Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 291: broken american continent

While in space, Tony had already discovered that Peter's state was not right. But he thought at the time that after world peace, having Gwen by Peter's side would slowly heal his trauma.

Moreover, there is already a Dr. Banner on his side who is mad and looking for death. It is really impossible to take another demented old man back.

Unexpectedly, before everything calmed down, Peter was stimulated one after another, and became mad.

Tony handed Dr. Banner to Pepper, and went up to suppress Peter with Steve.

"Peter, you are not in a rational state right now. Calm down first. Regarding the matter of Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei, we can wait for Queen Ruiwen's investigation results before considering the matter of resurrecting them. Even if Ruiwen's side does not Way, you can also think of some ideas on the other side..."

Peter was one against two, kicked back and forth by the two, struggling left and right, struggling to parry, but still unafraid.

"You all don't understand!"

"You don't understand anything!"

"Of course I'm suffering from the death of Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei, but what I want to do now is to prevent everyone from suffering like me again!"

"If the world is still like this, even if I resurrect Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei this time, what's the use?"

"I don't want to bear the pain of loss repeatedly!"

"I want to build a safe world where there is absolutely no threat to my loved ones!"

"If you're not crazy, you can't survive!"

"In this world, only the paranoid can succeed!"

"Now that Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei are dead, no one can threaten me with them anymore!"

"I can read minds, and no one can deceive me anymore!"

"I can completely correct this world according to my own will!"

With one sentence and one punch, Peter's energy and spirit were highly unified, and his momentum was rising steadily. The insights he had gained from the fit and homology mode before were being quickly digested, and he was quickly climbing towards the ninety-seventh heaven.

"Do you think you can explode seeds?"

Of course, Steve and Tony didn't give in too much. They shouted together, and their aura also rose, and they became stronger rapidly under Peter's pressure.

But Dr. Pepper and Dr. Banner behind Tony couldn't bear it.

Although Pepper also gained a lot of insights in the fit and coherence mode, after exiting the fit and coherence mode, she fell back to the realm of the first layer, completely supported by the strong magnetic armor that Tony specially made for her.

Now that Peter's pressure has risen, although it doesn't target her, it has already made her feel difficult to breathe. Although she is also quickly digesting her insights, the speed and strength are still far behind.

And Dr. Banner is even worse, he has never joined the fit and coherence mode, and his realm has always been the same as before. Pressed by Peter's aura, his body turned green faintly, Hulk was about to come out.

"Tony, Dr. Banner is about to transform, hurry up and suppress him!"

Tony's face changed, and he hurriedly left Peter and returned to Pepper's side.

The current Pepper is not Hulk's opponent. For Tony, Pepper's safety is more important than anything else. Tony, who has experienced the loss of a loved one forever, is unwilling to suffer the same pain again.


The Hulk roared, completed his transformation, and was about to get mad when he was grabbed by Tony and flew into space.

Fighting on the ground, Tony always feels that his hands are tied. It's better to go directly to space to have a good time, settle the Hulk as soon as possible, and then go down to solve Peter's affairs.

Tony's departure did not affect Steve.

He was already aware of Peter's awakening, but he didn't think that his awareness would be inferior to Peter's.

He even killed such an important brother as Bucky himself. He died with Bucky, and himself. Even he can kill himself, who else in this world can stop him?

"Peter, take your consciousness and go to hell!"

Steve no longer tried to persuade Peter, but gathered all his strength, confronted Peter head-on, and vowed to kill him on the spot.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"They are all fit and coherent, who is weaker than whom?"

"If you want to blow me up, then come up with a stronger consciousness than me!"

The strength of the two is getting stronger and stronger, and they are both moving towards the ninety-seventh heaven at a high speed. And the energy of the battle completely tore and exploded the ground under their feet. The entire New York State sank completely under this force, forming a huge pit far wider and deeper than Washington's "Abyss of Evil".

Even the lower American continental plate was broken and separated under the bombardment of this force.

A large amount of seawater and magma poured in along the fracture, converging together, stimulating a large amount of water vapor. And the continuous water vapor is squeezed by the narrow space, and finally, like a pressure cooker, the pressure is getting higher and higher, and finally it can't bear it, and it bursts open. The soaring air column goes straight into the sky, forming a unique and beautiful scenery.

Peter and Steve fought fiercely above the mainland. After a while, Peter blasted Steve to the ground, creating a sinkhole out of thin air on the mainland. The next moment, Steve slammed Peter into the sea, setting off a 100-meter-high skyrocket in the Pacific Ocean. tsunami.

The speed of the two of them is extremely fast, and they can run back and forth across America in an instant.

And as they fought, a large number of such air pillars also appeared everywhere on the American continent. Even, many air columns along the coast will merge to completely cut off a small piece of land from the entire American continental plate.

