God Online.


At this time, Loki looked around with an embarrassed face, running is not, saying no, can only lower his head and remain silent.

“Father! The Rainbow Bridge was actually destroyed! Let me investigate and see which bastard it is! ”

Thor’s face was angry, and the rainbow bridge where he went to Earth was actually gone!

How is this possible, Heimdall, is he dead!


Odin’s Eternal Spear smashed heavily on the ground, causing violent fluctuations, and the entire palace trembled under this divine power.

The Asgardians looked at each other, and the original noise gradually quieted down.

“Thor, calm down, things haven’t happened yet!”

Thor is still the same, but much better than before.

After all, I suffered a loving education on Earth!

“Your younger brother will always be your younger brother, and the Rainbow Bridge is still there!” Odin glanced at Loki, who had a gloomy face, and whispered to Thor.

Even if he does something bad, it will be judged by Asgard!

Why does Loki have the Mind Gem in his hand?

What exactly happened in the future, he didn’t know, where did Loki’s army attacking Earth come from!?

The Queen of Heaven continued to comfort everyone on the side, looking at Loki’s hideous face, he couldn’t help sighing.

Let’s hope Loki doesn’t do anything out of the ordinary.

On Earth.

Tony looked at Loki with a solemn expression, this mythical evil god actually appeared, and it caused such a big impulse!

The Ark reactor he built himself actually became his tool.


【Screen continues】

[Loki came to Tony with a staff in his hand, looking like everything was in my hands, and ready to control Tony…]

[However, when the staff touched Tony’s chest, there was a metal clashing sound…]


[Loki frowned, what is the situation, why there is no response, so here it comes again…]

[“I’ve never missed it…”]

[Tony raised his eyebrows, and said with a look of concern for him: “It’s normal to play abnormally, don’t blame yourself so much…”

[Loki threw Tony out in anger, can’t control it, then die! ] 】

[But when Tony falls to the ground, he is about to smash on the ground and turn into a puddle of mashed meat…]

[At this moment, the Mark 7 armor flew out, and Tony successfully put on the new Mark armor! ] 】

[A laser shot knocked Loki away, Tony looked up at the dense army, there was no panic at all, some were just determined! ] 】

[“Come on… Army! “】

[Even if he was alone, he rushed forward without hesitation, he knew that if he didn’t make a move, mankind would face a devastating disaster! ] 】

[But the number of troops is too much, and people look at the army that appears in the sky in fear]

[The next moment, endless fire covered all streets, explosions roared, people screamed…]

[The originally prosperous streets are full of people’s corpses, and the fire burns the entire city of Newyue, like a purgatory on earth…]


Inside the Thanos Legion.

The five generals of Obsidian and the others looked at this familiar army, a little confused, isn’t this their army?

Why did it appear on Earth, and how is this Loki’s army?

If it was taken from Thanos, this would not be possible, and Loki was far from that strength.

It may just be that Thanos gave part of his army to Loki to invade Earth.

Ebony Throat thought of a lot at once, no wonder Loki had the Mind Gem.

“It looks like Loki’s plan failed!” Ebony Throat said displeased.

With the help of their army, Loki can lose, but what a dish!


【In the screen】

[Fleeing citizens, panic is spreading, and those police are powerless to face this situation…]

[This is completely different from the previous situation of emptying the magazine, and it is already thankful that you are not emptied…]

[Natasha and the others arrived with fighters, but they were hit by Loki’s magic bullet, hit the flight system, and fell to the ground…]

【Bang!!! 】

[In the void above the sky, a giant leviathan behemoth slowly descended, and countless people looked at this scene in shock…]


“Is this a real alien weapon?”

“I thought this world was an ordinary world of technology, it seems that I underestimated it…”

“This Nima is Star Wars!”

The people of the Marvel world watched this scene in horror.

This will happen in the near future, and countless people began to panic for a while.

They don’t have Dragon Balls, they can’t be resurrected, and if they die, they are really dead!

“Iron Man, the Avengers save us!”

Countless citizens stood outside Iron Man’s home, seeking refuge.

The idea that the army could protect them has been abandoned.

It is already excellent not to empty the magazine by a shuttle …


【In the screen】

[Countless warriors jumped out of the giant beast battleship and wantonly slaughtered humans…]

[Don’t believe Tony, until now they didn’t know that their world is not simple! ] 】

[Tony, who was constantly attracting fire in the air, asked eagerly: “Banner! Where is it! “】

【”Tell me as soon as there is news! “】

[After all, in this situation, it is difficult to fight without Banner, and the energy of the warframe will run out sooner or later! ] 】

[The battle between Thor and Loki on Stark Mansion is nearing its end, and Loki looks at the wanton slaughter of the people on the ground, and his heart is vaguely unbearable…]

“Loki, let’s stop him together! “】

[Loki shook his head, stabbed Thor’s waist, and hit it quickly! ] 】


“Loki! You actually put such a heavy hand on me! ”

Thor was furious when he saw this scene, I think you are a brother, you gave me a thorn in the back.

