Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 320: Great Earth Change

Chapter 325 Earth Changes

Chapter 325 Earth Changes

A new sun has once again bloomed over Asgard, turning the dark night into day.

Zhanliu and Rocky have been fighting for several days, but if they want to decide the winner, they might not be able to fight for a few more months.

Loki, whose truth had been exposed, withdrew from his identity as "Thor", and his mood collapsed. And the final state has very high requirements on the state of mind, and Loki in a state of madness must not meet the conditions. Therefore, of course, Loki's magnetic field rotation state also fell down, and fell back to the ninety-seventh heaven again.

The same magnetic field rotates the realm, and Zhan Liu's complete realm wins. Loki is no match at all, but Loki has powerful divine power to support him, and he has not been able to lose.

"Loki, wake up!"

Zhan Liu has never given up trying to wake up Loki. After all, he is also his apprentice, so it is not good to be tortured all the time.

"Think about your parents, your elder brother, they absolutely don't want you to live in such pain!"

"The Twilight of the Gods is predestined, and no one can change it."

"Everything must always look forward, maybe you can rebuild an Asgard on Earth."

"Shut up!" Loki didn't appreciate it, his face was full of madness, and he attacked desperately, "Loki is already dead!"

"I'm Thor!"

"Thor the God of Thunder!"

"The future King of Asgard, Thor!"

Zhan Liu sighed, a little tired.

He tried many times these days, but Loki insisted that he was "Thor" and refused to face reality.

"That's all!" Zhan Liu punched Loki again, then drifted back.

"Do whatever you want!"

"I'm going back to Earth, you don't want to face reality, just play house here!"

Zhan Liu flew away and flew towards the spaceship in the distance, where Valkyrie had been waiting for him. Loki stood blankly in the void, watching Zhan Liu go away without any pursuit.

After entering the spaceship, Zhan Liu saw wine bottles all over the floor, and Valkyrie was so drunk that he was lying on his back on the ground.

These days, Valkyrie has turned Asgard many times, and finally confirmed in desperation that everyone in Asgard is dead, and all life is gone. Whether it was her old friends or enemies who had a feud, they were all dead.

She didn't go crazy on the spot. It can only be said that she has been tortured by nightmares for more than two thousand years, and her mental will has become tough to a certain extent.

After spending a few days collecting all the corpses in Asgard and burying them, she silently returned to the spaceship, continued to drink alcohol desperately, got herself drunk, and then fell asleep in a daze. After waking up, continue to get drunk. Repeatedly, again and again.

Zhan Liu was frowned by the smell of alcohol floating everywhere in the air, waved and threw all the wine bottles into outer space, then carried Valkyrie into the bathroom, threw her into the bathtub, turned on the cold water switch, pointed at the She rushed straight down.

"Hurry up and wake up, and then sail back to Earth."

After leaving a word, Zhan Liu returned to the control room, glanced out the window, and saw a tiny black spot still standing there in the air in the distant airspace, motionless.

"Heart disease can only be treated with heart medicine. I really don't have the talent to be a psychiatrist!"

Feeling touched, he also took out a bottle of wine and slowly tasted it.

Bruce Banner is like this, Peter Parker is like this, and Rocky is even more like this.

Think about other magnetic field fighters, Magneto, Killmonger, Black Panther, Steve, Tony... It seems that all the strong people who use the magnetic field to rotate their power have a bad ending in the end, either hang up, or In pain, sorrow, regret.

The power driven by love as the core can only become strong because of the loss of love.

How ironic!

Valkyrie wobbled out of the bathroom, her hair was still dripping with water, she didn't care at all, she came over and snatched the wine bottle from Zhan Liu, took a sip in her mouth, and then sat in the driver's seat On, start the spaceship.

Fortunately, this spaceship is completely autonomous, so there is no need to worry about her getting into a car accident while driving drunk.

The engine of the spaceship started quickly, accelerated to the level of space jump in just a few seconds, and then turned into a beam of light, leaving the Asgard God Realm.

