"The old one is a little more, just now... Your arm?! "

The first investigators to come over were Goo Mado and Kotaro Amen.

When they saw the arm of the old Duo Erfu, they fell into a burst of consternation.

"Are you alright?"

Kotaro Yamen hurriedly dialed the emergency number.

Mado Wu Xu took out the hemostatic agent, which he carried with him.

"It's okay, it's okay."

The expression on the face of the old Duo Erfu returned to its original appearance, and said, "I ran into the legendary one-eyed just now, and it scared me to death!! "

Old Duo Erfu waved his broken arm excitedly, exaggerating his "fear".


This term has an extremely unusual meaning for Mato Wu Xu.

"Is it a bronze tree?"

Kotaro Yamen guessed.

Old Duo Erfu nodded again and again, and said, "That's right, that's right, it's the bronze tree, I also saw the little tail." "

"Little tail?"

Goo Mato and Kotaro Yamen looked at each other, not knowing what the little tail in each other's mouth was.

"It's him, that fire-breathing lizard."

Lao Duo Erfu held his broken arm in his mouth and held the mobile phone in front of the real Wu Xu.

It's really like a pervert.

"It's him!"

Kotaro Amen and Goo Mado recognized Tatara at first sight.

"The bronze tree didn't run away."

It is estimated that one of the two is the boss of the bronze tree, and the other is a senior cadre.

"However, you are much more powerful than we thought." Mato Wu Xu looked at the frivolous man in front of him, "Facing two monsters of this level at the same time, I only paid for this... Price. "

You must know that in the past, when you faced the one-eyed, if it hadn't been for the arrival of the noble general, the group would have been wiped out.

"It's so-so."

The old Duo Erfu behaved very "modestly".

The ambulance arrived quickly, after all, it was CCG's phone.

Kutajifu followed the ambulance personnel into the car, while Mato Wu Xu and Yamen Kotaro were still investigating in place.

Old Duo Erfu, who was in the ambulance, turned gloomy again.

Ken Kaneki was taken away by those guys.

In order to make the experimental data more accurate, the old Duoerfu has always adopted a stocking strategy.

But because Kaneki Ken has always refused to hunt, he died.

As a result, we encountered today's scene.

Now there is only raw data in the lab, and if he is half-seeded now, the chances of failure will be very high.

"Those damn bunches."

Old Duo Erfu pouted at the finger of his severed arm, and looked at the nurses next to him in horror.

At this time, a strand of hair floated down the body of Lao Duo Erfu.

Emerald hair.

Old Duo Erfu picked up the strand of hair and frowned.

He only had a physical collision with two guys just now.

One is Tatara, but he has gray hair.

Then there's the one-eyed.

Old Duo Erfu pinched the green hair, and Danfeng's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that the identity of the one-eyed can't be hidden for long." "

It was a bonus.

- Bronze Tree

Because of the previous negotiations with the Tsukiyama family, Takatsuki Izumi's base has been significantly improved.

At least it's not the same unfinished building as before.

"Ahem... Cough. "

As soon as he returned to the base, Izumi Takatsuki coughed up blood.

Tatara carried Kaneki Ken and frowned: "It's okay, right?" "

Takatsuki Izumi calmed down and shook his head: "It's okay, it's nothing." "

Although the fight with the old man just now was nothing on the surface, he was also injured.

"Let Kirishima find out what that guy is."

Izumi Takatsuki gives orders to Tatara.

Tatara nodded, then held up the unconscious Kaneki Ken and asked, "What about this?" "

Izumi Takatsuki looked at the embarrassed Kaneki Ken and said, "This guy has changed from a human being, and his research value is not small. "

Turn humans into mews.

This is simply incredible.

Tatara nodded: "Understood." "

After saying that, he carried Jin Muken and walked down.

After Tatara left, Izumi Takatsuki sat down in a chair and fell into thought.

The Bronze Tree has received some assistance from the Tsukiyama family.

Although they are not honest, it seems that there will be no problems at the moment.

For those upper-class people in District 20, they have exterminated many disobedient ones.

The reason why the CCG suddenly dispatched so many investigators was because they killed too hard.

The CCG has also begun to exterminate some of the meows that have submitted to them.

It can be said that now they bronze tree and CCG are fighting for speed.

In addition to these, there is also that clown organization.

Although she has only encountered one old Duo Erfu so far, her combat effectiveness against the opposition is really shocking.

Judging from Kanekiken's situation, it seems that he is still preparing to become an artificial meow.

At that time, it is difficult to say whether he will lead the clowns out to make trouble.

"A slight headache." Izumi Takatsuki touched his head, feeling a little difficult.

If this development continues, there will be chaos in District 20.

This was the opposite of what she had in mind.

Just as Takatsuki was thinking there, her mobile phone rang, it was Ouyang Mofei.

Takatsuki Quan smiled and picked up the phone: "Hey, Mr. Ouyang, you are still calling me now, do you want me to sleep with you?" "

"Ah, Mr. Ouyang, you finally can't bear the restlessness of your soul and are about to abuse your power."

Ouyang Mofei on the other end of the phone fell silent, and he had the urge to smash the phone.

"Come to the room."

Takatsuki Izumi was stunned, she didn't expect Ouyang Mofei to really speak like this: "No, are you playing really?" "

Do you really want to abuse your power?

Is it so exciting?

Do you need to change your OL suit?

"What a." Ouyang Mofei scolded, "The new contract is here, you take a look, I'll send it for review if it's no problem." "

Some of the contracts still need to be agreed by Izumi Takatsuki.

Hearing this, Izumi Takatsuki sat down in a chair and said, "Just take a look at that, I believe you." "

"No, you have to solve these things yourself." Ouyang Mofei said, "There are also some subject matter restrictions in the contract, how do I know these." "

A lot of the content on the contract is about the future creative direction of Izumi Takatsuki, although it is not harsh, it is just a passing mention, but it should not be taken lightly.

"Hurry up, this contract will be sent for review today."

"Okay, got it."

Listening to Ouyang Mofei's words, it seems that this guy will not stop if he doesn't call himself over.

It's just that......

Although Takatsuki Spring is not far from Ouyang Mofei's hotel, it is still a distance.

"Looks like I'm going to cosplay the Flash."

Izumi Takatsuki moved his muscles.

No matter how awesome you are outside, your husband has a phone call, and you still have to go home obediently.

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