Video Game Empire

Chapter 78: GameBoy

The next day, the headlines of all the newspapers in Hong Kong were once again wrapped up by Dongfang Electronics Company. "Hundreds of people attack the factory, throwing money to help students attract the jealousy of the community? ”, this is the horror title given by the “Oriental Daily”, the report directly exaggerated the number of flyers who attacked the Dongfang Electronics Factory from 40 to 100.

And the "Oriental Daily" didn't mention it at all. The fact that the factory of the gangster's cottage was closed down by the police was the fuse of the incident. On the contrary, they imagined the incident as a large sum of money from Dongfang Electronics to the Chinese University, so it attracted the jealousy of the community and demanded to increase the protection fee. Dongfang Electronics refused, and was retaliated by the other party!

The whole article is not so much a true report as it is a story made up by a reporter. But neither the Shatin Police Station involved in the investigation nor the victim, Oriental Daily, made a public statement, which also gave them an excuse for their reverie. The report described Dongfang Electronics as a tragic victim attacked by evil forces, and asked why the Hong Kong government was indifferent to the deterioration of social order in Hong Kong.

Such a report is very consistent with Dongfang Electronics' position. In fact, there is the company's public relations department behind it. The large photo published on the front page together with the headline report was quietly provided by the company's public relations department as the whistleblower. A group of thugs armed with sticks and watermelon knives were rushing up the stairs with grim faces.

When the incident happened, the company specially took several cameras prepared in advance by special personnel, and captured a large number of photos from various angles. These were originally intended to be given to the police as evidence to be used to arrest the suspect. Because of the harassment of factories by organizations like Hong Kong, it is often dismissed due to lack of evidence.

This time, the public relations department carefully selected a batch of photos in advance and secretly provided them to various newspapers. The angles of these photos all showed the viciousness of the gangsters who came to smash and cause trouble. As long as the newspapers used these pictures, The position of the report that cooperates with the publication is definitely in favor of the Eastern Company.

Li Xuan came to the company early in the morning and was sitting there reading the newspaper. A star company that has just been chased by the media in Hong Kong and has not yet lost its popularity, suddenly broke such a big news, the enthusiasm of the reporters can be imagined. Under the intentional guidance and cooperation of the company's public relations department, in addition to Dongfang Electronics being placed as a victim who needs sympathy, the Hong Kong Police Force has been the first to be criticized by the Hong Kong media, which is considered to be the police's laxity and inaction. This will cause the social order in Hong Kong to deteriorate so much.

Li Xuan showed a smug smile on his mouth, one side was the surging pressure of public opinion, and the other side was the 2 million cash** of Dongfang Electronics. It is natural to imagine what choice the Hong Kong Police Force will make.

"Xuan Shao, this is the latest improved GameBoy, do you have any suggestions?"

Du Wenqiang walked into Li Xuan's office as if offering a treasure, took out a palm-sized handheld with an orange casing from his pocket, and handed it to Li Xuan with a smile. The disturbance yesterday did not affect the normal operation of the company. Li Xuan took over the new stuff that Fat Boy Du handed over, and the smile on his face became even better.

When Li Xuan came up with the Hong Kong cube, he knew that it was not an arcade game. The sales volume of Dongfang Electronics in recent months also proves this. The arcade price of Hong Kong cube is only two-thirds of the tank war, but the orders are still not as many as the latter.

Although the Hong Kong cube arcades sell well in the American market and the Japanese market, even if they are not comparable to the sales of Tank Wars, they can easily kill other arcades launched at the same time by companies such as Sega and Taidong.

But it can only be said that there is no tiger monkey in the mountains. The current arcade game screen is not as vivid and rich as it will be in a few years, so that such a casual game has become popular in the arcade market.

The most suitable game platform for Hong Kong cube is the handheld, which is the thing that Li Xuan is holding now. Li Xuan played Tetris for the first time in his previous life on a handheld device he borrowed from a classmate.

The handheld game consoles played by the post-90s and post-00s are mostly Sony's PSP, Nintendo's DNS, and Microsoft's Xbox. But for players born in the 1970s and 1980s, when it comes to handheld game consoles, the Nintendo GameBoy must come to mind.

There must be very few domestic players who have bought genuine GameBoy game consoles, and the price is directly a few hundred yuan when converted into RMB. That was a few hundred yuan in the 1990s, equivalent to half a month's salary for an ordinary worker.

But fortunately, there are domestic electronics factories, large and small, producing a wide variety of fake products and dishes, so that Chinese children, like children from other countries in the world, have spent a childhood with games and GameBoys.

Li Xuan took a closer look and found that the new handheld prototype in his hand was almost the same as the GameBoy he remembered, with the LCD screen on the top, the cross direction keys on the left and two function keys on the right.

Just last month, Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. submitted a global patent application for the design of the cross key. This is one of the important patents of Nintendo's **** of the game industry, and it is now in Li Xuan's pocket.

"This one has a small switch, you can pull it off and the whole game screen can be pulled out!" Du Wenqiang pointed out to Li Xuan the ingenious design of the game console.

According to Li Xuan's original idea, the game machine must be able to replace the game card, so that a steady stream of good games can be used to maintain the vitality of the game machine, and selling game cards is obviously more profitable than selling game machines.

Nintendo's GameBoy was actually its second handheld, and it wasn't released until 198-9. Before that, Nintendo launched the first handheld game console, GameWatch, which was truly popular all over the world as early as 1980. But the GameWatch was originally designed to be one game per machine, and no other games could be played on the console.

Li Xuan naturally didn't understand the reason why Nintendo did this before. When he developed his own handheld, he discovered the problem - the LCD screen. GameBoy, which can play new games by changing the game card, uses a dot-matrix LCD screen. But it's 1980, and the technology is immature.

Now the large-scale use and low price are printed LCD screens. As the name implies, the printed LCD screen is to print the pattern on the screen in This kind of screen is now widely used in electronic calculators.

If you carefully observe the display screen of the electronic calculator, even if there is no number displayed, you can vaguely observe a row of "8" on the blank screen, which is pre-printed on the screen.

This kind of technical limitation, even Li Xuan could not break through. Therefore, the design idea of ​​the first handheld computer of Dongfang Electronics Company can only display one kind of game on one screen. However, according to Li Xuan's request, the game screen and the ROM that solidifies the game content are designed together to form an easily detachable module, which is equivalent to an oversized game card with a screen.

The cost of this game card accounts for about half of the manufacturing cost of the whole machine, which means that when Dongfang Electronics Co. launches a new game, players can save half of the cost by buying a game card instead of repurchasing the whole machine. Low price is the basis for the expansion of the game's limited edition.

Li Xuan opened the game console named GameBoy by Dongfang Electronics. He was indeed quite shameless. He robbed other companies' games, even the name of the game console. In the future, the name GameBoy will have nothing to do with Nintendo.

The game card inserted in the handheld is a snake, yes, that little game that later became popular with Nokia mobile phones. This game is undoubtedly also very suitable for the handheld platform. It is simple and easy to play, but it makes people never get tired of playing.

Although Li Xuan loves to play games, his game skills are really bad. He only ate four or five bites. If he didn't turn around in time, the snake head hit the edge of the screen and GameOver was over. The game experts in the previous development team played the computer version of Snake, and the snake grew so long that it almost filled the entire screen.

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