After starting the spacecraft, Valkyrie fell back, leaned back on the chair, raised his head, and continued to drink the wine until he drank the last drop, then threw it away, and got up to get another bottle. But just after she took two steps, the spaceship jumped and accelerated, shaking her somersault.

She crawled on the ground twice, failed to stand up, and simply lay down on the ground, muttering to herself:

"I originally thought that those friends blamed me because I escaped for two thousand years and refused to talk to me. Who knows..."

She covered her face with her hands, not wanting Zhan Liu to see her crying, and her voice came out from between her fingers.

"Now I would rather they ignore me for this reason than just seeing a group of illusions."

Zhan Liu pretended not to see Valkyrie's weakness, took two bottles of wine, threw one to her, and comforted her firmly:

"The twilight of the gods was arranged by the **** above the gods, and no one can escape this fate."

"In other words, even if your friends don't die in the hands of Loki, they will die in the hands of others sooner or later."

"But having said that, I remember that after you Asgardian soldiers die, you will go to the Hall of Valor, right?"

"Then find a way to revive them, isn't it over, why are you so stubborn?"

Valkyrie turned his back to Zhan Liu, shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Resurrection is not that easy, and it will cost a lot."

"Also, not everyone will go to the Hall of Valor, only those who died in battle will go there."

Zhan Liu was stunned, "In other words, some people didn't die fighting Loki, so they wouldn't be able to go to the Hall of Valor."

"It seems that Loki should also know this, and his most important person should not be able to go there!"

Valkyrie nodded, looking sad.

"All the dead in Asgard were collected by me, but under the World Tree, there are already two new graves. Look at the inscription on the tombstone, one is the queen of God Frigg, Loki The other is Loki, and I think it should be his brother Thor. There is no God King Odin, so there should be no corpse left.”

"Odin and Thor may have died in battle, but God Queen Frigga definitely not. That is to say, even if Loki can obtain the consent of death and allow him to resurrect his relatives, without a soul, he Nor could he bring back his mother Frigga."

Zhan Liu also fell silent when he heard the words, the two of them had their own concerns, drank a dull drink, and did not continue talking.

The way back to the earth was smooth, there were no unsightly people jumping out to cause trouble, and the spacecraft returned to the earth smoothly.

After watching Zhan Liu's spaceship speed up and enter the state of space jump, Loki withdrew his dull eyes and looked at the ground. He lowered his head, hunched his back, and there was no trace of life in his body.

After a long time, he slowly landed on the ground. As his figure descended, the environment around him changed again, returning to the beautiful appearance of that quiet, warm, peaceful, and peaceful picture scroll.

When "Thor" fell to the ground again, music and laughter rang out at the same time, and Sif led a group of companions to greet him from the golden palace with a smile.

"Hey, Thor, it's time for the banquet again, I must pour you down this time, don't even try to escape!"

"Thor" laughed loudly, opened his arms, and hugged his companions, "Let's not get drunk today!"

After expelling Zhan Liu, Asgard really regained its tranquility and peace.

Such happy days, preferably forever!

"Thor"'s mind calmed down again, like a pool of stagnant water.

After sending off Master Zhanliu, Peter Parker continued his busy work.

As a responsible person, Peter Parker absolutely does not allow himself a vegetarian meal, of course he must devote himself to his work. As an emperor, he was required to make decisions on all major matters in the country. If it weren't for the fact that he is already a strong magnetic field rotation player, who can rotate continuously without sleep, this workload alone will exhaust him.

With the help of mind reading ability and amazing wisdom, Peter can tell right from wrong and handle all affairs with ease.

The role of role models is endless.

All the magnetic field fighters, seeing that the emperor is so diligent, of course dare not slack off, and naturally have to work conscientiously in the front-line management positions.

Of course, the Jingguan built in front of the palace also played an insignificant role in it.

After all, His Majesty the Emperor is wise, wise, and perceptive... The key is to read minds. No one can deceive His Majesty the Great Emperor, so you have to work hard!

