intending to block this move.

But all efforts are in vain in the face of powerful strength. This punch shattered Bucky's aura, exploded Bucky's arms, and directly blasted through the strong magnetic armor. Passing through the heart.

A group of magnetic field fighters saw that Bucky was dead, knowing that Steve would not let them go, they would not dare to stay, so they immediately dispersed and fled in all directions.

Steve didn't have time to talk to them now either. Hot tears rolled down under his tightly closed eyes, slid down the void along his cheeks, and turned into shards of ice in the cold vacuum and drifted around.

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