That’s the waist!

Loki pinned his head to the side and stopped looking at the silly brother.


[The American team quickly crossed through the crowd, protecting everyone…]

[Jumped directly in front of the policemen and began to command! ] 】

[But the police didn’t believe him, and inexplicably appeared wearing a tights and a scorched mask…]

[It wasn’t until he killed a monster three or two times that he immediately obeyed…”

[The Avengers began to assemble, Thor fell from the sky, the American team was just about to command, and there was a sound of motorcycles behind them…]

[The American team looked back and saw that Banner was riding his beloved little motorcycle over…]

“Stark, we’ve found him!”] “】

“Banner? “】


“Tell him to get ready, the is ready to begin!”] “】

[Tony successfully attracted the Behemoth Battleship, and wherever the Behemoth went, the buildings flew horizontally, turning into ruins in an instant, and Banner walked forward slowly…]

[Team America stepped forward and reminded: “Dr. Banner, it’s time for you to be angry!”] “】

[Banner glanced at the American team with an expression on his face, and said calmly: “Tell you a secret… Captain! “】

“I’ve been angry!!! “】

[Banner turned his head and looked at the giant beast rushing towards him, his face gradually turned green, his body size became larger, his clothes were torn, leaving only his pants, and he directly turned into a green monster! ] 】

[Hulk – Hulk! 】

【See! 】

[“Roar!!! “】

[Angry roar, Hulk pressed the head of the giant beast to the ground with one punch, and he was furious, grabbed the giant beast and hammered it to death! ] 】

[The surrounding soldiers roared, but the voice of the Hulk alone instantly overshadowed them! ] 】

[The Avengers are gathered together and face these armies! ] 】


Pirate World.

Luffy couldn’t help but exclaim when he saw Hulk’s powerful body.

This is simply a humanoid monster!

If he can have such a large body, can he also have such great strength?


[They soon separated quickly under the command of the American team…]

[“Hulk! “】

[The Hulk looked back at Team America fiercely…]

[“It’s up to you! “】

[The Hulk smiled evilly, and Yu Guang glanced at the Black Widow…]

[Instantly jump into the distance, grab a soldier and smash it! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, countless soldiers were smashed by the Hulk against the wall…]

【Bang bang!!! 】

[Berserk Hulk, at this time, is the berserker of the battlefield, the enemy’s harvester! ] 】

[Thunder God triggered thunder, countless soldiers were chopped into ashes…]

[Tony constantly pins down the enemy, and the damage to the army cannot be underestimated…]

[The Hulk jumped in front of Loki and knocked him off in an instant!] 】

[Loki climbed up and said angrily: “Enough! “】

“What are you all! “】

“I am God! You idiot! “】

“You want to insult me!”] You this…”

[Loki didn’t finish speaking, Hulk grabbed Loki’s calf, slammed it back and forth, and smashed it wildly! ] 】

[Bang! Bang! Bang! 】

[Loki was smashed, doubtful of life lying in the pit, his eyes were dull…]

[Hulk spat with disdain]

[“The weakly exploded god…”]


“Lying in the groove, it hurts to look at…”

“This Hulk is so fierce, much fiercer than the Berserker…”


Loki’s eyes were dull, his mouth was slightly open, he swallowed his spit unconsciously, and his calves couldn’t help but tremble a little.

“Loki, you… Forget it…”

Thor just wanted to say something, but looking at his appearance, he wanted to laugh but couldn’t laugh out loud.

Loki is directly faceless at this time, social… No… Worldwide death!


[Just as the Avengers were struggling to resist these invaders, the upper echelons were preparing to destroy the city of Newyue with a nuclear bomb because of Hydra! ] 】

[When Tony learned, in order to protect the people of the entire city, he carried a nuclear bomb alone to the space tunnel…]


“Lie down, don’t come here!”

The soldiers of the Thanos Legion were directly dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Don’t come!

The nuclear bomb was dropped by you humans yourself, what kind of ability is it to put us!


“Sir, do you want me to call Miss Potts?”] “】

【”Let’s get in touch…”】

[Until Tony carried the nuclear bomb into the space tunnel, he didn’t get in touch… The Warframe has also run out of energy and has fallen to the ground…]

[Tony saw the dense army ahead, his heart trembled, it turned out that only a small part of the attack came…]

[The nuclear bomb exploded like the shining starlight in the starry sky! ] 】

【Boom!!! 】

[The fleet was destroyed at this moment and turned into a cloud of dust in the universe…]

[The armor that has lost all its energy is descending extremely quickly, but fortunately there is a Hulk to save it…]

[Stark Mansion, smashed Loki, collapsed on the ground, watching the Avengers stand in front of him, completely giving up resistance…]

[“If you can…”]

“I want that drink…”]

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