Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 281: Fighting is never just head-to-head

Ruiwen knows the existence of Hulk, but now she doesn't want to fight Hulk at all, she just wants to find the hive that desecrated Magneto's body. But Hulk has gone completely crazy, he has no sense at all, and he will hit anyone who gets close to him.

"Go away!"

Ruiwen was also furious, there was no way to drive Hulk away, no matter how hard he hit, Hulk would only fight back even more crazily. She had no choice but to get rid of this enemy first.

Ruiwen first had a few head-on encounters with Hulk, and then found that this way of fighting was very disadvantageous.

Hulk's attack power is very heavy, but Ruiwen is not inferior to him, but Hulk's defense and recovery power are too strong, far superior to Ruiwen. In the case of trade-in injuries, Hulk is always the first to recover.

If it weren't for the magnetic field experience left by Magneto on Ruiwen's body, which is constantly waking up, helping Ruiwen keep pushing up the realm, and Oroloo assists beside her, I am afraid that Ruiwen would have been beaten to death by the Hulk long ago.

But combat is never just head-to-head, and what sets Riven apart is that she can now transform into any mutant and use that person's abilities.

The best way to face an opponent like Hulk is mind control.

Ruiwen hit the Hulk hard once, then flew back with strength, and then switched to the appearance of Professor X.

Professor X couldn't survive in a vacuum, so with the destruction of Earth, he died too. But Rui Wen's version of Professor X has high-level magnetic field rotation power. Although I quit the Magneto mode, I can't directly control the magnetic field, and I'm stuck in the Fifty Heavens, but it's okay to live in a vacuum.

Ruiwen no longer fights Hulk head-on, but lets Orolo fight Hulk head-on, while she walks quickly beside Hulk, and at the same time uses Professor X's powerful psychic abilities to influence Hulk.

At first, Ruiwen wanted to communicate with Dr. Banner's mind and wake him up, but now Dr. Banner just wants to die, how could he come out at this time?

Finally, Ruiwen gritted her teeth and began to try to modify Hulk's consciousness.

If you change to a normal strong person, with the power of the magnetic field, you can completely immunize or resist Ruiwen's control, and even counterattack along Ruiwen's spiritual channel, but Hulk's mind is very naive, not much better than a child.

So Ruiwen suddenly discovered that modifying Hulk's consciousness went very smoothly. She only received some resistance at the beginning, but with the projection of Professor X's powerful psychic ability, the other party's consciousness was quickly suppressed.

Finally, Hulk stopped in the void and stopped fighting. Orolo also took the opportunity to retreat and quickly recovered from her injuries. After all, it is not an easy job to stop Hulk.

After Ruiwen controlled Hulk, her eyes flickered, and she decided to make Hulk her powerful thug. Following her thought, Hulk yelled and ran towards the hive. And Ruiwen was at the rear, using Professor X's psychic ability to attack the hive.

Daisy's three abilities promote each other and exert an exponential effect. But the hive inherited Magneto's body. Although the state was affected due to the damage of the body, it was still above ninety heavens.

When they met each other for the first time, Hive recognized that this was his subordinate, so he tried to control it, but found that the power in Daisy's body was surging, extremely powerful, and smashed all the energy he used to control.

Moreover, Daisy's mind was chaotic, irrational, and unable to communicate at all.

"Damn Whitehall!"

Hive thought that Whitehall had removed his control over Daisy by destroying Daisy's sanity.

Since he is not one of his subordinates, it is useless to keep it.

The honeycomb raised its palm, and it collided with Daisy's black hole fist, sending Daisy flying heavily. Immediately followed, killers again and again, intending to wipe out this enemy in the shortest time.

And Carl, who has been paying attention to his daughter, has long been anxiously shouting: "Go help Daisy! Go help Daisy!"

Whitehall will not ask for trouble at this time, "Daisy is irrational now. If we go over, she will definitely beat us both. Then we will be attacked, and it will be troublesome. We might as well wait until she regains her senses, and then we will fight again." past."

After he finished speaking, he ignored it.

Although there is no lack of fighting among the various snake heads of Hydra, when the enemy appears, they will join hands with each other and unanimously attack the outside world.

If Daisy is his subordinate, serving for him, then of course he doesn't mind helping Daisy, but now Daisy is already crazy, will she recover in the future, and will she be hurt after recovery? My own threats are all in between.

He won't trade at a loss.

Anyway, after Carl became a part of the double-headed battle armor, life and death are up to him, so don't worry about it at all. Regardless of whether Karl's head is willing or not, it must prop up the shield of energy, and he doesn't have to pay attention to Karl's wishes.

Carl was anxious, but there was nothing he could do except babble in Whitehall's ear.

The beehive was gaining the upper hand, and when Daisy was about to be killed, Hulk suddenly came over again, aiming at the beehive and pounding hard. Before the hive could figure out what was going on, it felt dizzy, and a force was constantly hitting it.

Normally speaking, a master of ninety-three heavens is completely immune to Professor X's mental attack. But the hive is special, it is a parasitic It parasitizes the brain of Magneto's corpse, and controls the body by manipulating the brain.

This led to a serious problem. Although this mental attack was cut by half by Magneto's qi, it still had a bad effect on it. Its control over Magneto's body was seriously disturbed.

As a result of his uncoordinated body, his movements will be half a beat slower, and then he will be held down and beaten by Hulk and Daisy. Aurora was afraid of disturbing the formation, so she didn't rush forward.

Seeing that the hive had completely fallen into a disadvantage, Daisy and Hulk started fighting again.

Originally, the two had enmity, but later because they met Ruiwen and the hive, the enmity was temporarily pulled away. But now that two people attack one person, they were already close, but after an accidental injury, the old and new hatred broke out again, and the two lunatics started fighting each other again. Even Ruiwen's control was not very good. .

Ruiwen was short of breath, and hurriedly used her psychic powers to control Daisy, but as soon as her and Daisy's minds were connected, a maddening whisper came from the other end, making Ruiwen feel dizzy for a while Brain up.

Although she has the mutant ability of Professor X, her own mind is not that strong, and she may not be much stronger than Daisy. What Daisy can't carry, she can hardly carry.

She was still hesitating whether to help Daisy out of her insane situation, when she saw the escaped beehive heading straight for her.


"I knew you were playing tricks!"

"I'll kill you first!"

Honeycomb also knew that she was responsible for this matter, so she decided to get rid of Rui Wen, a confidant, first.

Orolo alone can't stop the hive at all. Ruiwen had no choice but to switch to the Magneto mode again, and Gu used the magnetic field to turn the force, and faced the incoming hive, and the three of them fought together again.

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