He can do it! He can definitely do it!

Peter Parker (Dutch brother) said.

His face was solemn, but his eyes showed great faith!

Same as Spider-Man.

He believes that the person in the video can definitely do it!

Video continues.

Spider-Man didn't give up.

Instead, he frantically sprayed spider silk on the buildings on the left and right sides, and then held it tightly in his hands!


Squirt again!

Broken again!

Squirt again!

After several attempts!

Spider-Man clenched more spider silk tightly in his hands, like a slingshot, forcing the train to stop, and all his uniforms were torn apart due to the huge tension, and the locomotive behind him was even more dented inward, visible How terrifying is the power Spider-Man endures!

Boom, boom, boom! ! ——

Just when the hearts of countless people in the audience were jumping into their throats.

The train finally stopped at the end.

Spider-Man also fell into a coma.

But countless hands stretched out from the train and caught the hero steadily. After everyone passed him around, he lay firmly in the train carriage, where everyone admired him...!

Spider-Man perfectly illustrates what it means that with great power comes great responsibility.

Although his power is limited, his spirit is infinite!

But is there only one Spider-Man in the entire universe?

of course not!

Lin Lan's voice changed from calm to passionate.

All the people watching the video also have a strong sense of anticipation!

It was exactly what they thought.

There’s not just one Spider-Man!

So with strong curiosity, I continued reading!


[Thanks to readers dad 18779.... and 15623... for their monthly votes! 】

[Dear readers and fathers, please give me a ticket, I kowtow to you, bang bang bang! ! ! ].

6.Heroes are destined to be lonely! It’s hard to calm down!

With great power comes great responsibility! This saying is so true.

I didn't expect that a little mortal could be so perseverant. His spirit is commendable.

I thought these people were dead, but I didn't expect that he would use all his strength to stop the train. Even us, I'm afraid we can't do it, right?

Isn't it? I was moved to tears, especially when he fainted, those people stretched out their hands to catch him, proving that everything he did was worth it!

At this moment.

Countless people have been infected by Spider-Man's spirit.

Just when they wanted to continue watching.

But I didn't expect that there is more than one Spider-Man in this universe...!


Spare erqun bajiu (three) study (six) feed (four) durian

Sure enough, I knew it!

In an apartment building.

Peter Parker excitedly exclaimed.

When Spider-Man takes off his mask, not his visage.

He vaguely guessed that he might not be the only Spider-Man in the universe!

Ned on the side also opened his eyes wide, showing an expression of ecstasy!

There is actually more than one Spider-Man! Oh my god, this is so happy for me, a huge fan of Spider-Man.

Ned danced.

When you see Spider-Man take off his mask.

He couldn't wait to know.

What does the Spider-Man of their world look like.

But when he sees the truth, he will definitely be shocked...!

Peter Parker, on the other hand, is praying that this video will not expose him.


Then, the video continues.

But the background music is even sadder.

Every time the piano makes a sound, it is like a silver needle poking people's tear ducts, causing them to shed tears uncontrollably.

This generation of Spider-Man is lonely and entangled.

He was not born with spider silk, so he could only make it step by step with his hands.

Despite this, he still roams the city and fights criminals.

The mask and the night symbolize concealment.

Just like his fate, it is doomed to be full of hardships and dangers.

Lin Lan's deep voice added to the background music.

It made countless people's hearts sink.

Spider-Man has not yet appeared in the picture.

But they can already feel the loneliness of Spider-Man...

Video continues.

The Spider-Man of this world was bullied in high school because of his introversion, but he fell in love with the famous Gwen.

In an accident, he became Spider-Man. In order to protect the city, he must conceal his identity...

But that's it.

That made him very confused.

Even the audience can feel the same. This Spider-Man has endured too much.

It's really lonely. If I were a superhero, I would definitely show off to countless people.

But he didn't do that, didn't he? This further demonstrates his precious and noble spirit!

Video continues.

To stop the lizardmen.

Spider-Man has no choice but to reveal his identity in front of his girlfriend and her father.

However, just as he stood up from the ground, he was about to go further away.


A gunshot resounded throughout the space!

Spider-Man was shot in the leg!

Even though he was shot in the leg, he still didn't give up running! Because behind him, there were thousands of lights!

Lin Lan's voice became passionate,

Countless people were also in awe in their hearts.

They could see Spider-Man running lamely over the city, which was very distressing!

But at this moment.

All the cranes were angled at ninety degrees.

In order to allow Spider-Man to reach the city center smoothly, they encouraged their employees to take action!

So far.

Spider-Man moved quickly over the city and came to the location of the Lizard Man to fight with him!

But unexpectedly, his girlfriend's father died at the hands of a lizard man, and she promised him to stay away from his daughter...

See this scene.

Countless people are also extremely sad in their hearts.

Spider-Man is a hero though.

But the responsibilities he bears cannot be shared by ordinary people at all.

By his side, you will be implicated...

In front of a hero, there are always things more important than personal emotions.

It's just that for Spider-Man, this will be an everlasting regret...

Lin Lan's voice was full of sadness.

The music also stopped abruptly.

But the scene continues.

Countless people who were watching the video held their breath. In the video, Spider-Man's girlfriend Gwen fell rapidly from a high altitude. Just when everyone thought she was going to die, a spider silk firmly stuck to her!

Ha, I was scared to death!! I thought she was dead!!

Oh my god, the author of this video is so awesome. The music and clicks are just right! Fortunately, I saved my girlfriend!

Phew, I was scared to death...

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when they want to continue watching.

But suddenly I heard a cry...! ?

Video continues.

Even though Spider-Man's webbing pulled down Gwen.

But blood continued to ooze from the back of Gwen's head...

Then I saw Spider-Man take off his mask, revealing his helpless and extremely sad facial expression...

Hero is never a glamorous title.

Behind this title, there are many unknown bitter sufferings hidden...

He is lonely and troubled.

Hidden beneath the mask, he is a hero in people's minds!

But outside the mask, he is just an ordinary person who wants to stay with his girlfriend for a long time.

But in the end, he didn't get the future he wanted...

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