Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 77: seventy - seven. Chen Yong’s accident

77 Chen Yong accident

"Xiao Liu, don't be too self-blaming! Young people know that it is right to hide the light, but it can't be too much. Too much is hypocritical!" Zhao Limin said to me.

"The younger generation knows!" I said respectfully! Looking at Grandpa’s expression, I am quite satisfied with it.

"How, old leaves! This time, I am convinced that I am taking it!" Zhao Limin said proudly.

"I am convinced by oral administration, but Zhao Lao, you said that friends who have been so many years, although not brothers, are like brothers?" Ye Bobo said.

"Yeah, when I was in Vietnam, the trick came out in a trench. I always treat you as my brother!" Zhao Limin exclaimed.

"Then you said that my daughter is your relatives?" Ye Bobo said, and even a sly smile appeared.

"This, let's be!" Zhao Limin vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he still replied with a hard scalp.

"So, for my daughter is also the lifelong happiness of your relatives and daughters, I decided, this girl I told you to fix it!" Ye Bobo said with a thigh.

Suddenly, I saw Zhao Limin’s face also had a smile when he had a slap in the face. Although it was only a moment, it was caught by me.

I rely on? These two old guys are not united with the next set of Yin, I am coming? How do I feel that I have a feeling of being fooled? !

In the evening, Ye Bobo said that there are still things, so say goodbye. I want to ask Zhao Limin how much Ye Bobo did, but I don't know how to speak. On the one hand, this is not very polite. The most important thing is that Ye Bobo would like to marry her daughter. I don't want to have too much relationship with him.

The person who is said to be in the mother is not the life secretary of Grandpa Zhao. I have done a good job. I don’t know if I am hungry or if I am at home with my mother’s craftsmanship. The food is actually burnt in my past five-star hotel. The taste is good.

In the grandfather's house, I finally realized the feeling of the guest at the noon Zhao Yanxi at my home. The family was constantly giving me a dish, a meal, and I ate my stomach and went straight.

After dinner, Grandpa Zhao wanted to find a car to send me, but I refused. This big holiday is still at night, and the drivers have to rest. I can go back by taxi, and I don’t have money.

When the taxi passed the Caishikou, I suddenly had an urge to see Chen Weier.

"Just stop at the stop in front of the market." I said to the taxi driver.

"Ah? You are not going to Huaxing Community?" the driver asked.

"Don't go, just get off here," I said.

The driver no longer said anything, parked the car directly at the vegetable market. Songjiang City does not need a meter at this time, and it is five yuan wherever you go. The closer you run, the more happy the driver is.

I paid the car and hurriedly got out of the car. I stopped when I didn't take a few steps, and the sight in front of me shocked me. Chen Weier’s "Chen Jia Mala Tang" small signboard was cut off to the ground, and the cauldron was also overturned. The seasonings and vegetables were sprinkled everywhere. Chen Weier and her mother are holding together and weeping.

I rushed to the front in three steps and two steps, and hurriedly asked: "Wei, what's wrong with this?"

Was it being smashed by the little punks on the street? Impossible, Guo Qing is a real-sounding snake in this film, and there are no people who dare to move the Guozi cover.

"My brother was just caught up!" Chen Weier looked at me, and couldn't help but feel the grievances in her heart. He cried.

"Don't worry, Weier, don't cry, tell me what is going on!" I quickly comforted.

After Chen Weier’s incident yesterday, instinctively gave me a little sense of dependence. When I saw this, I wiped my tears gently and paused and said: “Yang Kaiyuan has just come, I ignore him. I started to work on my hands. Later, when my brother couldn’t stand it, he and Yang Kai moved his hands. Two people started to fight. My brother accidentally blew Yang Kaiyuan’s forehead. This is a big deal. The disaster, that Yang Kaiyuan first found a group of people to smash my stall, and then the person who smashed things ran away, the policeman came after the back, saying that my brother was arrested for deliberately wounding!"

Oh, it really is premeditated. It seems that these two groups of people are all called by the boy named Yang Kaiyuan, or the bandits just came to the police, how can there be such a coincidence.

"Isn't the policeman who arrested people say where?" I asked.

"I don't know, my mom asked them, they didn't say it. Just pick up my brother and bring it to the police car!" Chen Weier shook his head and said.

"However, that Yang Kaiyuan, he is said to be a big official of the police station, ten of them are all a group!" Chen Weier's mother reminded.

Things almost know about it. It’s obviously the ghost of Yang Kaiyuan’s kid. I think it’s time to start Chen Yong’s prison as a threat to force Chen Weier to come to the show. This wishful thinking is quite loud, but he is wrong to move people who should not move. He has to pay for this price.

"Well, Weier, and your mother clean up, go with me!" I said slyly.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Weier asked.

"Go to the police station!" I said indifferently.

"What? Going to the police station? Liu Lei, you are not mistaken! The police station is not the place where these flat people can get in! Your friend named Guo Qing is okay to deal with ordinary hooligans, but it is the police station. Ah! What's more, there are people in Yang Kaiyuan!" Chen Weier opened his mouth and said incredulously.

"Do you believe me?" I said to Chen Weier.

"..." Chen Weier was silent, although she did not say anything, but still took her mother to stand up.

I reached out and stopped a sat up.

"Go to the police station!" I said to the driver.

When we first entered the police station building, we were stopped by a small police officer on duty: "You three, what?"

"I want to ask, has your office just arrested a person?" I asked.

"I don't have to tell you if you don't catch people. If you have nothing to do, then go quickly. If you don't even walk, you will catch it!" said the police.

I didn't take care of him, but I took out my big brother from my pocket and called Jiang Yongfu's phone.

"Hey, Jiang, ah, I am Liu Lei." I said to the phone, you are welcome.

"Oh, Liu brother, what are you looking for?" Jiang Yongfu said quickly.

"I am downstairs in the police station, and I am not allowed to go in the door." I said to the phone.

"What is still troublesome Liu brothers to run a slap in the face, give me a call is not enough!" Jiang Yongfu pretending to be unhappy.

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