Accompanied by earthquakes with a magnitude of ten or more, and huge tsunamis as high as 100 meters.

All inland cities were completely destroyed by the earthquake.

All the coastal cities were submerged by the tsunami that hit the coast.

And this is just the beginning. The battle of Valkyrie can always be calculated in months or even years. And if the battle is not over, this kind of earthquake and tsunami will become the norm.

As the battle continued, finally, the American continent was shattered. Instead of falling down in small pieces, the whole body was torn apart, forming a large number of huge islands.

The seawater of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean surged into the gaps between these islands, completely cutting America apart.

The earth was torn apart, and the magma gushing out from the ground boiled the sea water, making a big pot of seafood porridge.

A large amount of steam floats up into the sky, condenses when it condenses, forms rain clouds, and pours down again.

The people whose cities were destroyed by the earthquake encountered torrential rains that lasted for several days, as well as mudslides that swept through the torrential rains, and there were several more disasters.

All the active volcanoes roared angrily, roaring loudly towards the sky, spraying massive amounts of magma and gas, stirring up the sky with dark clouds and completely covering the sunlight. Day turned into night, dust was everywhere in the air, people met each other, and millions of people died of suffocation due to blocked alveoli.

The ecological chain of nature has been completely destroyed, lightning and thunder are everywhere in the sky, and all communications have been completely destroyed long ago.

Natural disasters turned into man-made disasters, and the evil squeezed in people's hearts was released. Rep, robbery, killing... all kinds of appalling crimes are happening on this broken continent.

Anyone who sees this scene will be convinced.

This is the end!

Devout believers knelt down in front of the icon, praying for God's salvation, hoping that when the Judgment Day comes, they can rely on their faith to escape being thrown into the lake of fire.

However, everyone on this land is guilty!

Without the Lord to save them, the result of their prayers was still rain of fire falling from the sky, the ground cracked, and fiery flames gushed out from the ground, completely engulfing them.

The two people fighting in the sky are very clear about the situation on the ground.

But Peter doesn't care, people can be reborn after death, countries can be rebuilt after they are destroyed, and it is okay for America to lose its islands. What he wants is to rebuild a new world, to build a beautiful new world where everyone treats each other sincerely and will not deceive each other, a peaceful world that will not pose any threat to the resurrected Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Now that the battle has knocked everything down, maybe it will save trouble.

But Steve became more and more anxious.

His consciousness is only cruel to himself, but he can't be cruel to the country he cares about and the people of the United States. What he wants has always been salvation, not destruction.

He wants to kill Peter because Peter is alive, and he will definitely kill more people, but now the people in the United States are almost dead, the Americas are smashed, and there are enough dead people, but the most damned Peter is not dead.

"Peter, look at the broken world below, is this the world you want?"

Steve was heartbroken, and his fists became a little heavier. He pushed Peter down in the air, and aimed at his head and beat him frantically.

"Of course it is!" Peter didn't give in, and immediately retaliated. A flirtatious kick sent Steve flying for hundreds of miles, and then rushed forward to kill the killer.

"Steve, haven't you noticed?"

"Those rich and powerful guys have left America in private jets!"

"Whether it's earthquakes, tsunamis, rainstorms, mudslides, all natural disasters, they can't hurt them at all!"

"The present America truly belongs to the American people!"

"Without this group of vampires, no matter how big a disaster is, it can be calmed down!"

"Magneto can even create a paradise island out of thin air in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and of course I can put the American continent back together!"

"The opponents are all dead, which is just conducive to the implementation of the policy!"

"In the future, on the American continent, only one country will be enough!"

"And in this country, there will be one and only one voice from now on, and that is my voice, and no one can disobey my orders!"

"I will rebuild America, and I will build a new holy city in America!"

"I am the emperor!"

"I am a saint!"

"I am Christ!!"

Steve was furious, but also powerless.

Faced with a person whose three views are completely different, it is completely impossible to stop it with words alone, but the two of them have the same realm, and they cannot kill each other in a short time.

It was the first time that Steve secretly complained about Tony's research. If some backdoors were installed in the contract coordination mode, it might be much more convenient now.

But this idea just passed through his mind for a while, and then he dismissed it. He is not the kind of person who entrusts others. He pulled himself together and continued to fight Peter fiercely.

In the sky in the distance, a white line came through the air, hovering near the battlefield of the two, and the visor opened, revealing Gwen's face.

"Peter, stop!" Gwen cried anxiously.

As soon as Nick Fury died, Peter and Steve went to war, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was in disarray. In the end, Agent Hill took over the position of interim director and ordered the Skrulls to send Gwen back, intending to let Gwen do Peter's ideological work.

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