Although His Majesty the Emperor is dignified, majestic, and domineering...but His Majesty the Emperor is also very considerate, especially approachable. The guard at the gate of the palace is just a decoration. Anyone who needs it can go to the palace and directly appeal to His Majesty the Emperor. This is an important part of government supervision.

Today, a special guest came in front of the palace gate.

The two ordinary people named guards but actually doormen had already seen figures loitering in front of the palace, but they didn't care. Anyway, this palace should be the safest place in the world, no enemy would be stupid enough to come here to assassinate, if there were...then they would accept their fate.

When the figure finally hesitantly walked to the gate of the palace, the two guards finally became nervous.

This is a young woman with blond hair and a shawl, wearing a floral dress and high-heeled sandals. She is in her twenties and in her prime. But from her skin exposed outside the clothes, the two of them could clearly see that this person was pale, without a trace of blood, and his eyes were as black as ink, with no whites at all.

No matter how you look at it, this person is not a normal person. Some people believe that he is a ghoul.

The times are different now. Ordinary people have no guarantee of life. When they meet extraordinary people, they will die inexplicably at any time.

The situation in the empire is not bad, at least with the great emperor sitting in charge, no one is allowed to kill people except those with strong magnetic fields. With the existence of telepathic devices, no suspect can escape the punishment of the law. Compared with when it was still in the United States, the crime rate in the empire is now much lower.

On the TV, the tragic situation in Europe is broadcast every day. The lives of foreigners over there are really miserable, not even as good as a dog. Those who were raised as blood packs by vampires, those who were raised by ogres as meat animals, and those who were used by wizards as guinea pigs, all suffered a lot.

Originally, there were many superheroes fighting against those dark creatures, but every time the dark creatures lost, they treated ordinary people as cannon fodder and ended up killing superheroes.

According to news reports, those so-called superheroes once sent an application to His Majesty the Great Emperor, asking His Majesty to send magnetic field fighters to lend a helping hand. His Majesty the Emperor once agreed, but when His Majesty asked them to bring Europe into the order of the new world, these so-called superheroes used excuses such as "democracy" and "freedom" to prevaricate .

A bunch of ignorant things!

Since then, the people of the empire have not cared about the life and death of these foreigners.

Everything is what they asked for!

You are called a superhero in vain, but you don't even have the consciousness to bear the sins!

I want to save people, but I don't want to bear the consequences of saving people!

What behavior is this?

The news has already explained it in detail, they are fake justice!

They just want to accept the cheers of the people after saving people, but they are unwilling to bear the infamy brought about by killing in the process. Therefore, when faced with the so-called "victims" pushed out by dark creatures to help tigers, they can only retreat. But it is none of their business that more people are victimized as a result.

If this kind of thing happened in the empire, the magnetic field fighters would definitely not hesitate to kill all the hostages first, and then uproot the dark creatures. Get it done once, and there will be absolutely no future troubles!

This group of hypocritical They only want benefits, and they are unwilling to accept anything that is not good for them.

So things like being included in the new world order are obviously better for all the people, but they directly rejected them on behalf of the people. They didn't even need to go back and consult the real wishes of the people, or go through the so-called "democracy voting" process, and they made a decision directly.

But it must also be admitted that within the empire, there are always a small number of people who are stubborn and secretly resisting the great rule of His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, it is still very normal for someone to jump out suddenly and intend to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor.

The two guards looked at the approaching woman in fear, fearing that she would suddenly kill her.

Fortunately, this woman didn't seem to have any malicious intentions. She walked to the gate of the palace, stopped, looked up at the huge plaque on the gate, was dazed for a while, and then said to the guard:

"I want to see Peter Parker."

"Who?" The two guards were taken aback, they were unfamiliar with this name.

"It's your emperor!" the woman said coldly.

The two guards looked at each other, turned around and ran into the door without saying a word, completely ignoring the guard's duties.

Although they don't know who this person is, they don't need to get burned, they just go in and report.

A moment later, Peter flew out from the palace and landed at the gate. Looking at the familiar face in front of him, his whole body trembled, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

The woman stared at Peter with a cold face, and asked coldly:

"Peter, is that you?"

"Did you...kill me?"

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