Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 285: Crazy Daisy

The combination of Daisy's three abilities is more lethal. When the battle starts, she presses down on Hulk to fight. Every black hole punch breaks Hulk's bones and tendons, and spills blood for a long time.

But Hulk's defense and recovery speed are stronger. With the Hulk's recovery speed and the cell reorganization of the fifty-fold rotation of the magnetic field, Hulk can recover almost instantly no matter how serious the injury is.

Even the honeycomb can't cause effective damage to Hulk, and Daisy, who has gone crazy and lost her mind, is even more impossible.

But as time goes by, the balance of victory is slowly shifting in Hulk's favor.

Daisy's ability is strong, but it has been strengthened to the limit, while Hulk's anger is endless, and it will soar rapidly as the battle progresses, with no upper limit.

The increasingly powerful Hulk puts more and more pressure on Daisy, and this strong pressure, as well as the stimulation of walking between life and death, also accelerated the fusion of the three abilities in Daisy.

As the battle progressed, Daisy's acclimatization to gravitonium also came into play. Gradually, the whispers in her ears became softer, less and less, gradually dissipating into nothingness.

After Daisy regained her senses, although she was no longer affected by Gravity, recalling what she did when she went mad was even more painful. The pain of killing her father with her own hands and the guilt of destroying the earth directly crushed her.


Daisy screamed and went into a fit, as if doing so would make her forget reality.

But epilepsy is different from madness. Crazy is irrational, but epilepsy is madness while awake. The more insane she became, the clearer her memory became. The clearer the memory, the more painful it was for her.

Although she was still only attacking but not defending, she changed her combat style of relying entirely on instinct to throw punches, and used more moves.

As Daisy with three abilities mixed together, her upper limit is actually very high. These three abilities cooperate and promote each other, which has already made her magnetic field rotation ability surpass the limit of fifty heavens, and exert a more powerful effect.

Combat is the best teacher. Daisy carefully understands the fusion characteristics of the three abilities in combat, and borrows Hulk's strong pressure to promote the formation and evolution of her own martial arts.

Finally, after fighting the Hulk again, Daisy was so blessed that she threw out a punch, and a dark round hole appeared in front of her.

Her black hole punch really created a small black hole!

And the power of this punch was far beyond imagination. Hulk's heavy punch fell into the black hole and disappeared without a sound.


Hulk roared in pain, without flinching, he kicked with his feet up.

But Daisy, who understands the real black hole fist, has far surpassed Hulk in strength in an instant, and just swayed the small black hole, making Hulk crippled.

Hulk was even more angry, beating his chest and screaming, and his body became stronger again. But no matter how strong the body is, it still hasn't achieved a qualitative change. The black hole fist facing Daisy is still as fragile as tofu, easily crushed and swallowed.

Hulk's recovery speed is very fast, but now Daisy's attack speed is faster, and soon, Hulk is scarred and his limbs are mutilated, and he is about to die. No matter how angry he is, the speed at which he becomes stronger cannot match the speed at which Daisy destroys him.

Seeing that Hulk was about to die in battle, Zhan Liu came to help.

Zhan Liu came over and kicked the dying Hulk away, then punched Daisy heavily.

Daisy doesn't care who the enemy is, just fight.

"go to hell!"

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