Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 72: 72. Parallel world

72 parallel worlds

Is there really any misunderstanding in the meantime?

Zhao Yanzhen of the past life, in fact, always has the meaning to me, but I am too numb, did not feel it?

Thinking of this possibility, I suddenly felt a cold sweat!

Although my guess has not been verified, I don't know if it is true or not. After all, that was the thing of the past, but once this idea was formed, it formed a lingering obsession in his mind.

Now I want to think about it. The original Zhao Yanxi is also a arrogant woman in the sky. It seems that she has not been married until she is in her thirties. This seems to be somewhat unusual!

Although there are more than 30 men who are not married, after all, many successful people are married late, but women who are not married in their thirties are few and far between.

Can't say no, but at least not much! But even so, those women who are not married are not married, but also have boyfriends! Like Zhao Yanxi, a girl who has not given her boyfriend in her thirties, if there is no psychological problem, there are other reasons!

Think about the bits and pieces between the past life and Zhao Yanxi. Although I didn’t say much during school, I always watched Zhao Yanxi with a look of awe and look up.

The psychology of inferiority makes the former life feel that it is not worthy of Zhao Yanzhen. Even if we try hard to catch up, we still feel that there is a certain gap between ourselves and her. This gap is not something that can be made up with simple efforts.

It was only after the work that he gradually became a slap in the face, and even the position in the company slowly surpassed Zhao Yanxi, and only at this time, he recovered his self-confidence.

However, on the day when I was ready to confess to Zhao Yanzhen, I received the news that Zhao Yanxi was going to get married!

This is like a thunderous catastrophe. It suddenly made the whole person fall into a hail. At that time, except for a blank in the mind, it was deeply unwilling.

There was no other idea, until the wedding, drunkenness and death, it was also embarrassing, did not think about whether there is anything wrong with this.

After being born again, I also deliberately avoided the history of this paragraph, and did not want to touch this sad past, and then did not consider those details.

But today, since I have already mentioned this here, I have carefully considered the past life and finally found a trace of unusual taste!

Even if Zhao Yanxi and my deputy Xu Qingwei got married, why didn’t they know the news before? And I have not seen any clues?

Zhao Yanxi is a person who is silently concerned about her. She has a boyfriend, maybe she can't find anything in her own way?

As a deputy of Xu Qingwei, he is a person around him. He has a relationship with Zhao Yanxi, and he is not aware of it. Is it a blind eye for the past life?

I shook my head secretly, and I have denied this possibility from my heart. After all, although the past life itself is a little self-confident, it is not a fool. On the contrary, it is impossible to achieve the position of the president of the company's regional region.

And Zhao Yanxi and Xu Qingwei suddenly engaged, what is it for?

This is a place that I can't understand, but in my heart, I think of a possibility that makes me feel scared! Perhaps, as Zhao Yanxi said, her past life did have that meaning to me, but she is a girl, and she is not good at expressing it. She has been waiting for her own initiative, but she is... Besides the humble hunt. Chasing, even a hint is not ... This makes the disheartened Zhao Yanzhen, perhaps casually chose a marriage object.

After all, her age is not small, in her thirties, a woman is no longer young, can no longer delay! Even if she wants to delay, her family will not agree.

However, all of this is just my guess. Although there are some regrets, but fortunately God is still very concerned about me, let me return to 1994, my high school era, let me restart my life.

In this life, it is destined to no longer have regrets!

However, perhaps, all this is just my illusion. As Zhao Yanxi said, there may be a similar parallel world outside the world. There are also me and her, there are other people.

It’s just that the stories between these people are different. Perhaps the world of me and Zhao Yanxi, is a sympathetic, Zhao Yanzhen feels, is another world her thoughts.

Of course, or maybe, Zhao Yanzhen simply confuses dreams with reality, and mixes the ideas of this life into dreams and influences her own dreams.

Thinking of this, my heart is calm down... I am really mediocrity! Want to do so much? How is his past life, this life is the most important.

Stupid, with drowsiness, I gradually fell asleep...

"Bell - bell - bell -" a light and crisp telephone ring rang.

I took Zhao Yan's arms and legs from my body and smashed it down from me. What happened to the little girl sleeping, how do I like to hang on others? Who was calling this big noon, I ran to the living room and picked up the phone.

"Hey, hello, who to look for." I said habitually.

"Lei Lei, it turns out that you are at home! My dad and I will be home soon, and we will open the door for us in a while, there are too many things in hand!" My mother heard the voice in the telephone receiver.

How is my mom coming back? Didn't he go to my grandmother's house with my dad? I remember that when they were on New Year's Day, they stayed in the grandmother's house in my country for three days. This is the next day.

"Mom, why are you coming back so soon?" I asked immediately.

"Yeah, your dad said that you are not interested in your own home, and no one is cooking for you. We will come back in advance as soon as we discuss it. No, your dad said that you have studied hard, we just went to the market." The farmer's market has bought you some fish and will make you delicious!" my mother said happily.

Can't you? Is it because I learned better in this world, my father and my mother are better than me? But you don't have to come back in advance. Isn't this a bad thing for me?

My mom saw that I didn't talk, and quickly asked: "What's wrong, Lei Lei, don't want to let your dad and I go home soon?"

"Which can, hope, hope! I am so happy, no response!" I quickly returned to God.

"That line, I hang up! Although your dad is reimbursed in the factory but can not be wasted." My mom said to hang up the phone.

I hurriedly ran back to my bedroom, and while I was wearing clothes, I pushed Zhao Yanxi with my hand: "Get up and get dressed!" I yelled.

"What are you doing? Is it dark?" Zhao Yanyi stretched out and put a plump little chest in the air.

But at this time, I didn't want to appreciate this beautiful girl's body, and I said to her: "My mom is downstairs, I will come up soon!"

"What?! Is your mother coming back?" Zhao Yan suddenly squatted out of bed and hurriedly found clothes.

"Oh! Liu Lei! Where did you put my bra?" Zhao Yanyi cried as he wore his underwear.

What made me put it again? It seems that I have the same thing to collect this thing.

Fortunately, I took my clothes off my bedroom before, otherwise it would be difficult to find them at this time. When I just put on my sweater, the doorbell at home just rang.

"Hurry up!" I said to Zhao Yanxi, who was wearing pants, and ran out to open the door.

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